is it possible to display database values in a .html form using php.

This is my .html form and I want to display values from mysql in the form fields.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Bursary application</title>
<form action="config.php" method="post">
    <label for="surname">Surname:</label><input id="surname" type="text" name="surname" value="<?php echo $surname;?>">
    <label for="names">Names:</label><input id="names" type="text" name="names" value="<?php echo $name;?>">
    <label for="birthdate">Date Of Birth:</label><input id="birthdate" type="date" name="birthdate" value="<?php echo $birthdate;?>"><br><br>
    <label for="email">Email</label><input id="email" type="email" name="email" value="<?php echo $email;?>"><br><br>
    <label for="gender">Gender:</label></div>
    <label for="gender">Male</label><input id="gender" type="radio" name="gender" value="Male">
    <label for="gender">Female</label><input id="" type="radio" name="gender" value="Female">
<div>    <label for="postad">Postal Address:</label><input id="postad" type="text" name="postad" value="">
<div>    <label for="residential">Residential Address:</label><input id="residential" type="text" name="residential" value="">
<div>    <label for="homephone">Phone(Home):</label><input id="homephone" type="tel" name="homephone" value="">
<div>    <label for="workphone">Phone(Work):</label><input id="workphone" type="tel" name="workphone" value="">
<div>    <label for="mobile">Phone(Cell):</label><input id="mobile" type="tel" name="mobile" value="">
    <label for="image">Email:</label><input id="image" type="file" name="image" value="">
<input type="submit" value="apply" name="apply">
Member Avatar for diafol

You can display php in normal html files by addinng to your htaccess file:

AddType application/x-httpd-php .html .htm

If I place the .htaccess file in a directory will it manipulate all the files there.

Member Avatar for diafol

Yes. Have you tried it?

yes it still doesn't work. form.JPG

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Do you have php running?

Yes I do.

Member Avatar for diafol

SHow your .htaccess file and your directory structure

AddType application/x-httpd-php .html .htm
Member Avatar for diafol

Strange. Looks OK to me. Sorry, anybody else?

It is imposible to run PHP in a .html file. But as we are students of how to code we can try different ways. You should use iframe to include the php within the html page.

commented: bad advice -3
Member Avatar for diafol

@safeer008. It is not, I assure you. You do not need to resort to using an iframe for anything like this.

The link you provide is a general one, that leads me to think that the site may be yours or you are affiliated with it. If you do not wish to be called out for spamming, please link to relevant pages. That was not relevant.

Member Avatar for diafol

Here's my output, just to prover that it can be done, regardless of what safeer seems to think:

Directory Structure


.htaccess content


me.html content (pure php)


browser output


silly question:
Are you actually using a Apache server?

Hi Diafol,
When I do it the way you did it, 'echo Hello' it works perfectly but putting it in the value attribute of the form it doesn't.
Anyway I'm trying to use the same HTML form to create a profile as well as to update it. Would you advise on that?

Member Avatar for diafol

You can certainly re-use a form. No issue with that. You just need to change the action value.

If you've got the form in its own include file, you can do this:

form include file (formfile.php)
    $fields = ['surname','names','birthdate','email', 'gender', 'postad']; //etc

    foreach($fields as $field)
        $$field = (!isset($row[$field])) ? '' : $row[$field];

    $action = (isset($update)) ? 'updateUser.php' : 'createUser.php';
<form action="<?=$action?>" method="post">
<!-- rest of form -->

If you want a create form. Just do...

include 'formfile.php';

If you want an update form:

// $row from your DB query
$update = true;
include 'formfile.php';

There are many variations on a theme, but I've found that keeping a consistent look and feel to a create and update form is a good thing.

Great thanks you're a blessing. You've been really helpful.

PHP variables etc do not show up in a file named something.html, unless you go through all the things they mention above. Which is not actually the right way to work.

The correct way is to name your file as a .php file, and of course to connect to your database and retrieve the info needed using a query, then assign the returned data to variables. Or if you are reusing a form, start with the form named as a .php file.

Then all this playing with .htaccess becomes totally unnecessary.

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