Hello, I'm trying to take a C array of char's and trying to take all of the spaces out of it. Yet I keep running into a segmentation fault. Can anyone help me here?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int strlen(char* Str) {
    int toret=0;
    int i=0;

    char tmp = ' ';

    while (tmp != '\0') {
        toret += 1;
        tmp = Str[i];

    return toret;

char* deblank(char* OrgStr) {

    char* chr1 = OrgStr;
    char* chr2;

    int len = strlen(OrgStr);

    char* NewStr = (char*) malloc(len + 1);

    int i=0;
    int j=0;

    while (len >= 0) {
        *chr1 = OrgStr[j];
        if (*chr1 != ' ') {
            NewStr[i] = *chr1;

    NewStr[i] = '\0';
    return NewStr;

int main(void) {


    char* test = "Hello there";
    char* b = deblank(test);
    printf("%s\n%s\n", test, b);

    return 0;
  1. Why did you write your own strlen function?
  2. Should your strlen function return the same value as cstring's strlen function?
  3. If so, you need to rewrite strlen because it gives bad results (i.e. "a" will return 2, not 1).

1. I couldn't find which header strlen is in :/
2. It should. But I'm not sure what it's supposed to return.
3. Well in that case, I'll just have it return -1 than what it usually does.

And it still says segmentation fault

1. I couldn't find which header strlen is in :/
2. It should. But I'm not sure what it's supposed to return.
3. Well in that case, I'll just have it return -1 than what it usually does.

And it still says segmentation fault

It's defined in cstring.


Returns the length of str.

The length of a C string is determined by the terminating null-character: A C string is as long as the amount of characters between the beginning of the string and the terminating null character.

I can't guarantee that your strlen will ALWAYS return one less than the real strlen. I didn't look at the code. I just tested it with "a". In that particular case, your strlen returned one greater than it should have.

For debugging purposes, use the real strlen function above and see if that gets rid of the seg fault.

Your problem is probably that your program is trying to remove blanks in place, but on line 50 you're calling it with a string literal as its arguments. Compilers are permitted to write-protect the contents of string literals, and many of them do these days.

As a quick check of what your implementation does, try the following:

int main()
    char* p = "foo";
    *p = ' ';

and see what it does.

Yes, it said "segmentation fault" yet again. What do I do with this?

What do I do with this?

Don't use string literals. Use character arrays and use strcpy to put a string in them.

Replace code like this:

char* test = "Hello there";

with something like this:

char test[20]; // 20 is just a number bigger than the length of the string.
strcpy(test, "Hello there");
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