63 Topics

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Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

Having just acquired a Raspberry Pi Model 3, I am attempting to set it up as an NAS. So far I have set up the Raspberry Pi OS and configured samba. It appears to be working fine except for one minor problem. While I can remote in using TightVNC, I …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for lewashby

I just set up a samba media server and I got it up and running but it currently has to have a username and password to access the files. Do you know lines I need to edit in these two files to allow anyone, user or not to access the …

Member Avatar for mister_X_men125
Member Avatar for Octet

I was struggling to find a good place to put this one, should it go in the Linux forums, should it go in the Windows forums? Anyway, networking seemed like as good a place as any so here goes: I'm currently setting up a SAMBA file server which I am …

Member Avatar for Octet
Member Avatar for RickCJ7

I am switching our file server from Windows to Linux (Ubuntu Server 12.04) and am using Samba. I was able to successfully set up all the folders needed with the same name that was on Windows. However, there are two folders on the Windows share that is being used by …

Member Avatar for TylerD75
Member Avatar for PhilEaton

Hi! I have a work Samba file server on Ubuntu Server 12.04. I can successfully add small files to it like docs and pdfs. However when I try to add a large file, for instance a 1.2gb video file, the server appears to timeout after appearing to be halfway completed. …

Member Avatar for lewashby

I'M reading "Linux + Guide to Linux Certification" and I've come to samba and I'M having trouble understanding a few things. The book says I need to add a username and password on the Linux system that corresponds to the username and password on the Windows clients? And then another …

Member Avatar for androtheos
Member Avatar for lewashby

Just got ubuntu server up and running and now I'M trying to get samba installed on it. When I type samba at the prompt it says "samba not sintallled type sudo apt-get install samba4" to install samba. When I do I get the following. Reading package list...done Building dependancy tree …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for fuggles

I am setting up a samba server. When I place the folders that Samba will use inside of the /tmp folder, everything works fine. However, when I try to use a directory that I created, it will not let me access it from another computer. I have given public permissions …

Member Avatar for manojsamtani
Member Avatar for Dani

[b]What's Samba? [/b] Samba allows linux computers to share files and printers across a network connection. By using its SMB protocol, your linux box can appear in Windows Network Neighborhood or My Network Places just like any other windows machine. You can share files this way, as well as printers. …

Member Avatar for xiejiangtian
Member Avatar for gunnarflax

Hello! I just want everyone to know that I'm a linux beginner and have just started learning beyond the very basics. The problem I'm having is that only one account can access the shared folders (and it's not root) and I've been searching the internet like crazy but still haven't …

Member Avatar for weasel7711

I am have a small Ubuntu based file server running in a small business. I set up Samba and I can log in to the server and RW files to the directory on the server from the windows machines. There is, however, another folder within the shared directory which has …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for weasel7711

I have set up a Samba file server on linux that is hosting files for my windows dominant network. However, even though I've changed: [code]workgroup = WORKGROUP[/code] to [code]workgroup = ExampleWRKGRP[/code] Then I restarted Samba. It still shows up in the windows network in the workgroup "WORKGROUP" What am I …

Member Avatar for Yudi Purwanto

Hello all ... i'm still new in linux networking ... my office use mandriva 2005 w/ samba as the file server and all client using win Xp to access the shared folder on that server I need your help about these matter : 1. how to config mandrake/samba to detect …

Member Avatar for madhanoct
Member Avatar for andreski

Hi: I have a working samba file share server working ok. But all users have to join using the same login/password. I need every user have is own folder, unvisible to others users and password protected. These folders are used as backups, and added to shared folderd shorcuts. I use …

Member Avatar for connColl

Hello, <br /><br /> We are struggling with getting IIS 6 (Win 2003 server) to connect to a Samba share that contains some dynamically generated resources. We are able to mount the drive on the Windows server and create a Virtual Directory to that new drive using 'Connect As' with …

Member Avatar for HoWS

Hello, I'm a newbies with Linux RedHat. I've followed your instructions on how to configure the samba and now I can see my linux server from Win98 computer. My problem is how to create a new user. Let say, I logged in as win98 from Win98 PC and wanted to …

Member Avatar for rohitmehta
Member Avatar for notuserfriendly

Hello i have ubuntu . I can rightclick on any folder and share it and i am able to view them from my windows xp machine and another linux machine at home. but when i try to share stuff from the a second HardDrive from the said ubuntu machine , …

Member Avatar for khess

Do you need to connect your Linux Desktops or Servers to Microsoft's Active Directory (AD)? If you do, now you can learn how to do it straight from the source at Microsoft's TechNet site in the article: [URL="http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/dd228986.aspx"]Authenticate Linux Clients with Active Directory[/URL]. Do you wonder why you'd want to …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for NeoKyrgyz

Hi, I've a *ix machine and I need to share some folders with Windows users. I use samba for this purposes. Samba is set-up and works fine. All windows users use one id to mount (net use) samba drive. But the problems is that when user tries wrong password 3(or …

Member Avatar for NeoKyrgyz
Member Avatar for josh2

Hello, I've recently setup samba to run on my server, and it works perfectly well within my LAN. I can access all the shares.. However, I cannot access the shares over the internet. I've tried connecting by IP and by name, but it fails either way. The ports are forwarded …

Member Avatar for DimaYasny
Member Avatar for jbennet

This is a Samba Tutorial. Its for getting a linux server to replace a basic (windows NT4 level of functionality) server, perhaps in a costcutting scenario, to serve files to windows (nt4 to xp) clients. A good idea for a small home server (provided you have xp pro clients, home …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for shwick

When I share a new folder on my XP box it isn't picked up by samba after a while. If I immediately connect to the network and share a folder samba picks it up. After about 10 minutes if I share another folder samba won't pick it up. I notice …

Member Avatar for shwick
Member Avatar for shwick

I'm having many little problems with my gigabit network. My hard drive reads at 85 MB/s, so why am I downloading from the ftp server at 68 MB/s? How could I diagnose what is eating those 17 MB/s? Why does my windows machine have a slow 326 Mbit/s transmit speed …

Member Avatar for shwick
Member Avatar for topher

So I read the techpost article on setting up samba to be accessed by windows computer (good article for a newbie) by cscgal. However, being new to Linux, the config settings are eluding me to set the share up to be accessed by clients on my win2k AD network. I …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for shwick

Running ubuntu 8.04 and Samba version 3.0.28a. I'm trying to restrict the number of directories users can share with the "usershare max shares" option. I set it to 3 but I can still share directories with 10 files in them from my windows machine (XP). Here is smb.conf. [CODE] [global] …

Member Avatar for shwick
Member Avatar for solo

Hi, I've been trying to figure out how to log on from my xp box to the samba server running on a redhat 9.0 box. Everything seems proper, I can access locally from the linux box and the xp can see the samba server too. When I double click from …

Member Avatar for ibi001
Member Avatar for coleon1955

I have a Win 2k AD domain controller, how do I access the network from a Redhat 8 box. I am new to Linux so take it slowly. I read a couple of articles about Samba. Is Samba something separate I have to install on top of Redhat, or is …

Member Avatar for ibi001
Member Avatar for OlyComputers

I'm reworking my networking scheme and I wanted to make my network file shares accessible via WAN. Rather than dealing with VPN through varying network configurations when I travel I want to make all my file server FTP. Would there be any problems with this? I know that FTP transfers …

Member Avatar for bdb4269

I am running some makeshift tar backups, because our tape drive is broken. The target location of the tar file is a mounted samba share on another server on the network. Once the tar file reaches 2 GB, I get the following error. [CODE]backupjob.bash: line 79: 25891 Broken pipe[/CODE] This …

Member Avatar for Fest3er
Member Avatar for RBIaIS

I have a bit of an odd one here and I am hoping someone might have a clue as to what I am missing... The plan was to take a Fedora 3 2TB server and replace it with a Fedora 7 4TB server. The system has been duplicated and the …


The End.