63 Topics

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Member Avatar for jrwilmoth

Hello, I have used different versions of Samba over the years and always had this problem: My SMP P2-450 Slot1 OpenSuse 10.0 server is supposed to be a really stable file server, among other things. And that it is! ... except for the file server part. Whenever I try to …

Member Avatar for pir800

Hello All, I am new to the forum and have a bit of a problem... I am trying to change the windows generated UID numbers to specific UIDs when I log in to the linux machines. I am having trouble changing the UIDs to specific numbers. I downloaded and installed …

Member Avatar for alienlinux
Member Avatar for ajayyadavmca

I want to mount windows share folder in linux. I m using Samba.. please tell me i need to do some thing on windows side or not.. I m able to see linux folder in windows ... but not reverse... i given command.. mount -t smbfs -o username=guest // /mnt/ntserver …

Member Avatar for wackley
Member Avatar for Reginald0

Hi, folks! I recently forced to upgrade my systems from RHEL3 to RHEL4, due to new software requirements, and now I'm having some weird problems with Samba: 1) When I mount Windows shares using smbmount, I can write to a share normally, but if this share contains many files (I …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for jbennet

Ok, feel free to move this to the networking forum Basically I have a debian etch server up and running and have installed samba but the bad news is my meddling has deleted the smb.conf file. Can anyone give me one suitable for the following setup no security - full …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for chrisondo

Please help: This is what I am trying to do... I want to have one shared folder called "shared folder" on my linux box. I want it to be accessable to everyone on the workgroup. Like a shared folder with zero security, so everyone has access to the folder from …

Member Avatar for sn4rf3r
Member Avatar for jbennet

XP cant do domain controller etc.... and home has no passwords or ACLs so how about a windows port of samba? It would basically turn an xp home machine into a 2k3 server

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for gegestic

Hello all, I have successfully installed samba 3.0.22 on my sol 9 e250 machine. I created my share but when i try to get to my share from my windows machine, it prompts me for my username and passwd, i enter it and it just comes back prompting me for …

Member Avatar for geoff menner
Member Avatar for R!ker02

First of all I would like to thank CSCGAL for a very informative tutorial on setting up samba. As you may well have guessed I am a linux newbie. I went through the tutorial and executed all of the steps as described... but when I restarted samba and tested the …

Member Avatar for test
Member Avatar for Joncamp

I have tried the instructions from Red Hat, the instructions from a guy on JustLinux.org and I cant get Samba to work. I downloaded the latest version of Samba and it installed ok. I can view shares on Linux from the Windows machines, but I cant write files in the …

Member Avatar for DMR
Member Avatar for Joncamp

I'm setting up Linux with Samba on a small LAN for a friend. I got everything working except on the Windows computers I can't go to the files under a shared folder (shared on the Samba computer), I can view the Samba shares from the Windows computers but just cant …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for yavista

Hello, I've done a 1 page tutrial on my site to show how I set up SMB file sharing on my dell dimesion 2400 running Mandriva. Has anyone tried Fedora 5 yet? I may install fedora, and do a similar tutorial if anyone is interested. Is "kcmshell fileshare" a generic …

Member Avatar for TKSS
Member Avatar for condorcanqui

I have downloaded samba but i do not know how to install it Somebody told me that i would have to do it by commands, i have tried to look inside the folder i downloaded and it does not seem to have a .exe file is my firs time trying …

Member Avatar for tarsis
Member Avatar for Cr4nberry

Hello. I'm sorry, I mistake the place to post replies. But I'm on the way now. I was saying that I just read your "How to Configure Samba on RedHat Linux" tutorial. I configured my samba server and I could connect my shared folder on localhost. But here is the …

Member Avatar for DMR
Member Avatar for Dani

I'm having a huge problem trying to get samba to work. I want to be able to put my Redhat 7.3 box onto my Windows workgroup. My linux box can see my windows pcs fine, but not the other way around. My linux box appears in Network Neighborhood in windows, …

Member Avatar for outlook
Member Avatar for til

hi guys, strange problem, I discovered samba has been deleted at no fault of my own. Just deleted..... I noticed the firewall was switched off too which is concerning. I must have switched the firewall off to test something and never turned it back on.. When linux loads it says …

Member Avatar for Cain
Member Avatar for bungilo

I using Knoppix 3.7 on two machines, one with kernel 2.4.27 and the other with 2.6.9. I running freevo on the 2.6.9 box and samba (latest debian version, 3.0.x I think) on the 2.4.27 one. The samba server has two usb 250GB drives (one of the shared as the /tv …

Member Avatar for bungilo
Member Avatar for kennic

When XP SP1 client access to SAMBA server, Quota do work. Share drive isn't show limit capacity. On the other hand, it show fully capacity. Why? How can i do? Thx! < My Linux is Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES 3 quota 3.09-1 & samba-3.0.0-14.3E >

Member Avatar for TheOgre
Member Avatar for Firewing1

Hi, I've been trying to get SMB and SAMBA working, and I've been having a few problems. I have succeded creating a connection from my Mac (MAC OS X, v. 10.2.8 ) and Windows XP home, but I can't get it to work with Linux! First, when my Linux was …

Member Avatar for TheOgre
Member Avatar for Dani

Please help me, folks :) I have an OS 10.3 machine and a Windows XP Professional machine on the same workgroup / LAN. I use Samba to share files between them, and that works just fine. I also have my mac set up to share its printers. Therefore, my Windows …

Member Avatar for Laser
Member Avatar for silvi

hello everybody, I m a newbie working in linux platform.My GUI version is Redhat 8.0 Now, we have got a LAN in our office consisting of some 7 computers. Mine is linux platform rest 6 are working in windows 98 , now i have configured samba server on my linux …

Member Avatar for DMR
Member Avatar for samueloryem

i have just joint the forum and i like it alot. I have a problem on mail, here it goes. One of my users could not recieve her E-mail she called and told me that her friend tried to send her mail but could not go through because her inbox …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for condorcanqui

I have downloaded the tar.gz file When i unzipped it it says samba 3. something I go to the console and and i go to the directory where is the samba folder is locate it And the nexty step it says to type ./configure but when i do that is …

Member Avatar for WEATHER CHANNEL
Member Avatar for jleach45

I'm trying to setup samba. I did everything according to the book. When I type in, in the web browser: localhost:901 the error is "connection is refused"????:cry:

Member Avatar for TheOgre
Member Avatar for essolinux

I have peer-to-peer network. One of the computers is running WinXP, the other one Red Hat 9. I've been trying to setup Samba to bee able to see linux from my windows machine. I can see windows from linux machine, but not the other way around. Any suggestions are welcome. …

Member Avatar for essolinux
Member Avatar for salvatore

Setup: RedHat 9 running Samba, Windows XP Professional connecting successfully to the RH box. I can map a drive from Windows to RH, but cant print to the RH box. Here's my smb.conf file: *** [root@home salvatore]# cat /etc/samba/smb.conf ; /etc/smb.conf ; ; Make sure and restart the server after …

Member Avatar for WEATHER CHANNEL
Member Avatar for Dani

I was just moving some stuff around on my Windows XP machine. So that I wouldn't run out of room moving between partitions, I moved a bunch of stuff to a Samba share on my Linux machine (via My Network Places in WinXP). I had thought I had moved the …

Member Avatar for TKSS
Member Avatar for spikes

Hi All, i have an AD win2k network with two redhat 8 boxes to run the intranet. all the win2k boxes can access the redhat boxes through samba, the problem i have is that a new machine running xp pro cant get in to samba. when i type in the …

Member Avatar for TheOgre
Member Avatar for Dani

Does anyone know of a robust samba browser that will let me browse my Windows shares on 10.3? Finder is too quirky for me - especially in Panther.

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for spikes

Hi All, i have an AD win2k network with two redhat 8 boxes to run the intranet. all the win2k boxes can access the redhat boxes through samba, the problem i have is that a new machine running xp pro cant get in to samba. when i type in the …


The End.