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458 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for The Dude
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Xeros606

Why is everybody handing out code snippets to the OP here ? Not to mention some of you have got the assignment wrong completely. If you could see two of the more senior pros here have both given the solution without providing the code for it. Thats the way it …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for kazek

There are two ways you can do this. One of them is as described above to pack all .class into one executable jar file which can then be run on any PC that has JRE installed. This can be done through the use of a manifest file (you need to …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for jazz_vill

What you could is traverse the entire string, character by character. At each character, check the char and increase it's count. You would have to maintain 26 different counters - one for each letter of the alphabet. Use the switch-case construct to check the chars. Something like below: [CODE]switch(char){ case …

Member Avatar for Reshma_2
Member Avatar for kiroyzki

No problem in the class. When you run the program you need to use just the class name drop the .java file extension. javac invokes the compiler and transforms the source file (.java) into a bytecode file (.class) then you run the program by supplying the compiled bytecode file (.class) …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Doctor Inferno
Member Avatar for sk8ndestroy14
Member Avatar for vedmack

[URL=""]iText[/URL] is a free, open source Java to PDF converter and it offers much more.

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for mathewshiby

[QUOTE=Black Box;483783]What do you mean exactly? Should I start throwing random programming topics at you? [I]Persistence, multithreading,...[/I] Maybe random OOP topics? [I]Inheritance, polymorphism,...[/I] Black Box[/QUOTE] These certainly won't be project topics as such...;) BTW commenting on the original post. I am surprised at just how many of these developers can't …

Member Avatar for Meir David
Member Avatar for thijo

Take a look at the [URL=""]Java I/O[/URL] package. I am sure it's a monster containing hundreads of classes but it present as many ways as there can be to write to a file in Java. OR You can use a [URL=""]PrintWriter[/URL] over an OutputStream like the [URL=""]FileOutputStream[/URL]. The FileOutputStream can …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for christiangirl

The helper himself needs help ? Better tell the student to look at other places for solution I guess that way he would reach the solution faster. Why follow a bigger loop of he asking you and you asking us, that way he won't be able to understand how one …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for sillyboy

"Eye of the Tiger" - Survivor No, that I was listening to some time before. Let me tell you the truth, but this is Hindi. "Masakali" - Delhi 6

Member Avatar for Helianthus
Member Avatar for Scuppery
Member Avatar for webman07

@webman07 & newbie_mysql: Firstly webman07, trudge isn't wrong, let alone being arrogant. He just pointed you in the right direction. When posting on a forum its always good to know what the the forum has to offer, it's rules etc so you know your way around. Wasn't webman07 able to …

Member Avatar for Biiim
Member Avatar for verruckt24

I have seen several posters asking for help on programs converting an Infix expression to a Postfix one. I have written a program to convert a simple Infix expression to a Postfix one so that people here can be directed towards some sample code from which they get the idea …

Member Avatar for verruckt24
Member Avatar for adkool

I used to use Firefox previously now I like the lightweight Google Chrome. But it is true that firefox has some best add-ons xmarks,download manager and Adblock plus so in my opinon yes it is the best one around. Also I have noticed while developing web apps that IE produces …

Member Avatar for crunchie
Member Avatar for sandadps

Such databases are often only sold commercially, if you are ready to pay a fee, [URL=""]ip2location[/URL] has just what you want.

Member Avatar for iw2011
Member Avatar for krovi

Your question doesn't make any sense at all do you understand that ? When you say "difference" it could be like what is the "difference" between iPad and iPad2 or between Windows XP and Windows Vista etc The difference is what the difference is between any two successive versions of …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for PHIPH

Please take time to read the sticky at the start of the forum. It does mention a lot of stuff beginners might need. Also read some of the forum rules. Before you ask a question it is always a good thing to see whether it is already answered. In the …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Dranip

[QUOTE]How long can some take to Master java programming?[/QUOTE] No one can answer this. Because the true masters are so deeply engrossed in what they do, they are so blissfully doing the thing that to them it no longer is work, it's play. Those ones would have lost the track …

Member Avatar for verruckt24
Member Avatar for Nickair

The "easiest" way to "dumb" programming is to download an IDE for a langauge when you are an infant in it. An IDE would pamper you with most things that should absolutely be not given to you at this stage. Take a look at the sticky at the top of …

Member Avatar for Sonny101
Member Avatar for topaz

@ Nikhil: Wouldn't it be better to check the date before posting. the question was asked almost 5 years ago.

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for PhiberOptik

If you are a beginner and would really like to take your skills to the next level, I recommend you use an Editor that offers the most basic capabilities, since it has been a personal observation that the more advanced IDEs people tend to use the more dependent they become …

Member Avatar for mjason
Member Avatar for sj5536

In addition to what masijade said: Write a manifest file which could be as simple as Main-Class: <MainClass Name> Version: 1.0 Put this manifest file inside the JAR so that it runs when double-clicked if that's what you are looking for.

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for kxpatel29
Member Avatar for kxpatel29
Member Avatar for Anuradha Mandal

What is the name of the file you have written this code into ? It should be named exactly what the public class in it is named which is [B]ImageDrawingApplet[/B]. The compiler clearly tells you the error and also marks the line in error: [I][B]\src\javaapplication19\ class ImageDrawingApplet is public, should …

Member Avatar for varshakite_21
Member Avatar for Ghost

Alright curiosity is one reason, but beyond that I would like to know the point of such question not that I am against asking of it or something like that, but I just want to know the reason. Is it that you have already got the certificate and want to …

Member Avatar for hamzat1995
Member Avatar for rahini

[QUOTE]How to simulate protocols in Computer Networks[/QUOTE] You know what... I can read your mind even while you are offline and exactly know which protocol you want to simulate on what networks and what your assumptions/restrictions are.....But I simply DO NOT want to to help.

Member Avatar for mni
Member Avatar for peter_budo

If you observe more closely all the characters that have managed to get convered are from the set Latin-1 (0080-00FF) such as Á - \u00c1, ú - \u00fa, á - \u00e1, í - \u00ed. The only character that is not from the Latin-1 set but still gets converted is š …

Member Avatar for quuba
Member Avatar for vasunttfshimoga

Why don't you look it up on the internet. Try finding answers to such questions by searching them on the internet, instead of asking forum members. This will save you time too as also you would have the oppurtunity to learn something else with that.

Member Avatar for stultuske

The End.