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372 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for The Dude

repetitive references to Chrome OS are slowly creating one unhappy little bedlamite NB: no cheating on this one:D

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for zack_rage

[QUOTE=PC Agent;837527]A good free antivirus would be AVG.[/QUOTE] Oh HELL NO!! That one has more false positives than almost anything else I've encountered, and no way to temp disable via sys tray for those times you need to. First vote has to go to Symantec Endpoint Protection (is corporate tho) …

Member Avatar for Jur_1
Member Avatar for francisabey
Member Avatar for happygeek

[QUOTE=Buckupprincess;938379]You can do it through windows photo gallery but then you have to go into options every time in order to change the scan to location. Unless I just don't see an easy way to browse.[/QUOTE] A) I never use the buttons or 3rd party tools to do my scanning; …

Member Avatar for msadique
Member Avatar for happygeek

@asclinton & Labraat. Could we all PLEASE stop demonising MS for winding down support for XP? NO other OS edition/flavour has continued to receive patches and support for even half as long as either XP or even Win2k (I really do dare someone to find one SINGLE sample to contradict …

Member Avatar for Tcll
Member Avatar for jephthah

Quick question... how could anyone actually "win", when no doubt likely someone will being adding a comment three years down the track??

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for rkvandyk

Once is sent, barring that 0.001% chance you have the same email client (such as Outlook), with similar settings, all you can really do is float an extra email to apologise for mishap and move on. At the end of the day, we're all human and we all goof up …

Member Avatar for ajithmattam
Member Avatar for Cygnus333

Don't often do batch conversions my self, do know Divx Pro does allow batch conversion of multiple files w/o changing the resolution properties - but is not free. MediaCoder is another tool have used - can run batches with or without tweaking any of the resolution/audio properties. Is a little …

Member Avatar for SaintAce
Member Avatar for Dani

[QUOTE=beeerlover;873039]Not only illegit windows users want to disable, but many people like to only install the updates they chose as opposed to letting Bill dump in anything he wants.[/QUOTE] Actually is not all that hard to dupe MS into thinking that "obtained" copy of Windows is perfectly legit, so no …

Member Avatar for deyamag
Member Avatar for suganyabavani

As to a bare-bones DLL "cracker", have used [URL=""]this[/URL] tool in the past (in days of re-skinning XP). As to an all-in-one plain language dll decrypter?? Dream on!! To break down a DLL file, you need to have at least a basic understanding of the type of DLL file you …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for vishalkhialani

Hmmm - was about to suggest [URL=""]Xara[/URL]. Their image editor is a combination of vector and raster, making it extremely powerful. Having builds specifically coded for Linux, you're not looking at porting issues. As to Gimp - thank GOD I'm not the only one to see what a piece of …

Member Avatar for lovelopez
Member Avatar for hapizi84

[QUOTE=Ancient Dragon;1040235]Many games that run on XP will not run on Win7. So if you are a big gammer and like the games you are playing, then stick with XP.[/QUOTE] That's just the nature of game-development cycles though - two-to-three yrs max usually. Games which were developed not long before …

Member Avatar for razib8bd
Member Avatar for The Dude

Now yes I'm sure there are jokes for "Wintards" etc, but thought these were funny. Not all Mac users are Mactards, so is in no way aimed at the common user :) Cleaned these up from [URL=""]original site[/URL], but you'll get the gist ;) 1) An Apple computer user who …

Member Avatar for Ene Uran
Member Avatar for kaninelupus

OK. The aim of the game is to: [LIST] [*]answer the posed "useless fact" question. [*]pose an [I]equally[/I] useless fact-type question. [/LIST] If you don't actually [I]know[/I] the answer, extra points for creativity :) [B]What part of the human body [I]never[/I] ever grows, from the day you're born to the …

Member Avatar for <M/>
Member Avatar for jray

Need more info. Are we talking integrated network, USB, or express card slots?? Or all of the above??

Member Avatar for gerbil
Member Avatar for abchua7

[QUOTE=abchua7;921298]Dear friends. I have been using an external hard drive for over several months now to back up my files, till one day i discovered the stored files could not be accessed, for reasons only known to the computer. It does store still, it seems to me; but i could …

Member Avatar for star126
Member Avatar for sillyboy
Member Avatar for Scuppery

Depends on what one classes as a house - a tent attached to a helicopter perhaps?? Do you ever find yourself singing to the "on hold" music, while waiting in the telephone-cue??

Member Avatar for azareth
Member Avatar for rockyman12

Have already given advice which should explain your BSOD causes, but will post here [B]again[/B], as can tell you right now, is a 99% chance is a [B]hardware or driver[/B] issue! [QUOTE=kaninelupus;932292]Three options, all referring to memory-type errors: [LIST] [*]Faulty or mis-matched RAM [*]Corrupted/faulty page-file (virtual memory) - this can …

Member Avatar for henriks ijas
Member Avatar for sknake

[QUOTE=ardav;1062403]Sorry, trying not to laugh![/QUOTE] Sorry, but can't even pretend am not laughing. Wasn't Jbennet on of the big proponents of this new voting system :D

Member Avatar for pseudorandom21
Member Avatar for adkool

Been using Firefox since v0.7, but still have to use IE on the rarest of occasions

Member Avatar for crunchie
Member Avatar for OmniX

[QUOTE=baltazar;688579]Try: 1. Un-installing it. 2. Restart your system. 3. Cleaning out any remnants of the program from your registry using something like CCleaner. ([url][/url]) 4. Re-install.[/QUOTE] That is COMPLETELY unnecessary. Issues in Win7 [I]do not[/I] relate to Vista at all. In Vista, Acrobat 9 Pro tended to go logger-heads with …

Member Avatar for MarcosPe
Member Avatar for The Dude
Member Avatar for mauconline

OK - am surprised Crunchie missed this one. If using Firefox 3.0+ (I did note your reluctance to use IE, so am assuming is not your browser of choice), the URL bar also has built-in search facilities. Now normally this gets handed over to Google, but it sounds like somewhere …

Member Avatar for crunchie
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

[QUOTE=er_ashwini;965882]See, Switching to linux is like learning a bike or you can say, remember the time when you started to learn windows. Tell me at that time did you able to compile the helloworld program in one go, I can bet you did not.[/quote] So to summarise, moving to Linux …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Robbi4656

Is wireless turn on?? Most notebooks have a button to turn off/on wireless. Just check if you have accidentally turned off have also come across references to a need for updating HP's "Wireless Assistant"... which is kind of disturbing as it sounds like HP has disabled or patched the [I]native[/I] …

Member Avatar for dutara
Member Avatar for Catweazle

[QUOTE=jbennet;736948]I am trying IE8 beta 2 atm. Linking it, but its a memory eater. In a machine with 2gb or more ram though, its fine (im not joking about this - 5 tabs open eats about 120mb)[/QUOTE] I do agree, but whilst have been an FF user since around version …

Member Avatar for Rik_
Member Avatar for Nickair

[QUOTE=Nickair;911479]Ok so i am still unable to figure out how to fix my folder problem. I want to go back to the error message: This is no longer in "directory" verify the item's location and try again. What does Microsoft mean by this? what do they expect a user to …

Member Avatar for furrykoya

The End.