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868 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for moderate_rock48
Member Avatar for Peetah

Something like this. Do not use eof for end-of-file checking. [code]ifstream file(filename); string line; if (file) { string token; stringstream iss; while ( getline(file, line) ) { iss << line; while ( getline(iss, token, ',') ) { cout << token << endl; } iss.clear(); } }[/code]

Member Avatar for Adam_37
Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula

A bit off topic, but thought it may be good to provide feedback here since I bought the book after reading this thread. Andrew, Bought the C++ Primer to familiarize myself with the new C++11. Overall seems like a good book, but there may be a few typos and errors …

Member Avatar for shahidali6
Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~

[B][URL=""][B][B]Steve Loughran's WinAPI FAQ[/B][/B][/URL][/B] This isn't exactly starting material and maybe a bit outdated (created before Win2K). But overall covers most of the questions a newbie, who is new to programming in C and is fedup with creating Hello World console applications, may ask.

Member Avatar for mack1
Member Avatar for pushkar honey

[QUOTE=pushkar honey;528984]when i try to call a .c file in antother i got a error for multidecalaration of main file.i prepare for a medical shop management using c language what can i do???[/QUOTE] See if you have two main functions in both the 2 files. If you have 2, delete …

Member Avatar for dhanushdee24393
Member Avatar for bops

[QUOTE=bops]Hi again...I have found out how to compile and link my program, I can only do it step by step using the command line but it works like that...however Im getting lots of error messages like these... [CODE] Main.o(.text+0x28d):Main.c: undefined reference to 'GetStockObject@4' Main.o(.text+0x311):Main.c: undefined reference to 'GetOpenFilename@4' [/CODE] Im …

Member Avatar for muhammad raees
Member Avatar for john_hasan

[quote=portege]I meant why do you care about thespeed when calculating the first 500. It took me <1 second. :P[/quote]So are you writing two programs? One that is slow to calculate the first 500 The second that is fast to calculate the rest. The main objective of the program is to …

Member Avatar for aizam76
Member Avatar for anupam_smart
Member Avatar for Sajoo

You should google more. This [URL=""]link [/URL]has this explaination. [quote] VIEWING THE IMAGE: The file Images/r2s.c will create sunraster header. It can be prepended to the raw data files to convert them to sunraster format. To use r2s.c, compile it (cc -o r2s.c r2s), and then type r2s 256 256 …

Member Avatar for Arun_8
Member Avatar for dododero
Member Avatar for MiniApocalypse

Do any of [these]( help? I haven't tried any myself, although I plan to do so in the near future.

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for sandeepxd

Modify [this](

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for king13

Okay. Post the code that calculates the fee for one customer. Then we will help you on the repetition part.

Member Avatar for radhakrishnan.akshai.3
Member Avatar for apcxpc

Try putting all the definitions, [code] #include <windows.h> #define ID_FILE_EXIT 9001 #define ID_STUFF_GO 9002 #define ID_STUFF_ABOUT 9003 #define IDD_TOOLBAR 9004 #define IDC_PRESS 9005 #define IDC_OTHER 9006 #define ID_DIALOG_SHOW 9007 #define ID_DIALOG_HIDE 9008 #define ID_HELP_ABOUT 9009 #define IDD_ABOUT 9010 [/code] to a [inlinecode]resource.h[/inlinecode] file and including the [inlinecode]resource.h[/inlinecode] file to both …

Member Avatar for Jens_2
Member Avatar for Neelam_1

1. Why virtual functions can't be static? virtual functions are bound to an instance of a class, and you can't call it without an instance(object) of the class. static functions are bound to the class itself, and you do not need an instance of the class to call a static …

Member Avatar for WolfPack
Member Avatar for nhrnjic6

First of all, I think there is a bug in line 8. I think it should be if(p_tree->p_right != 0) To understand the code, think about these three lines of the function, starting at the top node(6). If you write it down on paper, it will be easier to keep …

Member Avatar for userasad
Member Avatar for daniweb2013

What do you mean by "make C++ compiler". I hope for your sake that you are not going to write your own C++ compiler. So assuming that you want a C++ compiler that works under Linux and Windows, Windows -Visual C++, DevC++ (google and you will find links to download …

Member Avatar for LordoDeGrim
Member Avatar for Annettest

Seems awfully similar to this [URL=""]thread[/URL]. Anyway, post all the code that you have written so far. Not only snippets. And a sample of the input text file. Not just the required output.

Member Avatar for haider885
Member Avatar for PolarClaw

[quote=PolarClaw]Hello everyone, im new here and dont know yet most of the policies.. [/quote]Hello and welcome. Start learning the policy that [URL=""]we only give homework help to those who show effort.[/URL] You will have to post what you have done upto now.

Member Avatar for H A hashim
Member Avatar for derbende

[URL=""]main function[/URL].

Member Avatar for stephendstump
Member Avatar for trantran

Mike has summarized the process very nicely. If you wish to go into more details, I would recommend "[Cross-Platform Development in C++: Building Mac OS X, Linux, and Windows Applications](". I sort of learnt the process that Mike described through this book.

Member Avatar for trantran
Member Avatar for Yzk
Member Avatar for some one

Looks like you dont have it given by the Visual C++ Compiler. Some old versions of Borland had it. But I dont think not now.

Member Avatar for kadawe
Member Avatar for TexasJr

What you need to do is adjust 24 so that the string "$" is positioned making allowance for (number of digits before the decimal point ) + 3 digits. Why 3? Decimal Point + 2 Digits after the decimal place So in this case, it should work if you wrote …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

Once you change the scope of `account_number`, `balance` and `passw` to private scope, you won't be able to access them directly from main(). So you will have to add public accessor functions for each of the above data members, and call them in main(). example: class account{ private: int account_number; …

Member Avatar for HunainHafeez
Member Avatar for persianprez

Telling us to finish the hard part just by doing the easy part doesn't qualify as you showing your effort in this problem. But for the time being, explain the expected output for these inputs. [code] Enter a month (1 - 12): 2 Enter a starting day (0 for Sunday, …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Unidennn

You could use the c_str() member function to get the character array represented by the string. Remember to delete the newChars array before exiting the program, and also to use the C++ style header <string> , not the C-style version <string.h> . newChars[j]= *alphabet[i].c_str();

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for anisha.silva

I am sure that you must have looked up the [Wikipedia entry]( on this subject. I would select one from the list in that entry and research on it.

Member Avatar for <M/>
Member Avatar for brahle

[QUOTE=brahle]And, btw, have you heard for a coder SnapDragon? He's such a good competitior that he recently stared in the film 'Rent'.[/QUOTE]This is out of C/C++. But do you mean the Musical called Rent? Starring Mark Cohen?

Member Avatar for neithan
Member Avatar for WolfPack

Hi, How do you delete a newline character that is inside a VB string? Apparently Trim removes only spaces. Thanks in Advance.

Member Avatar for hcassper

The End.