C + + has really taken a new direction since the standard was finalized, and a book that has ignored the progress made by the ISO committee is not really worth buying for someone who is new to C + +.
eddiecrosby 0 Newbie Poster
jbennet 1,618 Most Valuable Poster Team Colleague Featured Poster
faraz ahmad 0 Newbie Poster
utkarshsahu 0 Newbie Poster
ilmkidunya1 0 Newbie Poster
Divyab 0 Newbie Poster
techite 7 Newbie Poster
arkoenig 340 Practically a Master Poster
sternone 0 Newbie Poster
arkoenig 340 Practically a Master Poster
sternone 0 Newbie Poster
arkoenig 340 Practically a Master Poster
cremolero 0 Newbie Poster
Ancient Dragon 5,243 Achieved Level 70 Team Colleague Featured Poster
~s.o.s~ 2,560 Failure as a human Team Colleague Featured Poster
arkoenig 340 Practically a Master Poster
elvir.crncevic 0 Newbie Poster
arkoenig 340 Practically a Master Poster
RazorNapster 0 Newbie Poster
mike_2000_17 2,669 21st Century Viking Team Colleague Featured Poster
Ancient Dragon commented: Excellent :) +14
~s.o.s~ commented: Good list +14
~s.o.s~ 2,560 Failure as a human Team Colleague Featured Poster
WolfPack 491 Posting Virtuoso Team Colleague
arkoenig 340 Practically a Master Poster
WolfPack commented: Good use of marriage as a communication medium! +11

Daniel21 0 Newbie Poster
opel123 0 Newbie Poster
Kareem Klas 0 Newbie Poster
silvercats 10 Junior Poster
deceptikon 1,790 Code Sniper Team Colleague Featured Poster
BugsRule 0 Newbie Poster
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