I need to search a large Directory Path and count all the characters(Even filenames with space and special chars, etc.) in it.
/data/general\Customer_Order_Files\Pump_Files\Pump_Open_Files\1217697 METSO MINERALS HITACHI AMERON DUCK CREEK\1217697 MOTOR INFO METSO MIN HITACHI AMER DUCK CREEK 10-3-06\1217697 Motor Quote SIEMENS METSO MIN HIT AMER DUCK CREEK 10-16-06 .pdf
We are trying to search all Directory paths that users have created and limit them to 240 chars or 10 Directory levels and 24 chars per Directory or Filename for a full character count of 240.
Why you ask? <smile>
We have encountered issues trying to copy the above file path to a Windows 2003 server from Linux via Samba share.
Any help is greatly appreciated!