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331 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for Duki

That might depend on your point of view. I'd also like to know, though...what is it? It looks a little bit like balls of doughnut dough that've been fried and covered with syrup. Am I even close?

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for mattyd
Member Avatar for The Dude
Member Avatar for maydhyam
Member Avatar for vegaseat

[QUOTE=sneekula;511670]Wasn't the information superhighway a brainchild of Al Gore? Rest stops must be environmentally unfriendly to him.[/QUOTE] Of course they are. They encourage people to travel long distances, because they provide the possibility of a temporary resting point between the two ends, breaking the longer distance into two (or more) …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for EnderX

I built a php-driven form that is intended to have its results printed out and shipped to another location. The results are laid out as a set of tables that hold the information in place. I tested the page on a system wher ethe default browser isFirefox, which displayed the …

Member Avatar for osman.sokuoglu.19
Member Avatar for The Dude

If pro is the opposite of con, is Congress the opposite of progress? 111111111111111111111111111111111111 (Just a quick one-liner.) A man opened up his refridgerator one day to see a rabbit lounging against the fridge wall near the ligth bulb. "What are you doing in here?" The man asked. The rabbit …

Member Avatar for Ene Uran
Member Avatar for ndeniche

I'm not sure it's world famous, but there's this one. "These aren't my pants!" (Commonly uttered by crooks who've just been caught with the evidence in their pockets.)

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for ndeniche

[quote=joshSCH;418959]Yes, the gays do statistically contract HIV more often that others.. however, let's not get carried away.. aids can affect us all.. and not only that, but I'm sure the heterosexuals have probably started more diseases that the homosexuals..[/quote] I merely pointed out that a specific disease has its largest …

Member Avatar for GrimJack
Member Avatar for Lardmeister

[quote=FragFighter;451551]no offense, but this just sounds like some people who are very paranoid made this up...[/quote] It can't be made up! The [I]I Ching[/I] verifies it! They said so right on the Television! [Note: I do not acknowledge the [I]I Ching[/I] or any other divinatory tool as a valid source …

Member Avatar for sneekula
Member Avatar for Serunson
Member Avatar for pygmalion

In reference to WaltP's little 'history of computing' entry: Some of the stuff I've seen about earlyish Microsoft development indicates an interesting name for one of their products...a name (and product; haven't checked it for myself yet) that, if true, marks the beginning of a great Microsoft tradition that continues …

Member Avatar for WolfShield
Member Avatar for EnderX

Does anyone know of a good site or doc that describes the ways to use a TStringGrid? I'm trying to figure out how to right-justify some of the items that are going to be placed into a TStringGrid, and none of the docs I've found so far seem to have …

Member Avatar for Micheus
Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for Michael_Knight

[QUOTE=vmanes;537412]If "pro" and "con" are opposites, what's the opposite of "progress"?[/QUOTE] Exactly how are you defining 'Progress' here? I know of one definition for it, but I know of a derived word which seems to indicate something else.

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for mike.mclennan
Member Avatar for christina>you

Better at what? Better for whom? If you're purely concerned with effeciency, a dictatorship is better. No mess about 'elections' or 'voting on the issues' or anything like that, just 'Because I, Dictator N, said DO IT!'. If you're concerned about value of life, that depends on a couple of …

Member Avatar for Future_Dictator
Member Avatar for zandiago

I have a question related to the issue, although it's not quite on-topic. I've seen stuff online for programs that look interesting, but aren't released in the United States. One of these that especially caught my interest was released only in Japan, and I don't know any Japanese. There are …

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for Duki

Are views unique? I saw and cast a vote earlier, but I'm also looking at it now, having seen that there were more responses since the first time through. Would that count as one view, or two? (Or three, since I'm unlikely to see any response to this if I …

Member Avatar for dream party
Member Avatar for EnderX

I'm working on a Delphi program designed for use with an Access database. In addition to the onscreen output, however, my boss wants me to provide PHP reports for it as well. We have PHP installed on our servers, so that's good, but the database in question is installed on …

Member Avatar for Wolfgan
Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula

[QUOTE=sneekula;504065]Bigotry is very much alive and strong in the US. Professor Obama, who is half black half white, will have a hard time succeeding as a black man. Already the hate e-mails are flying, calling him Osama and telling folks that he went to a muslim school in Indonesia.[/QUOTE] Please …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for The Dude
Member Avatar for chankya

[QUOTE=Ancient Dragon;503067]>> From were Money Comes??? Many people think it comes off a money tree.[/QUOTE] It's not a tree, it's a [URL=""]small plant.[/URL]

Member Avatar for GrimJack
Member Avatar for sneekula

How many Lawyer Jokes are there in the world? Three. The rest are all true stories.

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for brc6523

This is also assuming the key itself works. A while back, I purchased a new drive for a computer I was planning to give away; it took something like three months before I could retrieve it in working condition from the computer store, because, according to the store owner, the …

Member Avatar for PCmania
Member Avatar for joshSCH

[quote=scru;463810]Nobody is saying that you should accomodate everyone. I'm saying just the opposite: Why not help make some of these places better places to be? One poster said it himself; mexico is crap. Don't think that the rest of the world doesn't care about immigration; people are leaving our soils …

Member Avatar for GrimJack
Member Avatar for scru

[QUOTE=scru;548095]I want you to think, just not so much :P. Sort of like having a passionate opinion. What about the accents? They are both annoying if you ask me, but when I get pretentious I prefer using a british accent rather than an american one. It sounds pretty much cooler.[/QUOTE] …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula

@Dave Sinkula Just read the article. Very interesting. One quick question: The study mentioned the EPA classed second-hand smoke as a 'Group A Carcinogin'. On what grounds within the studies they did use was that drawn from? And do you know what portions of the smoke were supposedly carcinogenic?

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for YoungCoder

[quote=jbennet;354878]You double posted, dude. I get thiose ones too. The link says ebay but if you hover over it it is an ip adress with a web server set up to look like ebay. I get the ones allegedly ftom my bank too ([B]which is wierd considering i dont believe …

Member Avatar for chriswellings
Member Avatar for zandiago
Member Avatar for mayo_tech11

They're not high fantasy, but I've enjoyed the Thursday Next and Nursery Crimes books by Jasper Fforde. I'd say they're worth checking out.

Member Avatar for techbound

The End.