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Computer programmer

Running, Reading, Astronomy, scribbling which means trying to do what authors do.
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65 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for Ravenous Wolf

i would like to know if php can replace javascript as a client side script. one can use javascript to do all kinds of things like computing values in textboxes and check them for errors and so on. is it possible to use php in its stead? lets say i …

Member Avatar for abexer
Member Avatar for Lardmeister

cant say i have a favourite country but i might say the netherlands. we in south africa inherrited a lot from them and one thing in some regions and cultures is (or maybe was in case they have changed in the meantime) the act of relying on the foods natural …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Ravenous Wolf

can anyone tell me if it is possible in C# to open a file which is located in the same folder as the application without specifying the path to that file? if both file and program is located for example on C:/containfileandprog can i open the file from within a …

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for christina>you

i would say that dictatorship is the most efficient but i would not opt for it. it puts too much power in the hands of just one man and that one man can be corrupted easily. sturm said that only the weak can be corrupted. that is debatable. i would …

Member Avatar for Future_Dictator
Member Avatar for chankya

[QUOTE=ericstenson;513333]The US dollar comes, in part, from North Korean printing presses.[/QUOTE] i know that you guys are only joking on this but is this possible in reality? if one government can print the money of another country then they can legally steal the goods and services produced inside that country. …

Member Avatar for GrimJack
Member Avatar for Ravenous Wolf

Hi Can anyone please tell me whether I can write a java program and start it in a way other that involves the command line? And not applets either. I want to start writting all of our company software in java, leaving behind c#. But the problem is I can …

Member Avatar for shruti123
Member Avatar for The Dude

julia roberts. i mean i think julia is sexy but come on. i specified athletic.

Member Avatar for njerseyjen
Member Avatar for joshSCH

@ josch <snipped> you seems to think that might is right and that the mighty america can very well do as they please. the words beat them fair and square denotes just what a sick and ethnocentric person you really are. i hope not all americans are like you for …

Member Avatar for GrimJack
Member Avatar for ndeniche

what if she tricks you into thinking she is intelligent? or even worse. most of the females that i have met in my life seems to think that it is better to play the dumb card. acting like a brainless fool. i dont know why. perhaps they they think it …

Member Avatar for ditz
Member Avatar for GrimJack

i dont really get eugenics. is it the same as breeding a species, selecting organisms with traits that we desire and allow only those to breed? or is it more like crossing one breed with another so that in time a new and better variation of a species come into …

Member Avatar for GrimJack
Member Avatar for Ravenous Wolf

Hi. Can anyone give me some advice on designing a layered architecture for a software project i am working on? since i always develop my programs in modules they come out in some form of layered architechture but this is always by accident. i want to develop it layered from …

Member Avatar for hitesh12287
Member Avatar for The Dude

[QUOTE=joshSCH;390650]Hmm.. I believe you are forgetting one thing.. Scientists are more intelligent than you. The logic you propose is not exactly what scientists are saying.. all you have basically done is state something, and then refute it. You have given no evidence whatsoever that this is what the scientists claim. …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for The Dude

i cant get the video but consensus seems to be that it was good for him. it would seem that he had enjoyed it. question though. isn't the equipment of a thirteen year old a bit small to satisfy a grown woman?

Member Avatar for GrimJack
Member Avatar for Bonnie Thunders

@ezzeral >yield further estrangement.... i find this a bit strange. and at the risk of "yielding some estrangement" myself i have to ask what you are trying to say. if she was kicked off for no reason does she not have the right to find out what was going on? …

Member Avatar for zandiago
Member Avatar for Ravenous Wolf

Hi can someone please explain to me how to install a software application in linux? i have a cd with asterix on it. i am reasonably sure that i would be able to install it once i have it on the harddrive(i attended an asterix course recently) but currently the …

Member Avatar for roryt

can i append a question to this? I dont think I am hijacking and it would be better to append the question here rather than start a whole new thread. Is there a version of linux that is really fast, can do a great variety of software like chess, wordprocessing, …

Member Avatar for TheNNS
Member Avatar for Ravenous Wolf

Hi. I dont know where to put this post since it covers so many areas. I have a few queries and i would appreciate it if you guys can help me out. I am to create a web based application which will need some access to a database. The web …

Member Avatar for Ravenous Wolf
Member Avatar for joshmo

luckily i used to play chess so i can just sit still and concentrate. Although i must say that i, too, think better when i pace up and down. I think it is better to sit when you work on code because then you can draw or write as the …

Member Avatar for 0named
Member Avatar for Ravenous Wolf

hi. can anyone tell me the connectionstring for connecting to an ms access database over a network? only the second part, where you specify the location of the database, is needed. i know how to specify the jet engin. let me give an example. to connect to a local dbs …

Member Avatar for miskeen
Member Avatar for GrimJack

[QUOTE=Narue;591831]>I think im just going to go with the real pic of myself as a personal touch. Rashakil Fol did that and I called him a serial killer. I showed Dave Sinkula my picture and he tried to convince me that I don't really have blonde hair... Real pictures are …

Member Avatar for majestic0110
Member Avatar for Ravenous Wolf

I suppose that this is the wrong place to voice critique of php but does the lack of good php books not make php a bit of a nightmare. i have been on amazon and all the books have a review or two which says something about typos or misleading …

Member Avatar for Ravenous Wolf
Member Avatar for EnderX

i am not a fan of josch but i have to repeat what he said. for almost anyone who knows how DNA and evolution (sub that into mutation and natural selection) works it is difficult to belief otherwise. they fit together so perfectly. look at the process and look at …

Member Avatar for Ravenous Wolf
Member Avatar for oreo_cheesecake

it seems to be that most agree that the sheer speed of c++ does not make it more suitable for games. the real problem is rather that neither java nor c# has the libraries for games that c++ has been accumulating for decades. does this mean that once one of …

Member Avatar for beefstick720
Member Avatar for briansmall

good enough is misleading. if a job can be done good enough then it is perfect if it solves the fundamental problem without creating more. in that case good enough should suffice. but there is absolutely no point in doing a thing which does not solve the problem. and to …

Member Avatar for Lardmeister
Member Avatar for freddypyther

i am sorry for bumping the thread but i think it is better that i bump this one than to start a new and closely related thread. i have read some up on UML tools and i get the impression that the tools can also generate some code. in fact …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Ravenous Wolf

i would really appreciate it if you guys, those of you whom have read it, can comment on the following books. i would especially like to hear from software developers and engineers whom have read them and have found them usefull or useless. and if you dont agree with them …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Ravenous Wolf

Can one work with textboxes etc from a class other than the form of which the textbox is a part? the scenario is as follows. if one has a form then any method or function on that form can work with a textbox or something located on that form. but …

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for ithelp

perhaps i am just an idiot but what is renting a signature all about? and what signature are you talking about? like my quote from hemingway? why would anyone want to rent that?

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Ravenous Wolf

hi. i dont know if this is the correct forum for this post. i am having trouble connecting to the internet over a cell phone. the connection worked just fine while the computer had windows xp on it. since i have installed windows vista the computer cant connect over the …

Member Avatar for number87

let me guess. your while does not complete even one loop right? that is because your logic for the loop is all wrong. in addition to that it is needlesly complex. [code] int counter = 0; while ( counter <= numberuserentered ) { counter++; [/code] that should get your loop …

Member Avatar for jonesc5

The End.