It said mind would be "Rachel Stevens"

Ah man!!

utter failure, it came up with Beyonce despite me specifying black hair as a requirement (kid's got brown hair bleached blonde).

Roseanne Barr...
Never imagine...

It's time to write your own computer program.

hmm, one could probably have a good laugh with Roseanne Barr... And I'm sure she likes her food too.

hmm, one could probably have a good laugh with Roseanne Barr... And I'm sure she likes her food too.

hahaa, agree..agreee...:twisted:

i got date with Roseanne Barr...

Oh my God Roseanne Barr. I must go throw up now...

hmm, one could probably have a good laugh with Roseanne Barr... And I'm sure she likes her food too.

One sharp looking chick, ain't she? I guess she would beat Phyllis Diller.

Beyonce for me...jwenting....I must agree, dunno how i ended up with her, i wonder if she can cook and be a good wife/mother?

julia roberts. i mean i think julia is sexy but come on. i specified athletic.

my date is Rachel Stevens...:)

can they make a good food (cooks by them self)?
if they cannot cooks by them self this date will finished off my savings...:P

You know, you can cook for them. Most women love that. You might just find yourself ending up with more than you bargained for.

cook for them !!! every have a date?? well on dinner dates

Mine would be Britney Spears wig...

I must woman must be able to cook.

I must woman must be able to cook.

Me too! I'm so lucky my girlfriend is very good in cooking.

Seems to have some nice girls in oblivion...i might come visit!

Hahaha. I'll give you a free ticket and I'll let you stay at my home. lol. You might as well bring your date and we'll let 'em, my girlfriend and your date, do the cooking. :)

That sounds like a plan, see you soon...hope the plane can hold all the pots and pans we'll

Hahaha...And don't forget to bring some ice cold beer 'cause, you know, people here don't sell any. Sweet and Spicy Lemonade is the best beverage Oblivion can offer.

Roseanne Barr, what a lovely creature!

i got beyonce too. even although i specified red hair

I was talking with my gf the other day and we got to thinking who would be our ideal celebrity to go out on a date with.

I definitely say Matthew Mcconaughey he is sooo hott.

I was on the web the other day and I found a site that actualy offers dates with celebrities. Have you guys heard anything good or bad about this site.

Which celebrity would you most like to date?

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