I was having a problem understanding how to collect a date dataType as 1111-11-11 from a textFiels)
and set a variable that accepts ex:public Date dob;
Is there a way to get a string from an array element and parse it to conform to the Date data type?

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
at java.util.Date.parse(Date.java:598)
at view.forms.......
                                AccessAllTables.getAdminBean().setDob(new java.util.Date(txtFieldArray[i].getText()));//Input=1111-11-11
                                AccessAllTables.getAdminBean().setStartDate(new java.util.Date(txtFieldArray[i].getText()));//Input=1111-11-11
                                AccessAllTables.getAdminBean().setEndDate(new java.util.Date(txtFieldArray[i].getText()));//Input=1111-11-11

What is the best way to validate a Java form to control data to be used in a apache derby embedded db?

Check the constructor of the class java.util.Date at the API. I doubt the there is one that takes as argument the String that you are trying to pass

Check the API of java.util.Date as well as the class: java.text.SimpleDateFormat
And you will get your answers:

I am researching spinners and JFormmatedTextFields. maybe the 3 args I need can be
produced for the Date(xxxx,xx,xx) format

I am researching spinners and JFormmatedTextFields. maybe the 3 args I need can be
produced for the Date(xxxx,xx,xx) format

Don't use that constructor. If you have a String with this format or similar:
dd/MM/yyyy or yyyyMMdd ot MM-dd-yyyy use the simpleDateFormat.

That Date constructor is been deprecated and it is better not to use it anymore.
You can check the Calendar class, but I don't use it much

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