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32 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for happygeek

The comparison of the (label) evil internet to (the lable) evil guns does not quite fit. While I agree that neither guns or the internet are evil, it's a question of control, a control exerted by our morality. It's a simple notion, wanton killing is bad. We all know it, …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for zandiago

I want to weigh in on this one. I may be sorry for this. First, I think there [I]might[/I] be different issues at stake within the realm of piracy that are not being addressed here. Certainly Narue should be paid for her programming services. So let's say that Narue writes …

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for zandiago

This is one of those conversations that is perhaps asking the wrong question. Rather than asking if kids should be spanked, perhaps we should be asking if the government (other people) should be dictating the actions of the individual, in this case, dicatating how children will be raised by their …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for sneekula

My my, you are opening yourself up on this one. (Isn't Bush regarded as a joke?)

Member Avatar for Ene Uran
Member Avatar for zandiago
Member Avatar for mattyd

Creationism. Nice word. Not mutually exclusive of Evolution, after all, the initial "stuff" had to "come from" somewhere ... and thus, had to be created. The problem is that humans, scientifc or religious, are too simple minded to grasp the maginitude of all of "this" .. so they look for …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for briansmall

What is it that most intrigues you, the most important thing you pursue?

Member Avatar for ZZucker
Member Avatar for zandiago

[QUOTE=scru;499074]So they leave it as granted and let somebody else tell their kid that they have to stomp the clutch. Brilliant. It's a parent's job to sit with their kids and tell them what they see on T.V. is wrong (whenever they see their child watching something that is indeed …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for ericfromandys

A preponderance of red and black turn me off instantly. Unless handled very well / artistically, they simply seem to indicate immaturity. But then that might not be a bad thing. Anything on a black background likewise evokes images of hackers and kids, that is, it does not give a …

Member Avatar for tiger86
Member Avatar for briansmall

The devices I see listed on Ebay or CNET or Etc. - that cost under $100 have lousy reviews. I want to send VGA and audio about 10 feet (from my laptop on my lap to the TV which has VGA input) but I'm using 2.4ghz wireless internet as well …

Member Avatar for Kegtapper
Member Avatar for sneekula

Allowing oneself to be annoyed by what others do is a waste of energy. People are different, and it's simply amazing and wonderful that we can associate with each other at all. If you "let" someone annoy you, (assuming they have not actively targeted you) then you've found yourself in …

Member Avatar for reddawg
Member Avatar for zandiago

What it comes down to is that "they" will do whatever the hell they want unless "we" stop them.

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for zandiago

[QUOTE=jwenting;536291] ... they run the greater risk (... legal ...) in case things go wrong, and their job is extremely stressful. [/QUOTE] Apparently you haven't heard the meaning of the word "corporation". ??? Your justification is weak. How many more hours per week than mine justify a wage 1000 times …

Member Avatar for briansmall
Member Avatar for Lardmeister

I would have voted a virtual tie between corporate and polititians, but it wasn't in the choices. Polititians lie for the very same reasons as corporate leaders, for profit. Most often they are business driven, though sometimes it's a matter of their personal agenda / obsession. The very notion of …

Member Avatar for Lardmeister
Member Avatar for briansmall

Which is more important to you most of the time? Getting the job done "well enough", or achieving a perfect solution?

Member Avatar for Lardmeister
Member Avatar for briansmall

And then there were blogs. How many people are blogging? Half a billion? Less? More? All these people clamoring to be heard have a way for them to put their words "out there" where a billion others [I]might[/I] see them. But we can only pay attention to, absorb so much. …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula

We tend to interpret the Constitution in todays' light, and we assume that the framers were geniuses. But they were simply people much like you and me, who could not foresee everthing that would happen in decades and centuries to come, who tried to address all the issues they understood …

Member Avatar for sneekula
Member Avatar for lasher511

[QUOTE=lasher511;505536]Just curious to know what you were all told by your parents as kids as to where babies come from. My parents were always rather blunt with me on such topics but im curious to hear what sort of lies other people where told to "preserve innocence"[/QUOTE] Originally there was …

Member Avatar for sneekula
Member Avatar for sneekula
Member Avatar for The Dude

Mankinds innate self-centeredness. In other words, mankind themselves. It is the nature of the majority of mankind to take more than they give, and in particular to show little regard for the repercussion of their actions where others are concerned. There can be no world peace without a major upheaval …

Member Avatar for sneekula
Member Avatar for gb1ker

[QUOTE=gb1ker;506129]Hi all, just found this forum and I could do with some help! :-) My wife has an old Time laptop, bought on Ebay second hand,about a year ago. Recently, over the last week or three it's started randomly shutting down - instantly, like the power went off suddenly. Tonight …

Member Avatar for gb1ker
Member Avatar for sneekula
Member Avatar for CEJ

Very possibly a bad fan or cooling system. circuity is warming up and causing the failure. You will have (or have someone) get into the insides to find this problem.

Member Avatar for briansmall
Member Avatar for scru

Everything I need to know that I think I will forget I put in Outlook notes. For years I carried a Palm or Ipaq for the same purpose, but they are tedious. Long ago I used a product called Info Select by Micro Logic, I think they are still around. …

Member Avatar for bobwahler
Member Avatar for NomNOm

What OS? Have you tried booting to safe mode? Just doing so fixes a lot of problems.

Member Avatar for sourcez
Member Avatar for just_humes

[QUOTE=just_humes;267813]When the power button is pressed the computer seems to be running fine. The power and activity lights both come on, the fans start and the hard drive and cd roms both start up. After that there is nothing, doesn't even come close to loading the OS. There is no …

Member Avatar for Chaky
Member Avatar for ithelp

Found on CNet talks about it here: [url][/url] And refers to this service: [url][/url]

Member Avatar for briansmall
Member Avatar for GreenDay2001
Member Avatar for Nick Evan

The End.