Just curious to know what you were all told by your parents as kids as to where babies come from.
My parents were always rather blunt with me on such topics but im curious to hear what sort of lies other people where told to "preserve innocence"
Just curious to know what you were all told by your parents as kids as to where babies come from.
My parents were always rather blunt with me on such topics but im curious to hear what sort of lies other people where told to "preserve innocence"
yeah i got the truth
Babies come from the place that money goes to...
Just curious to know what you were all told by your parents as kids as to where babies come from.
My parents were always rather blunt with me on such topics but im curious to hear what sort of lies other people where told to "preserve innocence"
Originally there was cutesy reference to "the stork, but "Mommys belly" was the explanation starting around the age of three, when a direct question was asked.
I was surrounded by cats and dogs and various birds (and their babies) early on. There was no reason to hide the truth. As the questions were formed, the answers were given.
parents may try and hide it from you but the truth is that you hear all about sex in the playground from other kids (there not that innocent after all ;) ) who either found out from thier older brothers, sussed it out or were told. You usually understand the basic idea of it from a early age due to this.
parents may try and hide it from you but the truth is that you hear all about sex in the playground from other kids (there not that innocent after all ;) ) who either found out from thier older brothers, sussed it out or were told. You usually understand the basic idea of it from a early age due to this.
We don't have that Brit term, "sussed it out" in the US, that is, I'd never heard it. Is sus / suss a stand-alone word or does it derive from something else?
Originally there was cutesy reference to "the stork, but "Mommys belly" was the explanation starting around the age of three, when a direct question was asked.
"Mommy, where do baby carrots come from?"
"The stalk brings them, dear."
This moment of absurd humor brought to you by:
sussed it out means youve got it e.g "i finally sussed out how to beat the last level in my computer game" or that you have checked something out e.g "i sussed out that new resturant and it looks good"
the second example leads me to believe that the words is derived from black london slang, possibly due to the "sus" law where police could arrest you if you were "suspicious" but there was massive corruption and racism and people hated it especially black people as they were picked on by police unfairly just because of thier skin colour
Babies come from an egg in mommy's belly. I stopped eating eggs right then and there.
sussed it out means youve got it e.g "i finally sussed out how to beat the last level in my computer game" or that you have checked something out e.g "i sussed out that new resturant and it looks good"
the second example leads me to believe that the words is derived from black london slang, possibly due to the "sus" law where police could arrest you if you were "suspicious" but there was massive corruption and racism and people hated it especially black people as they were picked on by police unfairly just because of thier skin colour
Babies come from an egg in mommy's belly. I stopped eating eggs right then and there.
Eh. Have you ever seen a partially developed chicken in an egg just broken into the pan?
We raised chickens, and we (kids) would occasionally miss getting an egg until it was partially incubated.
That's enough to put you off them for a while.
I don't remember asking and I don't remember being told..
same here. But living with chickens, rabbits, goats, and dogs which had litters you get the idea pretty soon :)
The stork story just keeps me amazed. They shy away from human biology, yet they feel absolutely comfortable with telling animal abuse stories to their children. Keep your dirty fantasies to yourself, will ya.
The stork story is in all the cartoons -- at least all the ones I used to watch when I was a kid.
I was raised on a farm. One day when I was about 10 I saw two chichkens getting it on when I asked my mother what they were doing. She blushed and never did tell me. To this day I still think it was the stork.
I still think it has something to do with the Virgin Mary. Besides, storks don't fly at night and go South in the winter. Just my observations.
Ever wonder why there aren't any babies in the north during the winter, vegaseat?
My experience was much like what you'd expect Atticus Finch to say. And I was more confused after asking. I asked, as far as I remember, cause there was a big rape case on the news all the time and I liked watching the news as a kid.
Babies come from the cabbage patch of course. Anything else are just old wife tales!
Rumor has it that they come from the local hospital.
Rumor has it that they come from the local hospital.
How much do they charge for delivery?
How much do they charge for delivery?
Info (06/19/2007) from:
Nationally, a vaginal delivery cost $7,737, with C-sections averaging about $11,000.
Nationally, a vaginal delivery cost $7,737, with C-sections averaging about $11,000.
Well, that first one will certainly be quite a shock when you answer the doorbell :-O
Well, that first one will certainly be quite a shock when you answer the doorbell :-O
Well, to raise that little bugger to the age of 17 will cost the parents about $193,344.67. Of course there are tax savings to consider too.
I see people with babies in their grocery carts, but I've never seen any on the shelves. I think you have to ask for them. That's where Marge got Maggie.
I see people with babies in their grocery carts, but I've never seen any on the shelves. I think you have to ask for them. That's where Marge got Maggie.
No wonder Maggie is so much smarter than her dad.
Well, to raise that little bugger to the age of 17 will cost the parents about $193,344.67. Of course there are tax savings to consider too.
I wasn't referring to the cost, but rather the agent of delivery (as in you rang up the hospital to have one delivered to your home) :P
A couple of fish should suffice.
A couple of fish should suffice.
To deliver?
I wasn't referring to the cost, but rather the agent of delivery (as in you rang up the hospital to have one delivered to your home) :P
Hehehe! That could be a pretty funny call to the local hospital! You are a fine person with an even finer sense of humour.
I guess I will have to simply walk up to a person pushing a stroller and ask where they got that baby from.
I have heard that if you order baby clothes from the Sears catalog, the baby comes with it, as long as you use their credit card.
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