Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

71% evil genius. I'm too kind to animals and don't own a cat... Darn them critters, can't stand cats.

bah 53%

But I'm not a nice person. I'm mean. FEAR ME!!!

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

Ah forgot to mention, I'm 8% evil genius. Definitely a good guy.

I am 59% Evil Genius.

I got 69%.

79% Evil Genius - I'm one bastard!

24% :icon_rolleyes: I thought i was evil !

I am 24% Evil Genius.

You thwart evil. You are definitely the “Good guy” type. Evil runs from your aurora of all things good and right. Look out James Bond.

Ah man!!

It seems uniquestar and I will have to team up to have any chance of success. Alone neither of us is evil enough, together we might just make it (my genius combined with his cat...).

hi all wtf is the evil test?

It seems uniquestar and I will have to team up to have any chance of success. Alone neither of us is evil enough, together we might just make it (my genius combined with his cat...).

My cat is big, black and mean. Expect claws if he doesn't like you :ooh:

hi all wtf is the evil test?

If you read the first post in this thread you would have seen a link to a website that had a evil test that you can take.

hi all wtf is the evil test?

You seem to really like the letters w, t and f

You seem to really like the letters w, t and f

do you think he actually knows the offensive meaning?

Probably not.

do you think he actually knows the offensive meaning?

He seems to like to just bang on the keys without a coherent thought in his skull.

25% Evil Genius
25% White Trash
25% Internet Addict
35% Grunge
19% Promiscuous
27% Asshole/Bitch
18% Tortured Artist
47% Emo
28% Goth
27% Raver
10% Punk Rock
14% Idiot
19% Metal Head
27% Ska
6% Metrosexual
20% Video Game Addict
28% Hippie

in other words you're a lot of nothing ;)

I am 46% Evil Genius.

You want to be evil. You do evil things. But given the opportunity, and a darn good reason you may turn to the good side. Besides you are probably a miserable evil genius.


commented: I don't like your profile picture, I prefered the baby picture of yourself you once posted. It was cute :) +13
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