" data-bs-original-title="" title="">
[QUOTE=jbennet;504793]why do you need a shortcut when you can hit "windows key" + L[/QUOTE] What if your keyboard breaks? ;)
If you're trying to use the same link on all 3 PCs it wont work, as localhost looks to the computer it's running on To view the page on the other PCs you will need to enter the PC's IP address instead of localhost. I.E. if the PC's IP is …
Hi All, I have been asked to put a Domain Trust in place between a couple of sites, but due to the setup of the domains, I am a bit concerned if it will work correctly, or mess up both domains, so looking at a bit of advice as to …
I have had many problems with secure sites, most of all with Hotmail. But ironically only in Internet Explorer. I'm probably gonna be slated for this, but I suggest using [url="http://www.getfirefox.com"]firefox[/url]. Someone on page one mention problems with it not signing out of sites, I get that page, but it …
If you're on a Mac, look for an app named Senuti, this works well, and automatically copies your music across for you.
Hi All, I searched for this error on Daniweb, but I didn't find anything here, so I thought I would post the fix. It seems that the above Microsoft Security Update (KB953838) breaks something in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Microsoft documents this update as a "Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer …
Many thanks for this, I know its an old thread, but Google found it, and its exactly what I need!
or even better, boot into safe mode with command prompt, and type 'defrag c:\ -f -v'
To help further, this just means that explorer.exe hasn't loaded. If you can run programs from Task Manager, run explorer.exe and it'll load up the desktop & taskbar for you.
I've had Vista installed for a few weeks now, really regretting the decision, as I even got a BSOD during installation a few times!, but recently it has been asking for third party drivers for EVERYTHING I plug into the USB, including my optical mouse! I just seems to me …
I think an amendment to the challenge should be, instead of just typing the slogan, create the sticker, stick it on (one of) your computers, and post a (smallish) image of the sticker.
What happens when you try to photocopy something? Do you still get the black line?
now theres something rude to come ou of that :P, but muck
Weirdly catatonic flying pigs twirled, blinking bright, shining black lights after snoring for three long seconds, waking up extremely slowly.
Van, Dance, Cane Latitude
[QUOTE=Ancient Dragon;522983]go back to school and get a degree. If you can't get a degree because you can't do the work then just to go McDonalds and flip hamburgers for the rest of your life.[/QUOTE] Or go to McDonalds and get them to give you a degree! [URL="http://www.mcdonalds.com/corp/career/hamburger_university/our_college_degree.html"]Clicky[/URL]
Using partition magic, you can re-part the Hard Drive without having to re-install or delete any files (as long as theres some free space on drive D: to expand into) It'll require a couple of hours or so of downtime, and a reboot so it can part it before windows …
Will it work on OS X?
[QUOTE=Tight_Coder_Ex]I'm not sure how similar ADODC is to DAO, but this is what I've used in the command buttons click event [code] Dim Sql as String Sql = "SELECT * FROM Table WHERE Str = '" & txtInputBox & "'" Set Rs = Db.OpenRecordset (Sql) [/code] Table, txtInputBox are my …
I play many instruments. Mainly Guitar & Bass, both Electric & Acoutsic, but I also play Piano and some brass instruments. My favourite to play solo is either Piano or Acoustic Guitar. But in a group, Brass wins all the way. So much Power & Volume without the need for …
The End.