Dear all,
I am trying to reset a local admin password on a win xp pro pc using the free Offline NT Password & Registry Editor available at Lots of people have used it with no problems. When I use it I follow the instruction and blank the admin password. It tells me that this is done so I then try to boot win xp but then find out that the password has not been blanked when I try to log in. I have followed the instructions exactly and tried everything in the FAQ including shutting the PC down cleanly several times over.
When I try to use the CD again to blank the password it tells me that the admin password is already blank, but it definately is not because I still can not log in!. I think that maybe I need to change something iin the registry using the registry editor on the CD but I don't know how to use it and havn't been able to find anythiing about it on the web(other than how great this program is...!). Any help would be grately appreciated.