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About Me

I love computers. iv been building computers long enough to remember the AT mother boards (they where old but i still remember them) and i will continue building computers until i can't move my arms or am dead.

Building and selling custom built computers
PC Specs
Intel core 2 duo 3.0GHz, Ultra Dual fan solid copper core Heat Sync, 4Gb Corsair DDR2, 800w Ultra PSU,…

162 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for rosy0123

that is a very good question... i will have to look into that a little and get back to you.

Member Avatar for sevitsil
Member Avatar for downpantera

He can't get to the OS, How is he supposed to check control panel? LOL Have you tried running a linux live CD to try and acces the data on your Hard Drive? You can load Knoppix into ram then use it to access your HDD and maybe put some …

Member Avatar for baglady201
Member Avatar for guroo

If you don't know how an LCD monitor works i will try to explain... there are three colors just like a CRT, Red Blue and Green, that are projected onto the screen. In some instances colors will stop working like in your case the red and blue quit and the …

Member Avatar for racechef1957
Member Avatar for jermaghs07

hey guys. i am very new to programing and was wondering if anyone else had seen this little trick. this is a little java code to get a saved password prom a website. javascript:alert(document.forms[0].elements[1].value) the forms and values change from site to site but this code works for this site. …

Member Avatar for mijaja
Member Avatar for k2k

a 64bit CPU will run a 32bit OS but not the other way around. the biggest advantage of the 64bit is that you can run up to 16Gig of ram. it is mainly used in servers.

Member Avatar for crunchie
Member Avatar for chrisikris

when you hard reset the router it probably just reset the settings on the router. just go in and reconfigure the wireless settings.

Member Avatar for garac
Member Avatar for lsirbuly

is it a grinding like sticking a pencil in a fan? or is it more of a Hum sound? does it always wait about a minute before making the noise? The waiting a minute thing kinda throws me off because if it was a fan it would start as soon …

Member Avatar for Riffxyz123
Member Avatar for Halostatue

maybe you should go to the doctor cuz i think your just going def!!! :-) It sounds like you have covered all the bases that i would have suggested. have you considered that it might be a hardware problem? Is the computer still under warranty? if so i would send …

Member Avatar for malog
Member Avatar for Pim

IT's weird. I just read through the specs and it says to use 4 gigs of ram they have to be 4x 1gig, but the motherboard only has 2 memory slots. I have never seen this before. Are you running a 64bit OS?

Member Avatar for crunchie
Member Avatar for forumdude123

Intel QX6850 4G Corsair DDR3 ram Asus P5E3 Dual BFG 8800 OC with SLI 2 WD 500G 7200RPM SATA HDD 1kilowatt PSU and enough fans to make it fly everything upgradable to 64bit and i can go up to 8G of ram There is your future proofing. that computer will …

Member Avatar for Lawlercaust
Member Avatar for faygo_man

For the first guy. Buy a new battery, they aren't very expensive and you can get one with more cells that will last longer. For the second guy Mr Danishtahir87 Check you power options in vista and make sure they are set to conserve power in battery mode. you can …

Member Avatar for zemtech121
Member Avatar for india2020

Fist of all the CPU doesn't beep. that is coming from a speaker mounted on the motherboard. now willcomp is right the beeps can mean a lot of different things.

Member Avatar for crunchie
Member Avatar for dell a940

does the ink cartridge move back and forth while it is feeding paper? is the cartridge full. if you open the printer does the cartridge move? my best suggestion is get a new printer. don't buy a dell. go get a cheap lexmark all in one from walmart and keep …

Member Avatar for AshleyLewis
Member Avatar for ham61

i can't take all the Sheep puns..... IF the ram is DDR2 it needs to be the same size and preferably the same brand. if it is not DDR2 then it won't really matter that much. you do get a small performance increase when you synchronize your ram but it …

Member Avatar for rentalsolutions
Member Avatar for preston326

[QUOTE=andrew2169;952122]DDR2 is a best for you. Try to buy this type of ram for your pc. It will increase your PC speed. Thanks for asking.[/QUOTE] If you don't know what your talking about please don't post. His computer won't take ddr2, if he had followed your advice he would be …

Member Avatar for efmesch
Member Avatar for r5hul

[QUOTE=aloksharma7000;575037]Hi I am using 128Kbps connection & my download speed is somewhere around 15-18 Kbps. However some times it goes up to 150-200 Kbps. So I want to know tht is there any way so that I can always get same speed. Thanks & Regards Alok[/QUOTE] not really. the reason …

Member Avatar for radha65
Member Avatar for salim02

when you bought it did he hook it up with the digital or analog? it may be that the digital side of the monitor was going out and he was trying to get rid of it. are all of the drivers installed for your video card? Try borrowing another monitor …

Member Avatar for niranjan k
Member Avatar for coolraj003

It is perfectly fine to learn about hacking. The more you know about it the easer it is to prevent getting hacked. 90% of hackers do it as a hobby, they will right little scripts that they plant in your computer to pop up a message or something innocent like …

Member Avatar for ahihihi...
Member Avatar for jledc

It won't really speed up the internet browsing, It may help the frame rate when you are streaming videos and make them run a little smoother though. It would be worth $50

Member Avatar for tigerbright
Member Avatar for tuse

There are companies out there that make replacement batteries for all sorts of laptops. but they will Void your HP warranty. The battery dissipating that much in only 18 months? That is unusual and may be something wrong with the computer. i would turn it in to HP if possible.

Member Avatar for jermaghs07
Member Avatar for ramakantsangare

That graphics card suggests using a 500W PSU. If i were you i would get at least a 550 or a 600W. you can never have too many watts. lol But the CPU over heating doesn't sound like a PSU problem. Are you using the factory Heat sync that came …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for rfchil

Yes, you probably shorted out your memory slot. the beeps it is making is an error code. try turning it on again and write down the error code. it should be like 3 short beeps, long short long, short long short, or something like that. take that info and look …

Member Avatar for The New Normal
Member Avatar for tigadart

Do you use this a lot to travel? does it move around a lot? one of the battery connections inside the case could have come loose? If you are skilled enough you could take off the case and make sure all of the wires are making proper connection.

Member Avatar for jermaghs07
Member Avatar for godshah

You may need to reformat the second disk. just go in and use partition magic or something like that and wipe the second one, then try and set up raid

Member Avatar for jermaghs07
Member Avatar for jermaghs07

I have a 802.11g USB wireless card and a netgear rangemax 802.11N router. Is there any way to make them work with each other? it says i can connect to it but it won't let me connect to the internet or share files. Really i guess what i want to …

Member Avatar for jermaghs07
Member Avatar for Ole Raptor

Check your BIOS and see if the cold boot options are the same as the restart options if they are not, make it so. it may not help, but it won't hurt.

Member Avatar for jermaghs07
Member Avatar for EnderCide13

Is some cases all of the PCI slots run through the AGP to get to the South Bridge. yours may be one of those cases. So if your AGP is Fried then you won't be able to use any PCI slots.

Member Avatar for jermaghs07
Member Avatar for jaishankar

You need to Zero Out both drives and start from scratch. make sure both drives are wiped and have no partitions then install the OS

Member Avatar for jermaghs07
Member Avatar for asameh99

Make sure you don't get the thermal paste on the pins of the CPU or in the socket. most pastes have a metal compound in them and it could short out your CPU/mobo. And remember a CPU is a ZIF socket. that stands for Zero Insertion Force. If you have …

Member Avatar for jermaghs07
Member Avatar for mtplewis

you may have bent a pin. i would pull you CPU again and see if one of the pins is bent. if so take a very small screw driver or something and try to bend it back. just be very careful not to bend any of the other pins. and …

Member Avatar for ligboet12

The End.