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About Me

A real family man. One wife, six sons and one daughter, 45 grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren
Hoping to live a long life in health with my family.

Bugs (I'm an entomologist), Bees (hobbyist beekeeper), Do-It-Yourselfer (construction, maintenance,…
PC Specs
Varied, nothing really fancy

153 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for Duki

You'll find it hard to believe this one:--Today I'm fasting from sun-up to nightime. I plan to do the same on Thursday and next monday too.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Mantichora

You seem to have done the right things so far. Now all that's left is to replace the fan once to receive the replaement one you ordered. I have a thought about something you might try until you do the replacement, but no guarantees given: open up the laptop and …

Member Avatar for Bernard_18
Member Avatar for efmesch

After my desktop computer was updated in March 2020 (Win 10 home automatic update), it lost the ability to communicate with my home network. The network is detectable and functions properly with my laptop --it's only the desktop computer that can't detect or connect to the network. I\ve tried many …

Member Avatar for William_54
Member Avatar for efmesch

This past summer I was "treated" to an automatic update by my Win 10 OS (updated for free from Win 7). Ever since then my computer has been an unending source of operational frustrations: 1. My Logitech webcam (C260) has become non-operational. 2. My DVD drive stopped reading disks. 3. …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for jephthah

Just think how nice it is to be able to share a place with a group of winners---even if we're all short term winners. I welcome the next winner who follows me. Greetings!

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for debasisdas

Beware of those who are afflicted with diarrhea of the mouth yet suffer from constipation of the brain.

Member Avatar for James_28
Member Avatar for ellenwillss

Don't you think there's a benefit in the good will created by sharing your knowledge with others over forums?

Member Avatar for rsewak
Member Avatar for Metalwoman77

Before you go to the expense of replacing your motherboard, why not try replacing the fan. (If you are brave, you can try opening it up, cleaning out the shaft and repacking it with grease). Neither the mobo nor the heat sink are producing noise--only the fan can do that. …

Member Avatar for pinball2k
Member Avatar for idRATHERgoHUNT

Did you ever think of going into a linux distro to download games? I know that Ubuntu supplies several games when installing and can serve as a gateway to a lot more--and remember, everything there is free.

Member Avatar for remixedcat
Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

I use Skype frequently as a means of communication with family and friends, usually a international distances. When the connections go through and hold, there's nothing quite like it. Over the years Skype has made many improvements in the sound quality of its connections (in particular, by eliminating annoying echoes). …

Member Avatar for audrey110
Member Avatar for GrimJack

you pay the bus driver the discounted senior fare and are not asked for verification.

Member Avatar for vinnitro
Member Avatar for sillyboy

All I hear is the hum of my computer's fan--and so long as it's humming properly, it's music to my ears. (When I first booted up today it made a terrible ruckus and scared me silly---but after a few minutes it settled down)

Member Avatar for Helianthus
Member Avatar for talablink

Sometimes it's simply that your speaker plug has pulled out (partially or completely). Some computers have their sound card integrated on the mother board. Double check to see if something didn't go wrong with the sound driver. You should have a disk of drivers that came with your MB. You …

Member Avatar for georgemervin
Member Avatar for mitchney

Welcome, you've come to a great place--getting better all the time/

Member Avatar for efmesch
Member Avatar for efmesch

I had no problems connecting to wi-fi with my Ubuntu OS. The first time I set up, my computer effortlessly identified and connected to my home network. However, I would like to scan the air to find out if there are any other networks in my range. How does one …

Member Avatar for efmesch
Member Avatar for shahram

Your BIOS might have a setting to compensate for power-off restart (in the Power menu). Put the restart setting at DISABLED. That should allow the computer to turn on only when you activate it yourself.

Member Avatar for efmesch
Member Avatar for jay_el_em

Why stop learning at 100? One is never to old to learn something new!!

Member Avatar for JamieLynnSEO
Member Avatar for gerard4143

I have one of my computers with only the Ubunto distro of the Linux OS. As the years have passed and it has become more "window-like" I have found it easier to use. I'm far from being a Linux maven and the improvements have enabled me to enjoy it more. …

Member Avatar for madcSPYnX0420
Member Avatar for christina>you

How does this sound? I would sign up for a democratic dictator--but the details would have to be ironed out--by vote, of course

Member Avatar for Future_Dictator
Member Avatar for cathy2

Take out the battery and leave the computer totally without electricity for about 20 seconds. Then re-connect the battery and the cable and press start, [U]clicking on F8 repeatedly[/U] as soon as you turn the computer on. Hopefully, it should open a menu of start up options. Choose Safe start …

Member Avatar for efmesch
Member Avatar for dddundalk

Welcome, From somewhere in your "previous life" you will undoubtedly have information for you to share with the needy who turn to Daniweb for help. I'm sure that others with different expertise will do their best to help you, should you need help. Enjoy your membership in Daniweb--it's a great …

Member Avatar for WASDted
Member Avatar for barry.birchall

Welcome to Daniweb--the friendliest, most helpful site for anything related to computers.

Member Avatar for apojigo
Member Avatar for hklozzo`

If you can get into the BIOS, why not give a try to resetting everything to the default setting option? [U]Maybe[/U] this will "effortlessly" reactivate your USB ports.

Member Avatar for efmesch
Member Avatar for WillsAsp

It sounds as if your plug in the machine has developed a broken connection. The description is typical of the process. I would suggest (depending on your own level of expertise or daring) to either open the case, find and repair (solder) the broken connection by yourself or bring it …

Member Avatar for efmesch
Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

It was a rare treat to see ancient Dragon "in the flesh". You look great! Your avatar doesn't do you justice.

Member Avatar for efmesch
Member Avatar for kumpul101

I think you need to supply us with some more information: Do you have a DSL or a cable connection? Assuming that you have an internet supplier, has your account been activated? Generally speaking, the service department of your ISP should guide you through the first steps of the hassle--"walking …

Member Avatar for efmesch
Member Avatar for catydid

How old is it? Did you do anything unusual or have anything unusual happen the last time you used it successfully? Did you download any new programs or install any new hardware? Did it fall (or could someone have dropped it without your knowing)? Does it make any unusual sounds? …

Member Avatar for efmesch
Member Avatar for sathya1990

I did some Googling (intel 845g DDR333 DDR1 DDR2) and found this--take a look. Is it possible to Change DDR 333MHz RAM to DDR-1 or DDR-2? - Yahoo ...13 Feb 2009 ... Is DDR1 or DDR2 is compatible with my board. Please help. 2 years ago ... DDR-333 166 MHz …

Member Avatar for Rik_
Member Avatar for guyinpv

I understand your reasons to think that the roller should take the paper---if everything is as you say, it should work. Without sticking my own nose into the works, I would suggest that you try filling the paper tray with as many sheets of paper as it will take--it might …

Member Avatar for efmesch
Member Avatar for baldrick61

No gurantee for results BUT--try turning on the computer while rapidly pressing the F8 key. If you are lucky it should open a screen display with a menu of choices to choose from. Choose what best suits your needs (probable the "boot normally" option (or some wording like that.

Member Avatar for efmesch

The End.