>SL rocks all other MMPORGs through the earthing and out the other side again.
Last I heard, SL was largely ignored by the MMO community, and any publicity comes from a small but very vocal group.

yup. SL seems to be all but dead after the massive hype last year when suddenly everyone scrambled over themselves to sign up and sign over their bank accounts.

Rather surprised they still exist, hadn't heard about them in months and assumed they'd gone the way of a million other .coms.
Or maybe they have, but the hosting provider has a paid for contract still going :)

Well i havent posted here for a while lol....but im hopefully going to get back into posting here in the forums. Anyways, I recently downloaded WOW with a 10 day trial version for free, Due to the fact i dont have a credit card and I'm not going to ask my parents for theres i need an alternative game :mrgreen:

What im looking for is a game like WOW where you level up and various things but i dont want it to be a browser game like runescape(tryed it once HATED IT) so basically its something you download...make an account.. then keep logging into it when you launch the program.


You could try Shaiya online. It is really fun the website is shaiya.aeriagames.com

Fiesta online also seems to be a good one.

Try out Perfect world its pretty close to Wow its free there is an item mall but you dont need to use it to play

Well, this is probably not what you are looking for but it is fun - it is a science fiction turn based game - one character can be played for free:
Destiny2.. There is even a game in there for you, Ancient Dragon - called DungeonWorld

I am currently using a low bandwidth ISP and am curious which MMORPG game would be best. I am a former WOW (pre wotlk) player.


IDK why I'm still subscribed to this place anyhow.

But really, if we're gonna start grave-digging, I might as well answer the question, again: Savage 2. Free, and resembles WOW. (Team combat).


Well,This game does not require any sign up...its free...non-download...non-browser based...it was made by MaidMarian...it is called Sherwood Dungeon GREAT game!

Silkroad is pretty fun, and it's a lot like WoW. It's basically just like WoW, except for the fact that you play as a human in China or Europe.

  • Flyff (Fly for Fun) great and beautifully designed game-- much fun


Conquer Online cool game.! jejeje..!

try mabinogi from nxon


No wow don`t sukcs it`s the best game ever. Like 10000000 people are playing> ;-○

commented: stupid name. stupid post. at least you're consistent. -2
commented: Billions believe in some magic space pixie - doesn't make them right though +0

What im looking for is a game like WOW where you level up and various things but i dont want it to be a browser game like runescape(tryed it once HATED IT) so basically its something you download...make an account.. then keep logging into it when you launch the program.

Guild wars

AFAIK, it's not exactly *free*.

well if you don't mind a long download time then i recommend............ Runes of Magic. It's a cool game that's kinda like WoW. it has thousands of quests and features. one of its coolest features is double class. once you reach lvl 10 they give you a quest to talk to a person and you get to get another class. the mages are exactly like WoW too.


commented: Booooooooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -7

Why not buy or borrow a D&D book and writing a short/back story for your campaign.
Or do people take pleasure mindless staring at a screen; smashing a button for endless hours(living the Jetson dream)?

if you like RPG games maybe you can try out ragnarok online RO. the new versions are much easier to level up. if you want to play the real thing go for free servers instead of privates. RO is not really like WoW, and my friends used to say people who play it are noobs, but i really liked it. there are MvP, PvP, tournaments, guild wars, item quests, etc to be played

Is there a game like wow, guild wars or something for mac and free, if any one knows. Thanks :?:


Is there a game like wow, guild wars or something for mac and free, if any one knows. Thanks :?:


i believe that runes of magic has a mac version

Mm, one of my personal favorites is Swords of a New World. You choose a job, train, level, do quests. I love it!

LMFAO! ppl only say that wow sux cuz they are FAIL!

I don't know of any, but keep in mind that the game you're looking for will either be gimped due to lack of funding or overloaded with ads and other ways of generating revenue beyond a subscription.

p.s. WoW sucks, Everquest 2 is where the cool people play. ;)

commented: You fail at your cause. -1

Did you ever think of going into a linux distro to download games? I know that Ubuntu supplies several games when installing and can serve as a gateway to a lot more--and remember, everything there is free.

I wouldnt reccomend any of these games just use a private servers which allows you to play online at better levels or if you want starting from level 1 The point of private servers is to have fun using your cool new powers Than when you have enough cash to buy a membership you pay to play online with acctual people

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