Well i havent posted here for a while lol....but im hopefully going to get back into posting here in the forums. Anyways, I recently downloaded WOW with a 10 day trial version for free, Due to the fact i dont have a credit card and I'm not going to ask my parents for theres i need an alternative game :mrgreen:

What im looking for is a game like WOW where you level up and various things but i dont want it to be a browser game like runescape(tryed it once HATED IT) so basically its something you download...make an account.. then keep logging into it when you launch the program.


I don't know of any, but keep in mind that the game you're looking for will either be gimped due to lack of funding or overloaded with ads and other ways of generating revenue beyond a subscription.

p.s. WoW sucks, Everquest 2 is where the cool people play. ;)

WoW and EQ2 suck, FFXI is the way to go

Nah, all the games mentioned so far suck.

I don't think anything can even begin to rival Puzzle Pirates :mrgreen:.

  • Flyff (Fly for Fun) great and beautifully designed game-- much fun

Space Invaders, Pacman, and Pong! The holy three!

I think, as does probably everyone suscribed to this thread, that this is purely a choice not to be made or influenced by others.

Anarchy Online is free (as long as you don't use any of the addon packs).
Guildwars is free to play, just buy the box, there's no monthly charge.

You can try out Ragnarok online. Its for free.

You can download the setup files by googling for them.

The only thing is that for playing on the actual server you would need to pay but there are many fan sites out there which host Ragnarok for free.

If you need a list of free fan sites, just ask again.

  • Flyff (Fly for Fun) great and beautifully designed game-- much fun

Listen to this guy. He knows what he's talking about.

Don't even get me started on Flyff, or you'll end up with a 5-page long post about why I love it so much; with such exuberant language as "NuttyWheel" or "PukePuke" (monster names)

Seriously it's hella fun. Totally Free, (It's supported by a cash shop) with Skills and quests and junk, just like WOW.
And guilds.


I'll shut the hell up now.

thanks guys i downloaded FLYFF and im updating it right now then ill let ya know what i think :)

Judging by the silence, I'd say Flyff has a new member...

I prefer 80s games :)

You can try out Ragnarok online. Its for free.

You can download the setup files by googling for them.

The only thing is that for playing on the actual server you would need to pay but there are many fan sites out there which host Ragnarok for free.

If you need a list of free fan sites, just ask again.

can i have a list of free sites:$

ty m8

commented: Check the dates before saying "me too" and nothing else. -2

Buy yourself a deck of cards, it's almost free. You can play at least 47 different games with it.

If you want to play something better? Play runescape!

knight online, free MMORPG with no ads or anything. similar to world of warcraft but there literally infinite number of quests and missions, and the highest level you can reach is about 500, unlike wow which is only 70.

commented: Nice contribution to the thread. +20

Try Silkroad Online, Rappelz or Runescape.
I personally play Silkroad from time to time. But I'm more into RCEs.

knight online, free MMORPG with no ads or anything. similar to world of warcraft but there literally infinite number of quests and missions, and the highest level you can reach is about 500, unlike wow which is only 70.

I believe that the limit level of Knight Online is 80. It is a nice game except that the international server was dominated by Turkish. (which is hard to find people who speak English). It has a great PvP system and good community. You need to be good in combine in order to be a good Player kill. It is a good game, hard to master.

I love Dungeon & Dragons games, so I sometimes play online Dungeon Runner. It can be played for free, or if you contribute $5.00USD/month you get extra stuff and getter playing characters.

Listen to this guy. He knows what he's talking about.

Don't even get me started on Flyff, or you'll end up with a 5-page long post about why I love it so much; with such exuberant language as "NuttyWheel" or "PukePuke" (monster names)

Seriously it's hella fun. Totally Free, (It's supported by a cash shop) with Skills and quests and junk, just like WOW.
And guilds.


I'll shut the hell up now.

can i ask wat website can i find a private server of flyff?
im came from the philippines

What seems to be the problem with the official FlyFF site?

I would love to try Granado Espada but have no time. I used to play RF Online, cool graphics and the game play is definitely unique. There are private servers running around, you just have to download the patch, but I prefer you play on the server wherever you are located. It's a nice game, really. You get to choose races and you get to practice teamwork.

R.Y.L (Risk Your Live) anyone??

R.Y.L (Risk Your Live) anyone??

I'd rather not, I've only got one...

I'd rather not, I've only got one...

RYL is the only game I play right now...
Btw would u care to explain why not??

he just did, he said he cares about his life.

Oh I see...
Well my english is lame anyway...

I don't think it's lame, you just misunderstood.

Second Life. Basically, YOU decide what YOU want to do. You can virtually do anything. Shop, battle, make stuff to sell, hire yourself out, enjoy the landscape, start a business, <list goes on>.

It's a virtual world where YOU decide what happens. THere are other players you interact with, oh, and it has it's own currency called LindX. Can exchange for USD, or buy L with USD/Euros/whatever.

Oh, and did I mention ITS FREE?
With free account, you can basically do everything, except "own" land, but that's just a slight drawback. SL rocks all other MMPORGs through the earthing and out the other side again.

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