So, we have an internet cafe. and we have the "SERVER" to log in and log out the customers. So, the server can connect to the clients.

The problem is. i can't connect to the internet..
I rebooted the pc. and still, i cant connect to the internet.
I cant connect to any web browsers...

whats the problem with the pc?
is it virus infection?

Thanks in Advance!

I think you need to supply us with some more information: Do you have a DSL or a cable connection? Assuming that you have an internet supplier, has your account been activated?
Generally speaking, the service department of your ISP should guide you through the first steps of the hassle--"walking you" over the phone step by step into the wide open spaces of the internet.
Just for curiosity, how did you manage to post this question if you can't access the internet?
Once you're in, your next question might be, "How do I get out?" (The internet is highly addictive!!)
LOL :)

HAHA. sorry
i said we have an internet cafe.
so, the clients can access the internet
while the server cannot
we do have a DSL.. and all is done. we will be 2 years in business..

i posted this question from the clients.. because we have an internet cafe...


Sorry--I guess I didn't understand your writing style (I'm stuck in the last century)
Have you tried your computer at any other server? Does it work properly in its other functions?
Have you run any AV scans?

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