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Final Year B. Tech IT @ NITK Surathkal
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- [strike]Right now, its blogging.[/strike] Otherwise, its driving my car around town. I'm known for marathon…
- PC Specs
- HP dv6222 TX Windows Vista / Ubuntu 9.04 2.5 GB RAM nvidia 7400
111 Posted Topics
Re: Use another SQL statement. Construct it like this- [code=vb.net] Dim strSQL2 As String = "SELECT product_id FROM product where product_name=" & Me.cmbDropDown.SelectedItem [/code] | |
Hi all! Is there any way in which I can customize the look of the CPanel webmail so as to have custom webmail login with say the company logo and other things on the page? | |
Re: You can try online examination project. Have done one here- [url]http://dontnet.tekyt.info[/url] | |
Re: You should use a Command Builder to update records so that changes made to the dataset can be reflected into the database. Here is some sample code- [code=VB.NET] Public Class Form1 Dim cn As New Odbc.OdbcConnection("Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};Server=localhost;Database=shreyas; User=root;Password=;") Dim cmd As Odbc.OdbcCommand Dim adp As Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter Dim ds … | |
Re: let us say you have a login button on the registration form which gets enabled on validation of registration details. code for login button- form2.showdialog() in the form_load for the 2nd form, do form1.hide() and in the form closing event for the 2nd form, remember to do form1.close() | |
Re: Check my blog post- [url]http://dotnet.tekyt.info/?p=27[/url] If you still have any doubts, feel free to ask | |
Hi Folks - back on DaniWeb after a long time. I used to be an active developer a few years back - now I am leading a team that needs some help. So here goes: We need to create a dynamic menu - (dynamic in the sense that the values … | |
Hi all! I am trying to connect to a remote MySQL database in a VB.NET application. This database is located on my LAN at the address I am using MySQL Connector/ODBC 3.51 (MyODBC 3.51) for the connection. The connection string that I am using is the following- Driver={MySQL ODBC … | |
I need to check if a databse user exists and if not, create that user. However, I do not know the statement to check if a user already exits. How to check if a user already exists in MySQL? | |
Hey All, I am looking to develop a web application on the Java platform with Oracle 11g database. I asked one of the dealers for a quote & the quote is for "20 users". I don't really know how this works, but will I be requiring a license for 20 … | |
Re: Are you sure you are giving 6 parameters? Could you paste your SQL Command text again? It appears broken in your previous post. | |
In a shell script, I want to 'spool' (record) the shell prompt & command typed alongwith its output into a file. eg: In the script, if I give a 'ls' command, the file should contain: [CODE] <<root@server ~>>$ ls a b c.txt <<root@server ~>>$ [/CODE] i.e. the command as if … | |
Re: I think it is a better option to use a binding source to solve your problem. You can attach data to a component using the following- dim ds as new dataset dim bs as new bindingsource(ds,"<table name>") me.textbox1.databindings.add("Text",bs,"<field name>") Next button- bs.Movenext() Previous- bs.MovePrevious() | |
Re: I have made a similar project. You might want to see the code- [url]http://dotnet.tekyt.info/?p=34[/url] In case you have any doubts about the code, do ask here. | |
Hi, I just installed Tomcat 5.5 and could see the default index page (with images missing) Upon running the sample JSPs, I get the following- HTTP Status 404 - Servlet default is not available In the logs, I can see a Root Cause saying something like- "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/naming/resources/Resource" Basically, I … | |
Hi! There is a file on my desktop of size 0 bytes. When I try to delete it, it says "Could not find this item" What is the problem? This is really irritating me. Any help would be highly appreciated | |
Re: 1. Keep an array to hold the random numbers 2. In order to add an element to this array, generate a random number in the required range, and check the array to see if the generated number is already a part of the array (using foreach) 3. If the generated … | |
Hi, I am running Windows Vista. Sometimes my browsers will abruptly stop displaying webpages. The error on Mozilla says- Unable to Connect, on Safari - Winsock Error 10013 I am able to ping, my DNS servers are working (so its not a connectivity problem- other computers on the same network … | |
Re: [QUOTE=DoEds;917584] *problem* How to exit this program when the user assigned k to 1 ? [/QUOTE] Use exit() function [url]http://www.cprogramming.com/fod/exit.html[/url] | |
Re: Check with your network administrator if there is a mail server on your network. If you are running the website on your own server, you might have to configure your mail settings on the localhost | |
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Re: [QUOTE=sumeetdesaeee;915223] Sample question:- Wat will the expression ABC AB AC will become after postfix operation?? [/QUOTE] The expression contains only operands. Where are the operators? If you have a string in infix, ie. in form A+B, and you wish to have it in the form AB+, you can use the … | |
Re: [QUOTE=Kurt Kubing;917074]I think there's only one reason why your code will never work as you expected: you declare read-only strings. Although you didn't declare it with the const keyword, declaring string that way makes your string variable untouchable. [/QUOTE] Its possible that what the original thread starter meant by 'swap' … | |
Re: printf("Trip Summary")[COLOR="Red"];[/COLOR] You are missing the semicolon here and here printf("Enter Total amount of fuel required")[COLOR="Red"];[/COLOR] and why do you have the return statement outside the main function? | |
Hi, I was reading the book "Fundamentals of Database Systems" by Elmasri and Navathe. In that it is given that for a relation to be in 2nd NF, every non prime attribute (attribute which is not a part of any candidate key) should be fully functionally dependent on any candidate … | |
Hi, On my website, I am using breadcrumb links- A->B->P X->Y->P (same P) The breadcrumbs and other links change depending upon whether a spider visits P from B or Y. So what is the solution to this? | |
Re: This is how I did it- [code=vb.net] Public Class Form4 Private Sub Form4_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim cn As New Odbc.OdbcConnection("Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};Server=localhost;Database=mydb; User=root;Password=xxxxx;") Dim cmd As New Odbc.OdbcCommand("Select * from mytable", cn) cn.Open() Dim dr As Odbc.OdbcDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader While dr.Read … | |
Re: Hi, [LIST] [*]There are 65536 ports (TCP) i.e 0-65535 [*]Port No 0 to 1023 are reserved for well known services (http, ftp, telnet) [*]If you try to use a port already in use, you will get a [I]BindException[/I] [*]You can run a port scanner program to check what your ports … | |
Hi, What is the conversion character for long double in gcc? | |
In a application for online test, the rank list is computed as follows- [CODE] select * from test order by marks DESC[/CODE] How can we make sure that the first record gets rank1, second rank2 and so on... I want to add the field to the table. Can this be … |
The End.