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Final Year B. Tech IT @ NITK Surathkal

[strike]Right now, its blogging.[/strike] Otherwise, its driving my car around town. I'm known for marathon…
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111 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for buffdaemon_live

Use another SQL statement. Construct it like this- [] Dim strSQL2 As String = "SELECT product_id FROM product where product_name=" & Me.cmbDropDown.SelectedItem [/code]

Member Avatar for Mike Bishop
Member Avatar for tuse

Hi all! Is there any way in which I can customize the look of the CPanel webmail so as to have custom webmail login with say the company logo and other things on the page?

Member Avatar for Abdullah_6
Member Avatar for shubhalaxmi

You can try online examination project. Have done one here- [url][/url]

Member Avatar for Komal_2
Member Avatar for Yogesh Sharma

You should use a Command Builder to update records so that changes made to the dataset can be reflected into the database. Here is some sample code- [code=VB.NET] Public Class Form1 Dim cn As New Odbc.OdbcConnection("Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};Server=localhost;Database=shreyas; User=root;Password=;") Dim cmd As Odbc.OdbcCommand Dim adp As Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter Dim ds …

Member Avatar for Venkatesh_6
Member Avatar for tirso

let us say you have a login button on the registration form which gets enabled on validation of registration details. code for login button- form2.showdialog() in the form_load for the 2nd form, do form1.hide() and in the form closing event for the 2nd form, remember to do form1.close()

Member Avatar for luck_1
Member Avatar for cee_karthi

Check my blog post- [url][/url] If you still have any doubts, feel free to ask

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for tuse

Hi Folks - back on DaniWeb after a long time. I used to be an active developer a few years back - now I am leading a team that needs some help. So here goes: We need to create a dynamic menu - (dynamic in the sense that the values …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for tuse

Hi all! I am trying to connect to a remote MySQL database in a VB.NET application. This database is located on my LAN at the address I am using MySQL Connector/ODBC 3.51 (MyODBC 3.51) for the connection. The connection string that I am using is the following- Driver={MySQL ODBC …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for tuse

I need to check if a databse user exists and if not, create that user. However, I do not know the statement to check if a user already exits. How to check if a user already exists in MySQL?

Member Avatar for Offirmo
Member Avatar for tuse

Hey All, I am looking to develop a web application on the Java platform with Oracle 11g database. I asked one of the dealers for a quote & the quote is for "20 users". I don't really know how this works, but will I be requiring a license for 20 …

Member Avatar for alanlawson123
Member Avatar for aditya_amb

Are you sure you are giving 6 parameters? Could you paste your SQL Command text again? It appears broken in your previous post.

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for tuse

In a shell script, I want to 'spool' (record) the shell prompt & command typed alongwith its output into a file. eg: In the script, if I give a 'ls' command, the file should contain: [CODE] <<root@server ~>>$ ls a b c.txt <<root@server ~>>$ [/CODE] i.e. the command as if …

Member Avatar for shibblez
Member Avatar for preethi_ga

I think it is a better option to use a binding source to solve your problem. You can attach data to a component using the following- dim ds as new dataset dim bs as new bindingsource(ds,"<table name>") me.textbox1.databindings.add("Text",bs,"<field name>") Next button- bs.Movenext() Previous- bs.MovePrevious()

Member Avatar for 123dev
Member Avatar for kalyanapu

I have made a similar project. You might want to see the code- [url][/url] In case you have any doubts about the code, do ask here.

Member Avatar for nirajs
Member Avatar for tuse

Hi, I just installed Tomcat 5.5 and could see the default index page (with images missing) Upon running the sample JSPs, I get the following- HTTP Status 404 - Servlet default is not available In the logs, I can see a Root Cause saying something like- "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/naming/resources/Resource" Basically, I …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for tuse

Hi! There is a file on my desktop of size 0 bytes. When I try to delete it, it says "Could not find this item" What is the problem? This is really irritating me. Any help would be highly appreciated

Member Avatar for earningsilence
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

1. Keep an array to hold the random numbers 2. In order to add an element to this array, generate a random number in the required range, and check the array to see if the generated number is already a part of the array (using foreach) 3. If the generated …

Member Avatar for rajesh_kanna
Member Avatar for tuse

Hi, I am running Windows Vista. Sometimes my browsers will abruptly stop displaying webpages. The error on Mozilla says- Unable to Connect, on Safari - Winsock Error 10013 I am able to ping, my DNS servers are working (so its not a connectivity problem- other computers on the same network …

Member Avatar for tuse
Member Avatar for DoEds

[QUOTE=DoEds;917584] *problem* How to exit this program when the user assigned k to 1 ? [/QUOTE] Use exit() function [url][/url]

Member Avatar for DoEds
Member Avatar for ayesha789

Check with your network administrator if there is a mail server on your network. If you are running the website on your own server, you might have to configure your mail settings on the localhost

Member Avatar for ayesha789
Member Avatar for Dream2code
Member Avatar for sumeetdesaeee

[QUOTE=sumeetdesaeee;915223] Sample question:- Wat will the expression ABC AB AC will become after postfix operation?? [/QUOTE] The expression contains only operands. Where are the operators? If you have a string in infix, ie. in form A+B, and you wish to have it in the form AB+, you can use the …

Member Avatar for Dream2code
Member Avatar for rcbhat

[QUOTE=Kurt Kubing;917074]I think there's only one reason why your code will never work as you expected: you declare read-only strings. Although you didn't declare it with the const keyword, declaring string that way makes your string variable untouchable. [/QUOTE] Its possible that what the original thread starter meant by 'swap' …

Member Avatar for tuse
Member Avatar for makavelixx

printf("Trip Summary")[COLOR="Red"];[/COLOR] You are missing the semicolon here and here printf("Enter Total amount of fuel required")[COLOR="Red"];[/COLOR] and why do you have the return statement outside the main function?

Member Avatar for Pavan_
Member Avatar for tuse

Hi, I was reading the book "Fundamentals of Database Systems" by Elmasri and Navathe. In that it is given that for a relation to be in 2nd NF, every non prime attribute (attribute which is not a part of any candidate key) should be fully functionally dependent on any candidate …

Member Avatar for tuse

Hi, On my website, I am using breadcrumb links- A->B->P X->Y->P (same P) The breadcrumbs and other links change depending upon whether a spider visits P from B or Y. So what is the solution to this?

Member Avatar for tuse
Member Avatar for jalandoonk

This is how I did it- [] Public Class Form4 Private Sub Form4_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim cn As New Odbc.OdbcConnection("Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};Server=localhost;Database=mydb; User=root;Password=xxxxx;") Dim cmd As New Odbc.OdbcCommand("Select * from mytable", cn) cn.Open() Dim dr As Odbc.OdbcDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader While dr.Read …

Member Avatar for venu_dw
Member Avatar for neutralfox

Hi, [LIST] [*]There are 65536 ports (TCP) i.e 0-65535 [*]Port No 0 to 1023 are reserved for well known services (http, ftp, telnet) [*]If you try to use a port already in use, you will get a [I]BindException[/I] [*]You can run a port scanner program to check what your ports …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for tuse
Member Avatar for tuse

In a application for online test, the rank list is computed as follows- [CODE] select * from test order by marks DESC[/CODE] How can we make sure that the first record gets rank1, second rank2 and so on... I want to add the field to the table. Can this be …


The End.