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About Me

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

Guitar, reading, walking
PC Specs
Home built with Biostar TA990FXE, AMD FX 6100-Six Core @ 3.3 GHz, 8GB RAM, Radeon HD6870 GPU.

190 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for Mushy-pea

Hey. I've been working on a home brew game since late last year, writing an engine in Haskell and GLSL that includes 3D graphics, basic physics and programmable game logic. The version in the second video shows the first appearance of lighting and importation of OBJ files (the cube was …

Member Avatar for Mushy-pea

Hi. In August I built a PC using a second hand Biostar TA990FXE "Extreme Edition" motherboard and AMD FX-6100 six core CPU @3.3 GHz at the core of it. I recently installed the Oracle Virtualbox VM on Windows 10 and tried running a couple of Linux and BSD OS instances, …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Mushy-pea

Hi. I've developed a bit of an interest in encryption as well as programming in Haskell since I last used this forum. So I decided to build a symmetric block cipher and test its properties to gain more of an understanding of such things. This is for research purposes as …

Member Avatar for Mushy-pea
Member Avatar for Mushy-pea

Hi. I just thought I'd post this photo of me and some graffiti lights in Bristol. I'd never come accross such a thing before, but given the city's traditions I perhaps shouldn't be surprised. Steven ![22802893a6963c1ba779ea316309fb65](/attachments/large/0/22802893a6963c1ba779ea316309fb65.jpg "22802893a6963c1ba779ea316309fb65")

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Mushy-pea

This snippit is a follow up to my first snippit, namely "Simple website hit counter" which is written in Perl. It does exactly the same thing using PHP. "Boring", you might say? Well, I have my reasons for wanting to learn this language and one needs to start somewhere :) …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for JUGS446

I work for an ISP (BT Retail, business broadband) in the UK, on the help desk. We're getting a steadily increasing tricle of businesses calling us about Vista issues. However, I've not so far identified a case of Vista being "incompatible" with either the DHCP server of the RAS or …

Member Avatar for barunsen
Member Avatar for Yzk
Member Avatar for Mushy-pea

Hi. I'm working on some Haskell code that takes some string input and processes it to return a list of integers, the reason for which should become clear when the app. eventually get finished. The list processing functions do what I want when I call "parse_data (contents)" in GHCi, but …

Member Avatar for Mushy-pea

Hi. I've been trying to get this simple function in Haskell to let me call it for many hours and come to a problem I can't find an answer for. The function is of type Float -> Float -> [Int] so I need to pass it two Float values. I've …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for Mushy-pea

Hi. After many years of having a hobbyist interest in programming but doing other things for a job, I've decided it might be time to attempt a career change to application development. The other areas I've worked in, such as teaching English to non - native speakers, aren't directly relevant …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Chaky

I've tried version 0.3 (alpha). Average uptime: 5 to 10 minutes. No, I'm not joking. Somtimes it would die after a specific event, other times it would just randomly bomb out for no apparent reason. Then it's the Black Screen of Death (not even an exception code). It crashed during …

Member Avatar for crunchie
Member Avatar for Mushy-pea

Hi everyone. You may remember that I posted a short story here about a year ago. I've cobbled together another little tale and, as the first one seemed to be appriciated, I thought I'd give it an audience here in two parts. Hoping for your amusement, fellows. The message (part …

Member Avatar for Mushy-pea
Member Avatar for sneekula

Perhaps a worse fate is to survive for so long that we become weary of our own existance and long for it to end. Forever is a long time. Steven.

Member Avatar for bumsfeld
Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~

[QUOTE=jwenting;289640]too shy to talk to women in the wild[/QUOTE] I said somthing similar to that to a friend once. You know what he said? [QUOTE=ben]I think strong larger is the key[/QUOTE] Since then I've found there's some truth in his advice :p . Don't get too drunk and try to …

Member Avatar for Borzoi
Member Avatar for Mushy-pea

Hello again. I got a fancy prancy new mobile phone recently with video capture :p . I want to transfer a video I made on it (of me playing the guitar, badly) to GoogleTube, but the file is too big to put in an MMS message. I have a Yahoo …

Member Avatar for amna masood
Member Avatar for Mushy-pea

Hi. I haven't posted here for some time but I'm still a big fan. Anyway, I had an interesting dream last night and it inspired me to write a short story based on it. I hope no one minds if I post the first part of it here for your …

Member Avatar for soccerjerseys
Member Avatar for Mushy-pea

Hi. I live in Japan in a city just outside Tokyo, although only for a few more weeks. Before a train's doors close here, a jingley little tune gets played to warn people still descending the steps to the platform they need to hurry up. The variety of tunes available …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Mushy-pea

Hi. I recently read that the current US federal budget predicts the US debt to GDP ratio will reach over 70% in 2011 and about 80% by 2020. This analysis assumes fairly strong economic growth. The question that springs to mind is, if a budget surplus can't be achieved during …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for Mushy-pea

Hello everyone. I'm trying to install a Ralink tech. wireless PCI network card on netBSD 3.1. I've looked at a netBSD online manual page and it says there is a driver for this chipset in the distribution I'm using (namely ral(4)). However, after booting up with the card physically installed …

Member Avatar for johny09
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Apple has been engaging in the kind of anti-competetive behaviour you mentioned for some time now. So, I found it quite amusing when they were sued by Cisco over the iPhone name.

Member Avatar for F_Fido
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

The only way to gaurd against servers and networks overloading when under rare and extremely heavy load is to have large amounts of spare capacity sitting around doing nothing most of the time. This is potentially quite inefficient in terms of energy consumption and maintenance costs. I would much rather …

Member Avatar for mjdodd
Member Avatar for happygeek

When you say "the DNS is changed to point towards porn and phishing sites", do you mean that (for example) the locally stored DNS entry for [url][/url] could be repointed to a fake version of this site?

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for happygeek

A teacher is more likely to be bullied by one of the staff of their school than it's pupils. This is something a member of my family has experience of.

Member Avatar for cutepinkbunnies
Member Avatar for newsguy

Perhaps Sun deliberately make Solaris a bit tricky to use so they can keep selling IT support contracts for it. I wouldn't blame them, seeing as the software itself is free now. As to whether Solaris is actually unfriendly to the user I couldn't comment much, having not used it …

Member Avatar for Mushy-pea
Member Avatar for newsguy

The harsh conditions mentioned in Bill's report are primarily the cosmic rays the silicon components of a computer are exposed to in space. A cosmic ray is a fast moving proton ejected from the sun. If one hits a register it can cause a cascade of ionisation that can flip …

Member Avatar for Mushy-pea
Member Avatar for John A

It is interesting that the BSD license is more permissive of software being taken back into the propriatory domain than the GPL is. I mean this in the sense of the long and tiresome lengths the BSD team had to travel to free themselves from claims of pirating by AT …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for Mushy-pea

I invented an encryption algorhythm today and used it to "hide" the information in an unused password I came up with. This was done on paper, not with a program. However, I am planning to start laying some code down for this today (in Haskell, partly as an exercise to …

Member Avatar for Michael_Knight
Member Avatar for John A

I think Dell has a decent reason to deprecate Vista; it will make there high end PCs look like they've got Sinclair Spectrum chips inside. 512 MB to boot the computer up? My brain doesn't have that much memory (and it's a high end model I can tell you). But …

Member Avatar for Mushy-pea
Member Avatar for John A

In my experience most people who go out of their way to say a language is bad haven't used it much. I was slagging off PHP on some forums a few weeks ago. Have I ever used it? No. But seriously, that a languages implementation is not as fast as …

Member Avatar for jwenting

The End.