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Counter-strike, 3d modeling, basketball
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Dell Studio 1555 Dual Boot Windows 7 | Ubuntu 10.10 360GB HDD 4GB ram Intel Core 2 Duo 2.10Ghz ATI Radeon…

657 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for samaru

I hate anime it is boring. I mean i know some of it has cool action scenes and all but geesh could you make cartoons get any creepier. And the people I know who like anime are just creepy, stupid, asian kids who no one really likes(not because their asian).

Member Avatar for thompsonmax
Member Avatar for mikeandike22
Member Avatar for NewMacUser

here is a tutorial on how to do it using a specific software call riverpast [url][/url]

Member Avatar for peter_62
Member Avatar for mikeandike22

i have fastream netfile server and i want to setup an http or ftp server with limited access can someone guide me through the setup

Member Avatar for uyapark
Member Avatar for mikeandike22

If you are a programmer than you probably know or at least know of C++ well now a company called Digital Mars is developing the D programming lanugage. [I] "D is a systems programming language. Its focus is on combining the power and high performance of C and C++ with …

Member Avatar for The Old Man
Member Avatar for mikeandike22

Ok so im using hubspot for inbound marketing and the have a thing called page grader that finds errors in your page. The most common warning is page has images without alt text. Since im dealing with a really big drupal site and dont want to go through every image …

Member Avatar for marta.johnsson
Member Avatar for ang19

i have one question. why would you want to write a program in machine code? I mean now with such advanced programming languages from c++ to even java is there any point to learning java.

Member Avatar for David_34
Member Avatar for supra
Member Avatar for mikeandike22

So im new to the PHP world because I have to learn it for work. So one of my clients is a musician and wanted a music player so I made a simple way the user could click a link and load a song. ok first I set the variable …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for mikeandike22

i am looking for a free way to promote my new forum and attract new members. I dont know anything about seo so my website usually doesnt come up on google or msn and if it does it is not first for example type in and will come …

Member Avatar for bhav123
Member Avatar for Gollum1

go to start run type 'cmd' then type in the command prompt 'ipconfig/all' this should show you all your internet data.

Member Avatar for CimmerianX
Member Avatar for Yzk
Member Avatar for mikeandike22

I have seen a couple solutions to this problem but none have worked so far. here is the error. [B]Fatal error[/B]: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in [B]C:\wamp\www\login.php[/B] on line [B]12 [/B]and the code [PHP]<?php // connect to the mysql server $link = mysql_connect(localhost, root, admin) or die ("Could not …

Member Avatar for ashishanand
Member Avatar for NotThereAnymore

Im guessing you could copy the contents of the cd and add that file and reburn it. Also is the _ in the filename on the cd? I would also consider the Grub bootloader which can be fixed via live cds check out my [plug][URL=""]blog post on it[/URL][/plug] there is …

Member Avatar for Ethire
Member Avatar for lovablefool
Member Avatar for preist
Member Avatar for mikeandike22

input and returning the input: output. Here is the assignment In the session, provide a command prompt that includes the working directory, e.g., $./logger /home/it244/it244/hw8$ Accept user’s commands, execute them, and display the output on the screen. During the session, create a temporary file “PID.cmd” (PID is the process ID) …

Member Avatar for mikeandike22
Member Avatar for zepeda

reformat your drive if you can. Check your bios to see if your boot sequence is in the correct order. and when you try to boot from the xp cd make sure you select boot form cd in your boot selection menu. When loading your computer should tell you in …

Member Avatar for crunchie
Member Avatar for thadani

Personally i dont like norton i preffer mcafee. norton has too much stuff that doesnt really do anything. Like the internet security i have plenty of internet security becuase i know how to get rid of stuff plus i run kerio professional firewall.

Member Avatar for SARUBA
Member Avatar for mikeandike22

ok i want to make a program to show a teacher at my school so i can get into computer Ap which teaches you java(but they say u have to know stuff to get in it makes no sense i am in highschool). here is some seudocode and the code …

Member Avatar for Nmanpure Pkr
Member Avatar for mikeandike22

SO I am trying to setup a RewriteRule on my server for caching static objects. the files are in this naming scheme /docroot/css/stylesheet.min.css and I have them printed in the code like /docroot/css/stylesheet.min.123438348.css (the number is example it comes from a get modified function). Note docroot is an example directory …

Member Avatar for mikeandike22
Member Avatar for macki

you need to rip a dvd onto the computer and then convert it to quicktime. I do not know any ripping programs that copy dvds into quicktime maybe dvdxcopy but that has been recently taken off the market so i suggest ripping with dvdshrink and converting into quicktime. Just so …

Member Avatar for dilpasand
Member Avatar for mikeandike22

i have had this problem where the blue screen of death comes up and says DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL or something like that how do i fix that.

Member Avatar for theresa2010
Member Avatar for mikeandike22

I am trying to collapse a sidebar with Jquery I have accomplished this with a simpler example but would like to incorporate it into a more complex document here is the code [CODE] <aside id="leftColumn" class="left sideBar"> <!--Thing I want to Collapse--> <nav class="leftNav"> <ul class="align_right indiBtn"> <li class="dashboard"><a href="#" …

Member Avatar for mikeandike22
Member Avatar for mikeandike22

this application shows you how to declare variables and display variables. the end result of this code is showing you the total price after tax. this is mainly for beginners.

Member Avatar for jsmall26
Member Avatar for SoMy

well ok first you need the game server software which usually comes with the game. like counter-strike and wat not has a dedicated server on steam. a lot of games also have server software you can download. then u need a computer, if you want to have a good server …

Member Avatar for Brap
Member Avatar for NMChile68

run registry mechanic then post your hijack this log in the security forum. And if know one can tell you what to fix on ur log then try a system restore to before this problem happened.

Member Avatar for benmar
Member Avatar for mikeandike22

Here is a very short tutorial on how you can set your photoshop to produce Divs and CSS rather than the old fashion tables. This is very useful becuase this is becoming the new way to work with web pages and lets you add a lot more room to do …

Member Avatar for MindSter
Member Avatar for mikeandike22

if i dont have a domain name but have an ftp server like cuteftp how can people download from my server is there an ip adress for it. Do i need to get at least a subdomain. My main reason for wanting to know this is that i want to …

Member Avatar for manishseo74

The End.