Simple starter cf45 application

mikeandike22 0 Tallied Votes 87 Views Share

this application shows you how to declare variables and display variables. the end result of this code is showing you the total price after tax. this is mainly for beginners.

<cfset nTax = .05 />
<cfset nPrice = 5.95 />
<cfset nTotal = nTax * nPrice + nPrice />
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

<cfoutput>Price: #nPrice#</cfoutput><br>
<cfoutput>Tax: #nTax#</cfoutput><br>
<cfoutput>Total: #nTotal#</cfoutput>

jsmall26 0 Light Poster

Wouldn't you want to say

<cfparam name="nTax" default=".05"><cfparam name="nPrice" default="5.95">

instead? Also, I'd wrap the <cfoutput> tags only around the variables

Price: <cfoutput>#dollarformat(nPrice)#</cfoutput>

(also put the dollar numbers in dollar format on all of them. :)

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