Thank you in advance to anyone who can help this coldfusion noob.
What I am trying to do seems easy enough but clearly I am having very serious problems. ;D
I am trying to populate a pdf with data from a database.
//Here is the page that lists all the users and allows a link to the user details
//this is working fine
<cfquery name="GetUsers" datasource="[ommitted]">
SELECT ChildAssessmentID,FirstName, LastName
FROM ChildAssessments
<h4>Child Assessment List</h4>
<th>User ID</th>
<th>First Name</th>
<th>Last Name</th>
<cfoutput query="GetUsers">
<td><a href="pdf.cfm?ChildAssessmentID=#ChildAssessmentID#">#ChildAssessmentID#</a></td>
//end page
//Here is my query getting the details of user with the ChildAssessmentID
//this seems to be making the correct query but is not working with the pdf
<cfquery name="getuserdetails" datasource="[omitted]">
select FirstName, LastName
from ChildAssessments where ChildAssessmentID=#URL.ChildAssessmentID#
Here is my cfpdfform code
<cfpdfform action="populate" source="pdf/testform.pdf" overwrite="yes">
<cfpdfsubform name="form1" >
<cfpdfformparam name="ChildAssessmentID" value="#URL.ChildAssessmentID#">
<cfpdfformparam name="FirstName" value="#getuserdetails.FirstName#">
<cfpdfformparam name="LastName" value="#getuserdetails.LastName#">
The form I am trying to populate (pdftestform.pdf) displays the top record in LiveCycleDesigner using "Preview Mode", but does not display data using the coldfusion.
I hope this makes sense.