Hi Every Body
I learn lots of thing from here. Now I put my hands in ASP.Net.
I am creating a web site now I stuck at a point where I want to display the result in sorted order. Actually I have a facility to add new schedule for class I am conducting.
Class 1 Monday 04:00PM
Class 2 Tuesday 12:30 PM
Class 3 Wednesday 10:00 AM
Now if i add -
Class 4 Monday 12:30 PM and
Class 5 Thrusday 03:00 PM
then these classes should be displayed in previous list schedule but not at the end of previous list, it should looks like -
Class 4 Monday 12:30 PM and
Class 1 Monday 04:00PM
Class 2 Tuesday 12:30 PM
Class 3 Wednesday 10:00 AM
Class 5 Thrusday 03:00 PM
I hope I make myself clear to you all.
Please see the attached code file for the reference
to see my work done visit