I have a db that has the following Data for example:
PolicyNumber, StoreId, ConsultantName,ClientName, ClientSurname
I would like to have a report that will give me a list of policies done for that day seperated by store printed to PDF.
So Basically
Store - 12CEL
24Hr001 Bob Joe Soap
24Hr002 Bill Gill Henry
Store - 1156
24Hr003 Luke Manfred Kiy
24Hr004 Peter Ursula Jent
I currently use R&OS for pdf Printing
The Code below Gives me all policies, I just need to now seperate them in the PDF
//include pdf class
include ('class.ezpdf.php');
//Include PHP Mailer Class
//Connect to database
mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "");
@mysql_select_db("mobility") or die("Unable to select database");
$queryP= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tblpolicies WHERE CaptureDate='2006-04-03' ORDER BY StoreId");
$pdf =& new Cezpdf();
$p = 750;
$p = $p - 10;
if($p == 10){
$p = 750;
$pdf->ezText("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" . $body,16,array('justification'=>'centre'));
//write pdf stream to pdf file
$pdfcode = $pdf->ezOutput();