Hi Coders,
I recently found a script online that clears tweets from a twitter account. The script is written in coldfusion which is not supported by most web hosts as you guys know. I'm a programming newbie, so I want to know if it's possible to code this same script in php so that it will work on my current hosts server. The code looks simple enough.
Here is the code below:
<cfhttp method="GET" url="http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/foo.xml?count=2000" username="username" password="password" />
<cfset theList = xmlParse(cfhttp.fileContent) />
<cfset loopCount = arrayLen(theList.statuses.status) />
<cfloop from="1" to="#loopCount#" index="i">
<cfhttp method="post" url="http://twitter.com/statuses/destroy.xml" username="username" password="password">
<cfhttpparam type="formField" name="id" value="#theList.statuses.status[i].id.xmlText#" />