Hey Im trying to send an email with PHP. but Im using ajax to load all my pages So i dont want to disrupt that flow by having the page refresh when you hit submit..I just want it to be like loading and then echo Thank you or something. Here is my current code.
<form method"post" onsubmit="return false;">
<label>Your Email:<br /><input type="text" name="email" id="email" /></label><br />
<label>Subject:<br /><input type="text" name="subject" id="subject" style="width:500px;" /></label><br />
<label>Message:<br /><input type="text" name="message" id="message" style="width:500px;height:200px;background-color:#DFB782;color:#000;border:1px solid #462401;font-weight:bold;" /></label><br />
<input type="submit" value="Send" style="background-color:#DFB782;color:#000;border:1px solid #462401;font-weight:bold;margin-top:5px;padding:5px;font-size:18px;" onClick="sendRequest()" />
$mail['to'] = 'business@caffeinatedcustoms.com';
$mail['from'] = $_POST['email'];
$mail['subject'] = $_POST['subject'];
$mail['message'] .= $_POST['message'];
$mail['header'] = 'From: '.$_POST['Name'].'<'. $mail['from'] . ">\r\n";
$mail['status'] = @mail($mail['to'], $mail['subject'], $mail['message'], $mail['header']);
if ($mail['status'] == false) {
echo 'Failed to send mail to ' . $mail['to'] . '.<br>Error: ' . error_get_last();
echo 'Thank You we will Resond Soon';
<script type="text/javascript" src="prototype.js"></script>
function sendRequest() {
new Ajax.Request("sendmail.php",
method: 'post',
postBody: 'message='+ $F('message'),
onComplete: showResponse
function showResponse(req){
$('show').innerHTML= req.responseText;
Thanks in advance ;)