Many decades ago, time travel has been intriguing for most scientists. Many have gone through different articles about time travel. Einstein's theory was very intriguing for us as well for myself.

Now its time, to ask some intriguing questions... Is time travel really possible through the use of programming? If only programmers and scientists all around the world gather including those not so intelligent programmers and unite for the same purpose... I guess time travel is not impossible.

Is Einstein's theory really true? What if all the technology that we are using now has its purpose... What if destiny builds the technology... What if destiny build those people that makes the technology possible...

I know this sounds crazy but Einstein is definitely not crazy...

Many scientists had studied time travel with the basis of Einstein's theory of relativity. That the events of time can be bent and most likely people can travel through time...

Is this really possible for computer science? I mean, does time travel really possible for our technology right now? or should we wait for another century just to prove it... well, for myself it's kind of crazy right now but time travel is very intriguing. I wish Einstein lives continuously until now so that he could finish it... what do you say...

^-- *points to my avatar* Been watching to much of that show?

Programming would just be a layer of control over other devices. It's just another tool in the process there - like a screwdriver.
Isn't the internet close enough of a time machine for you?

This is the most retarded thread I have ever read.

commented: Nailed it on the head. +16

Yeah Retarded is the word!!!

commented: nyaw +0

You must have been smokin that good issh when you wrote that. LOL...funniest thing I've read in a long time.

Hehehe, retarded eh! But you could never deny that most of you has been always intrigued about time travel... If you weren't intrigued about Einstein's theory then why did you replied to this thread, hehehe... you really can't deny it.

Unconsciously, you just revealed indirectly about how much interested you are about the time travel thing... hehehe. I guess I'm not the only retarded here... hehehe... well anyway, thanks for the reply, I really appreciated your efforts... Thanks! If anyone is interested... well, you are always free to say what you want... heheheh

commented: Gibberish like this belongs in the Geeks Lounge. It's not Computer Science. -3

Actually guys i made a programming script that does time travel! :P Its called changing the system clock! And i think that thats the best your going to do for the meantime.

commented: I know I shouldn't be approving this much sarcasm... but LOL +2

Absolutely cool! You have just made a one step ahead of our project... I like you men! It's a cool "Changing the System Clock" program... two thumbs up to you! Alright! If you would just give the code I may add up some features... thanks men! You're cool!

>>If you would just give the code I may add up some features
Exact code will depend on the operating system. Setting the time/date is quite simple -- just look up the time functions for the operating system.

The only time travel that programming will support is uni-directional - you will be older when you are done. There is nothing in Einstein's General ToR work that implies time-travel and everything in Special ToR that explicates that time-travel is impossible. The Einstein-Rosen Bridge predicts wormholes because Albert could not stand the idea of a singularity in the center of a black hole - Wheeler discovered that the Einstein-Rosen bridge space-time structure was dynamically unstable in field-free space. They showed that if such a wormhole somehow opened, it would close up again before even a single photon could be transmitted through it, thereby preserving Einsteinian causality. This lead to Lorentzian wormholes and Euclidean wormholes but I digress.

I would look more towards Feynman - "It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are. If it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong."

Listen, time travel is possible, this I know. I travel back every time I think of playing in our huge chestnut tree as a child. Every time I remember my Grandfathers hand touching mine as he passed me a dollar and said " here, go buy yourself a couple cigarettes or something" while smiling at me with such sarcasm and love. Every time a memory passes through the polarized atoms of my brains neurons.
Ok, but seriously, time travel is not impossible in my opinion. We can see the beginning of the universe if we produced a perfect source of magnification. Enough that we could view billions of light years into space. And even then, if it were possible to view back at ourselves through the curvature of some light rays as they pass by a black whole, we may be able to see ourselves years before but never create a wormhole and survive, or even produce a machine to pass the speed of light in a sphere around us and survive.
I think our time machines, my friends, will be for now and forever, in our memories and the stories or our elders.
BTW, a great movie about time travel and one of my favorite movies is Time Machine (2002). You should check it out.

Hehehe, retarded eh! But you could never deny that most of you has been always intrigued about time travel... If you weren't intrigued about Einstein's theory then why did you replied to this thread, hehehe... you really can't deny it.

Retarded yeah but vandenzergen has a point we have this dream to TIME TRAVEL.

Imagine if you see your past self or future self.... HAHAHAHA Still RETARDED thing to think of!!!

If you have not read All You Zombies[/U] by Bobby Heinlein - do so as quickly as possible - it is the end all and be all fo Time Travel stories. All the characters in the story are the same person; he is both his own mother and father - the bartender, the time traveler, the sargent of the guard and when he closed his eyes, he was terrified that the universe would go away. He knew who he was but - who are 'all you zombies'.

Thanks Ancient Dragon! You're so cool! With this, we might solve the problem of Einstein theory... a little bit... hehehe we still don't know how to bend time by using this codes... there are still several problems we will possibly encounter...

Listen, time travel is possible, this I know. I travel back every time I think of playing in our huge chestnut tree as a child. Every time I remember my Grandfathers hand touching mine as he passed me a dollar and said " here, go buy yourself a couple cigarettes or something" while smiling at me with such sarcasm and love. Every time a memory passes through the polarized atoms of my brains neurons.
Ok, but seriously, time travel is not impossible in my opinion. We can see the beginning of the universe if we produced a perfect source of magnification. Enough that we could view billions of light years into space. And even then, if it were possible to view back at ourselves through the curvature of some light rays as they pass by a black whole, we may be able to see ourselves years before but never create a wormhole and survive, or even produce a machine to pass the speed of light in a sphere around us and survive.
I think our time machines, my friends, will be for now and forever, in our memories and the stories or our elders.
BTW, a great movie about time travel and one of my favorite movies is Time Machine (2002). You should check it out.

This time travel thing is absolutely possible... I can feel it... look, if you would just think of it... God is there, right? Yeah, I know all of you absolutely believe in God. Nothing is impossible with God. Believing in God is the most supreme belief that you would always do. Now, this is just time travel... compared to God, time travel is just nothing. Why could someone who believes in God but don't actually believe in time travel? Where time travel is nothing compared to God... just think about it... you will get what I mean... we don't lose hope...

commented: Now you're just a wacko with the 'god' thing -5
commented: Um, no, we don't all believe in God. -3

If the universe is deterministic, it'd be possible to simulate forward progression of events and have it exactly correspond to actual progression of events. If it's deterministic & time invertible, then it'd be possible to simulate backward progression of events. Provided that the simulation exactly corresponds to the entire universe, in every detail.

Not then, for a person to travel forwards and backwards, but to to create an identical copy/'image' of the universe and run it backwards and forwards at whatever speed desired. Of course, such a system would necessarily take all the matter and energy in the universe plus some* to implement.

*infact, multiply some.

So, if my pre-requisites hold, then it's theoretically possible to at least gather data about the past and present, just totally infeasible.

Paradoxically, if the universe truely is deterministic, it wouldn't be possible to act any differently (i.e. to 'change the future') regardless of the outcome of such a simulation; since doing anything 'differently' would violate that determinism.

I give this thread 5 STARS!!!!!!

Very interesting indeed :)

I think these people have been watching too much Star-Trek, where the computers run in the future then bring back the result to the present so that it appears to do its stuff instantly.

At least... for now, all the technology that we are using would have a very much much more better, and a very absolutely worthy to die for purpose.

We might get a very very tiny specs of ideas from every technology that we are enjoying as for this moment in time. Like the concepts that are used for DVD players, we could rewind, go forward, and stop. Or could you get any other ideas how to solve it? Everyone, you might not see it but we are helping the great genius Einstein solve the problem of his theory. You might not be aware of it but each one of you is finding a way how to solve this theory. You may think its funny but just notice how destiny drives us here, in this rendezvous of fate...

We might see someday and fulfill these purpose... all of us might see someday... to build our very dream... to build our very dream...

No. It is not possible to build a time machine through programming... That is the answer to your question. :D

Einstein's theory of relativity talked about traveling at speeds 0.9 or 0.99 that of light. It pertains to huge gravitational fields. It talks about large amounts of energy. It does not say anything about programming at the speed of light. It does not say anything about the difficulty of programming such phenomena.

Programming has less bounds than physical space because we can create fictional things: 3D objects, interfaces, applications, etc. We are not limited by mechanical problems or physical problems such as traveling at 0.9c (where c = speed of light), or the problem of going back in time and accidentally killing your grandmother.

Did you know that traveling at that speed will make you so heavy you'll probably implode and reach a different time in dust-form. :p

Perhaps you are confused by the programmer's obsession with coffee (in his overnight coding stints) in his attempts to slow-down time and the coming of the inevitable deadline.

I doubt that your call to "all programmers" to drink huge amounts of coffee would cause a time-stop. But starbucks would have loved for that to happen. :D

Like the concepts that are used for DVD players, we could rewind, go forward, and stop. Or could you get any other ideas how to solve it? Everyone, you might not see it but we are helping the great genius Einstein solve the problem of his theory.

DVDs are just a collection of static frames.

Why don't you just live in the now, I don't see any need to go back or forth. Whatever happens, happens. If the world explodes, oh well, like the rest of the universe could care.

This time travel thing is absolutely possible... I can feel it... look, if you would just think of it... God is there, right? Yeah, I know all of you absolutely believe in God. Nothing is impossible with God. Believing in God is the most supreme belief that you would always do. Now, this is just time travel... compared to God, time travel is just nothing. Why could someone who believes in God but don't actually believe in time travel? Where time travel is nothing compared to God... just think about it... you will get what I mean... we don't lose hope...

You 'feel' it is possible? Hmm? Why don't you slip into an isolation tank (body temperature water with the salinity of The Great Salt Lake so you float, sound-proofed/light-proofed) and change your perceptions? Everything you 'know' and 'feel' is determined by what your body tells you so all you have to do is reverse the process and tell your body what to 'know' and there you are.

I do not believe in god; I do not believe in time-travel - what is the point of bringing belief into this? Science is based on knowledge not on belief; it is based on testability. So explain what part of Einstein's ToR leads you to believe that TT is possible. If you want some theory that may or may not support your proposition, it would behoove you to look to Feynman (this is a broad hint - Feynman's diagrams actually offer something but you have to find it).

commented: LOL - or a padded cell - either would do. +26

The Worst Question I've Ever Seen...
Go and Read Some Fairy Tale Book Bro...

commented: Did you register just to post this? Lame. -3

Who would ever thought that cars could be invented? Who would ever thought that cellphones could be invented? Who would ever thought that Computers could be invented? Who would ever thought that airplanes could be invented?

At the age where knowledge is still developing many many years has passed, who would have thought that these technologies would come as we could see them and use there usefulness right now...We didn't expect that technology would grow as big as this. Now, how could you say that time travel is impossible? Be true to yourselves... you know how much you love to travel through time... it's very obvious that you love time travel so much even though you are not telling the truth...

Who would ever thought that cars could be invented? Who would ever thought that cellphones could be invented? Who would ever thought that Computers could be invented? Who would ever thought that airplanes could be invented?

At the age where knowledge is still developing many many years has passed, who would have thought that these technologies would come as we could see them and use there usefulness right now...We didn't expect that technology would grow as big as this. Now, how could you say that time travel is impossible?

Eh. You are driving me nuts. What is your point, really? You asked if it was possible to "travel through time with the use of programming". And yet, you can't seem to postulate anything else except that "we never know what's going to happen".

Have you read articles on Einstein's ToR? As in honestly read, understood it, or taken it up in class? Because if you did, you'd see that most of what we're saying makes more sense than the "you-never-know" argument. And faith. Honestly. I'm a Christian too but if we're going to reason here saying God can do anything, then what's the point of starting this thread?

BTW. God can do anything but programmers are not God. And you asked "Is it possible to build a time machine through the use of programming?" --- and don't even say that God can work through a programmer to make time-travel possible. Because if that happened, it's God who made time-travel possible. NOT the programmer.

Be true to yourselves... you know how much you love to travel through time... it's very obvious that you love time travel so much even though you are not telling the truth...

Of course, time travel is amazing, time travel is intriguing, discussing it is fun, BUT all these things don't make time travel "possible through the use of programming". I fail to see the connection between people being interested in the concept of time travel and it being possible. Just because people like to 'dream' about it.

What is your intent, really?
[1] To discuss the amazing things we could do if time travel was possible, how interesting it is, etc or
[2] discuss if time travel is possible through programming

Because those are two really different things. :D

You started the thread with question #2 and continue to reason using #1. Logic is important in programming. So reason well.

Everybody's suppositions are somewhat like against the theory of time travel possibility, just to define it more simpler. Everybody does not believe that time travel is really existing, almost everybody. But just everybody doesn't believe in time travel, that doesn't mean that time travel does not exist..

The things that only prevail right now are suppositions like: Is time travel possible? Yes, but we don't have evidence yet but we are seeking. Is time travel possible? No, but we don't have evidence too. Either ways, no matter what suppositions that you might give still you can't prove anything with it. Realistically speaking, we just can't rely on words. Right now, all of you just gave your ideas and its fine, everybody has its own ideas and you are always free to say what you want.

Youre still not making sense. What theory are you actually trying to discuss and support with logical reasoning? My six year old daughter makes more sense then this.

Everybody's suppositions are somewhat like against the theory of time travel possibility, just to define it more simpler. Everybody does not believe that time travel is really existing, almost everybody. But just everybody doesn't believe in time travel, that doesn't mean that time travel does not exist..

Just because everyone does not believe that TT is possible does not mean it is not possible

The things that only prevail right now are suppositions like: Is time travel possible? Yes, but we don't have evidence yet but we are seeking. Is time travel possible? No, but we don't have evidence too. Either ways, no matter what suppositions that you might give still you can't prove anything with it. Realistically speaking, we just can't rely on words. Right now, all of you just gave your ideas and its fine, everybody has its own ideas and you are always free to say what you want.

Sigh! So, if you accept TT is possible, have you considered the ramifications of TT?

Question 1: Standard - Can you go back in time and kill your grandfather?
Question 2: Standard - Where are all the TT tourists?
Question 3: Standard - Everett's Many-worlds interpretation of QT suggests that if you did go back in time and changed something, it would not affect the timeline from which you came but create a brand new universe which would never interact with the one from which you came.
Question 4: Intellectual - 2nd law of thermodynamics states that entropy increases in a closed system; this universe is a closed system. If you take something back with you to give to yourself so that you can eventually return and give it to your self - there was never an instance of the creation of that object; the loop is closed with no way in or out.

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