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About Me

I am a 17 year old High school student. I live in Newcaslte, Australia. I started learning python as my first programming language just before i turned 14 and since then it became my hobby.

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Custom Built PCQ8400 quad core processorNvidia Geforce 5400 8 gigs DDR3 ramWindows 7 home premium
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614 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for The Dude
Member Avatar for Duki
Member Avatar for mattyd
Member Avatar for lllllIllIlllI

Hi i have been spending the last few days deciding on an IDE that would let me program in Java, C++ and python and notepad++ looked pretty good. The only issue is i cant work out how to make the program run once i have made it. I looked in …

Member Avatar for Kuldeep_8
Member Avatar for vegaseat

This is an example of how to use the with statement in python 3.0: [code=python] with open('test.txt') as f: print(f.readlines()) # output >> ['test'] [/code]

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for vegaseat

How about a Noughts and Crosses game with AI so when the computer can it will win and it will block the player from winning if it can. Try make it so there are difficulty setting ranging from easy to beat to nearly impossible. If you want you could add …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for AutoPython
Member Avatar for 111100/11000
Member Avatar for vegaseat

If you ever need the values of wx ID's as well as any other constants in wxPython here is a way to do it: [code=python] import wx class MainFrame(wx.Frame): def __init__ (self): wx.Frame.__init__(self,None,title = "ID's and Values", size=(400, 400)) self.text = wx.TextCtrl(self, wx.ID_ANY, style = wx.TE_MULTILINE) for f in wx.__dict__: …

Member Avatar for HiHe
Member Avatar for masterofpuppets

You really need to use [noparse][code][/code][/noparse] tags otherwise it looks messy. Also, provide a link to where you referenced things from, when referencing directly it is also a good idea to surround the text in quotation marks to indicate this is directly from a reference. Otherwise its good :)

Member Avatar for Alf1#
Member Avatar for hellohellohello

Try using the absolute path, such as "C:\\Documents and Settings\\Paul\\Desktop\\Programming\\Excel\\values.xls" Remember that the double backslash is used so there are no escape characters such as \n used accidentally. There is a way to get around that and that is putting an r in front of the first " sign. That …

Member Avatar for akiva.berger
Member Avatar for Doctor Inferno
Member Avatar for ZielonySBS

have you tried os.walk. That is a function that will iterate throught the files and sub directories of the folder you are talking about.

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Well i know this may be obvious, but Tkinter is all ready to be used in python 3. So anybody who uses that GUI toolkit will still be able to use it in python 30.

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for AutoPython

Ah, excellent. threading is a great thing to show people.... Im still stuck for another idea for a tutorial though.. Unless i do wxPython ones. I already have some of those at my site tho :P

Member Avatar for nytman
Member Avatar for jacobcarrick

heres a bit more: [code=python] running = True sent = raw_input("Enter a sentence") while running: for word in sent.split(): if word[0] in "aeiou": print word + "way" else: print word[1:] + word[0] + "ay" [/code] What i did was ask for a sentence at the start and then i split …

Member Avatar for fecaled
Member Avatar for narendran_9
Member Avatar for bobstein

os.makedirs is a really useful function. It makes all of the path that you give it. So if you gave it the path C:\Python\Test\one\two you dont already have to have the path Python, Test, one or two. This is better then os.mkdir because that doesn't work unless you have the …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for Scuppery
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hi Just download the wxPython Docs and Demos and go to the wxWidgets Reference. I think that might help.

Member Avatar for joryrferrell
Member Avatar for javaAddict

Well im voting for the scanner. Thats how i learnt and thats how i go, i dont find anything wrong with it so i stay that way.. addmitedly i really dont know a thing about Buffered Reader anyway, so it could be loads better for all i know.

Member Avatar for StephNicolaou
Member Avatar for Túrin

yeah i get this error a lot. What i do to fix it is to go Ctrl+Alt+Del and then go to processes and then stop and python process. Hope that works! :)

Member Avatar for jaclynn
Member Avatar for adkool

[QUOTE=cwarn23;1107815]Also I will add on top of that it is possible to use the Firefox adblock on Opera simply by exporting it's block list as a .txt file and add those blocked url matches (with wild cards being * ) into Operas url blocking system. And of course you can …

Member Avatar for crunchie
Member Avatar for darkfury18

Well if you want the python.exe you find it in C:\Pythonxx\python.exe If you want it to be opened by IDLE then you find that in: C:\Pythonxx\Lib\IdleLib\idle.bat If you then check "open with this every time" box then it will do that. Oh and xx is the version of python, so …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for leegeorg07

Yeah i agree, i think the best that you could do was boot into windows or something and then just start you new 'python OS' being a fullscreen gui that can do things that you want it to. But as for an actual os, it is impossible as python isnt …

Member Avatar for SamarthWiz
Member Avatar for KonkaNok

Woah, people seem easily offended today. :S But back to the topic at hand, i'm quite annoyed that is talked about how it was a mix of python C++ etc. Because i really couldn't see much of the python in it, it doesn't look like python, it compiles, unlike python …

Member Avatar for NETProgrammer
Member Avatar for AutoPython

You should probably document your code to explain what each bit is doing, like why you need the third item in the list, why it need to be converted so many times, and what getch() and msvrt are. But other then that, good snippet

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for scru

Yeah, i get this a lot with wxPython. Something on the lines of wx.App must be created first. And IDLE will not freeze, but it will not run the code again until you restart it.

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for Synthuir

AutoPython did a great tutorial on threading that has been posted in the tutorials section of this forum: [url][/url] Hopefully that clears anything up if you needed a hand :)

Member Avatar for lllllIllIlllI
Member Avatar for babug

I don't even know if i would trust Ms Paint to measure something to the nearest cm let alone to decimal places. :S

Member Avatar for Sriman_Laxmi

The End.