18 Topics

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Member Avatar for Oven

Im trying to code a lem-in project. https://github.com/01-edu/public/tree/master/subjects/lem-in Im coding in go lang. But its okay in another language tho. I can convert it to go. Me and my friends cant even solve the algorithm neither. ChatGPT is stuck and in the web i found a 800 rows of code. …

Member Avatar for toneewa
Member Avatar for Gonzalo_3

Hello. I want to start studying the Golang language but I can't find any IDE that I can configure well, can you tell me an IDE that is good for Go and how to configure it (explained for fools in Spanish), please? I have tried with Sublime, Visual Studio Code …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

Fot anyone who is a fan of the Active State Komodo IDE it is now available free and can be downloaded [here](https://www.i-programmer.info/news/90-tools/13411-activestate-komodo-ide-now-free.html). According to their blurb... >There will no longer be a fee for Komodo, the multi-language IDE for Python, PHP, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS, Node.js, Golang, Ruby, Perl, and a …

Member Avatar for krieg

The GitHub Repo is [here](https://github.com/apkrieg/foovm). This was part of a contest with someone I met on Omegle. The goal was to see who's VM could run a set of example app the fastest, the catch: We had about 24 hours to implement the solution. My language of choice was Golang, …

Member Avatar for vegaseat

Just wondering. Exploring Google's Go language, a modern day C with the Google in it.

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Member Avatar for vegaseat

A little experiment with custom sorting the result of a word frequency count using Google's Go language.

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Member Avatar for iamthwee

So it seems google's go is changing the programming landscape, well there probably were other languages out there before but the google-sphere seems to deliver more clout, people take notice. Google Go appears to have done anyway with classical OOP, especially inheritence, although it can be realised via other ways. …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for vegaseat

Just a couple of number tricks to check Go's mathematical abilities. If you have more, let's show them here.

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for vegaseat

The story has it that a few hundred years ago the ruler of a big country wanted to reward the creator of the chess game. The creator of the game simply wanted one grain of rice put on the first square of the chessboard, two grains on the second, then …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for vegaseat

Again, calculate the minimum number of bills or coins required for a given amount of money (change). This time we will use a Go map instead of a csv string converted to a structure.

Member Avatar for vegaseat

Generators are rather familiar objects in Python. Generators supply data on demand. Using Go you can create a generator with a goroutine and a channel. Here the goroutine is an anonymous function within a function, simple to implement.

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for vegaseat

Another little adventure into Go coding. This time a slice (a Go open ended array) of structures is used as a record for some data processing. For those who miss the ; at the end of a line of code, you can use them, but the lexer of the compiler …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for vegaseat

Some folks go on vacation around the Easter holidays, so it would be nice to know when Easter happens in the years ahead. I had this as a Python snippet in my "oldies, but goodies" file and translated it to Go. It was actually quite easy in this case, and …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for vegaseat

This time just a simple example of grading scores (0 - 100) with letters (A - F). Two approaches are presented, one using switch/case in an "on the fly" function, and the other uses the score as an index to a string of letters F through A.

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for vegaseat

Use Google's modern Go language (aka. golang) to convert a denary number (base 10) to a roman numeral. Just a good exercise to explore Go's map, slice, sort and for loop features. Note that in Go the **:=** is shorthand for assigning a type (by inference) and a value to …

Member Avatar for KonkaNok

So.. Google are going ahead with their 'Go' programming language - "a cross between C++ and Python". [URL="http://bit.ly/4msbSJ"]Article[/URL] [URL="http://golang.org/"]Official site[/URL] Not sure what my thoughts are on it yet. What does everyone else make of it..?

Member Avatar for NETProgrammer
Member Avatar for BobTheLob

Hey guys, it's been quite a while since i've been on here :P I'm fiddling around with the Go language. However, I'd much rather have a build script that'll compile the program for me than typing in the lines of code necessary every time: [CODE] 6g hello.go 6l hello.6 ./6.out …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for happygeek

First Google expressed an interest in the [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/20370/53/"]web browser client[/URL] market, and then the [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/26281/53/"]operating system market[/URL] and now it has launched its own open source systems programming language. [URL="http://golang.org/"]Google Go[/URL] is being touted as 'expressive, concurrent, garbage-collected' and promises to produce fast code, fast. According to Google a typical …

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The End.