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118 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for vinomashwin

[QUOTE=Secret-;766653]what u mean with ''Create a new file and name it dbConfig.php" ??[/QUOTE] Open a text editor (like notepad) and copy the code into it. Then save the file as dbConfig.php.

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for christina>you
Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Doctor Inferno

[QUOTE=stephen84s;767159]738 Who cares .... lets finish this before they know what hit 'em.[/QUOTE] LOL 740!

Member Avatar for cproger
Member Avatar for sk8ndestroy14
Member Avatar for brasileiro

If you liked WoW you'll also like runescape. It's free and you don't have to download a huge file. (Just a Java platform you download once). Basically what you do in Runescape is level up your character's combat (ranging, defense, strength, attack) and/or skills (smithing, cooking, fishing --- and loads …

Member Avatar for Maywyn
Member Avatar for Smurf_UK

Cool. (Even if I didn't ask the question) I always wondered how the check(ed)boxes are passed to the table. But is it bad practice to create a separate table that holds the checked values for all users (ie an interests table that stores userID and interestID?)

Member Avatar for Morta
Member Avatar for needhelp83
Member Avatar for eXceed69

No. In the geeky context of the geek lounge, Sun has something to do with coffees and (just recently) dolphins... Are you? (LOL)

Member Avatar for reach_yousuf
Member Avatar for The Dude
Member Avatar for The Dude
Member Avatar for kc0arf

My dad had this Japanese friend who stayed with us for some time and she taught us how to cook KOLOKE (or is it KOROKE?) It's simple and good if you're a kid. Or if you're lazy and have lots of kids to help you out. Just boil 6 medium-sized …

Member Avatar for pogson
Member Avatar for bertulfio

We have the same problem. =( You can [URL=""]read through the comments here[/URL], you'll probably see similar symptoms with your laptop. The laptop-guy also replies to each comment. =)

Member Avatar for Mr helpless
Member Avatar for samaru

Some first-time posters are confused. They're starting to think we don't want to help. To those people who are confused, [B]don't be scared. :D Of course we're willing to help[/B]. We just need 'proof' that you already spent time on this. To clear things up, here are examples of scenarios …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for miskeen

Is this what you want to do...? [code] <SELECT NAME="fruits"> <OPTGROUP LABEL="sweet"> <OPTION LABEL="melon">melon</OPTION> <OPTION LABEL="mango">ripe mango</OPTION> </OPTGROUP> <OPTGROUP LABEL="sour"> <OPTION LABEL="kiwi">Kiwi</OPTION> <OPTION LABEL="lemon">Lemon</OPTION> <OPTION LABEL="guava">Guava</OPTION> </OPTGROUP> <OPTION>Tomato</OPTION> <OPTION>Eggplant</OPTION> </SELECT> [/code] The optgroup isn't supported by old browsers though. However, they'll just ignore it and your code will still be …

Member Avatar for LaraM
Member Avatar for rainstar

Hi naveen! =) welcome to daniweb. I hope you stay here and have fun, and not just with the IT topics.. there are also good forums or posting games. Besides, I'd really love to see someone who's not a programming or computer major here. I'm feeling a bit left out …

Member Avatar for johnvitc
Member Avatar for newsguy

Maybe this is a good point for assuming that women take LONGER to get over a relationship than men. Which is why we would still care about our ex-partners. We're more 'constant' and loyal creatures. (I'd like to think) =P

Member Avatar for jamescolin
Member Avatar for happygeek

[quote]One wonders how it manages to clock up 100 million hits a year, to be frank.[/quote] It's the appeal of the lifetime servitude. Trust me. =P

Member Avatar for kanaku
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

@deepcut But if that hard-disk belongs to the US government, I'd say that my house is worth infinitesimally less than the hard disk. Besides, for people who base their lives on a computer (like most of the people in this forum), hackers are as much of a problem as housebreakers. …

Member Avatar for kanaku
Member Avatar for happygeek

I hope that prison doesn't rely on computers for its daily 'administrative' needs. Otherwise...

Member Avatar for kanaku
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

(Surprisingly) I don't enjoy reading about 'tech-based' companies failing (not even Microsoft), specially since we are a community who make our living through technology. This news isn't too good, I almost wish I didn't read it... *goes to brainwashing clinic* I still appreciate the blogger for increasing my awareness though.

Member Avatar for Techwriter10
Member Avatar for Lisa Hoover

Why would I (or anyone in this forum) do that...? We already have a couple of working pcs (and laptops) and lots of open source software for almost all our needs... Maybe MS's target for this are the consumers who are just starting out with their 'pc experience'. Perhaps you're …

Member Avatar for PcPro12
Member Avatar for happygeek

Sex probably didn't make it because it's too short (the word)... I haven't encountered someone with an 'easy' password. My friends could be security freaks...

Member Avatar for fire_munki
Member Avatar for slfisher

*hungs head in shame* I couldn't search for a proper definition (triplification) either... it seems that it has something to do with 'growth' of data? Spread of data...? No...? *eats sandwich in silence*

Member Avatar for tiger86
Member Avatar for happygeek

Wow... well aspergers or not I'm still intimidated. But I read somewhere that those who can memorize a lot of things lose the ability to attach emotions to memories... meaning they might be able to memorize all the movies by a certain producer but if you ask them what they …

Member Avatar for barneykool
Member Avatar for Lisa Hoover

I agree with you on this one... the internet is really good for finding quick answers but from experience, e-magazines don't get my full attention because (most likely) I have 8 other tabs (and 8 other tasks) open while reading the digital format. I still relish being able to 'laze …

Member Avatar for Thinka
Member Avatar for ritu_kr

What do you mean by dynamically alternate row colours? Are you generating the html for the rows dynamically? If so, you'll have to dynamically indicate the class of the rows too. Example, in your css: [CODE] .row1 {background-color: black}; .row2 {background-color: white}; [/CODE] Then in the script used to dynamically …

Member Avatar for dipak_passion
Member Avatar for cjmalloy

cj, have you tried adding a [icode]clear: right[/icode] property to the even numbered divs? and [icode]clear: both[/icode] for the xxx.

Member Avatar for dipak_passion
Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Maybe you want to work with pseudo-classes? But I think they have a sketchy implementation in IE6-7 or lower. Anyway, the only pseudo-class I've seen that might apply is the first-child pseudoclass. And there's no second-child pseudoclass. =( maybe you can use javascript and detect the 2nd element of the …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for FeralReason

When you 'float' an element, it's like you're taking it on a higher plane. (think of the page as the airport and the floated div an... err... flying airplane) Since the elements contained by the main div are all floated, the main div, in effect, has no 'content'. So all …

Member Avatar for kanaku

The End.