I am trying to create a web-based Twitter app that will print out a friend's timeline, but the Twitter API asks for username/password. How do I do the username/password authentication on the server-side without asking this from the user. Does anyone know how to do this? Is there also a way to create a dynamic app that will update inside the web page whenever a new twitter update occurs?

Here is the code:

$(document).ready(function(){      $('#response').createAppend('img', { src: 'images/twitter-32x32.png', alt: 'Loading...', id: 'loading_image'}, null);      
      $.getJSON(url, ws_results);    
      function ws_results(obj) {
      // hide the loading image
      // alternative way of displaying properties
      //    var property, propCollection = "";   
      //    for (property in obj[0].user) {   
      //     propCollection += property + "\n";      
      //    }      
      //    alert(propCollection);
            'table', { width: '600px', align:'center', border:'2', rules:'none', frame:'box', style: 'background:#FFF;' , Name: 'tableData', id: 'Tweets' }, [      
                'tr', {  }, [      
                    'th', { colspan: '2', align: 'left', style: 'background: #FFF; color: #000 ' }, [ 'img', { src: 'images/twitter-logo.jpg', align: 'left'} ]  
      // loop through items   
      for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {   
      // create table row   
      $('#Tweets').append('<tr id="row' + i + '"><\/tr>');     
          $('#row' + i).append('<td align="left" id="lcell' + i + '" style="font-size: 10pt;"><\/td>');   
          $('#row' + i).append('<td align="left" id="rcell' + i + '" style="font-size: 10pt;"><\/td>');   
              if (typeof(obj[i].user.url) == "undefined" || obj[i].user.url == '')      
              $('#lcell' + i).createAppend('img', { src: obj[i].user.profile_image_url, Name: 'ProfileImg', align: 'left', hspace: '5', alt: obj[i].user.name }, null); 
              $('#lcell' + i).createAppend('a', { href: obj[i].user.url }, [ 'img', { src: obj[i].user.profile_image_url, Name: 'ProfileImg', align: 'left', hspace: '5', alt: obj[i].user.name }, null]);        
          $('#rcell' + i).createAppend('a', { id: 'Twit', title: obj[i].user.name, href: 'http://twitter.com/' + obj[i].user.screen_name }, obj[i].user.screen_name ); 
          $('#rcell' + i).append(' ' + obj[i].text + ' ');    
          $('#rcell' + i).append('<span id="created_at">' + obj[i].created_at + '<\/span>');   
          $('#rcell' + i).append(' from ' + obj[i].source);

I don't want to ignore you but I don't know the answer either. :|

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