Facebook Acting Like a Boob, Women Say

slfisher 0 Tallied Votes 503 Views Share

A simmering Facebook controversy came to a...head?

Female Facebook users are up in....arms?

Sigh. It's hard to write about this seriously.

Today was the live and virtual nurse-in on Facebook, as a protest against the social networking site's policy forbidding pictures of nursing moms (reports vary on whether it's when the whole breast is exposed, the areola, or what). Participants were supposed to change their profile picture to show themselves nursing, while a group of women also planned to hold a live protest at Facebook headquarters, which reportedly only a handful of women attended.

According to the event's page on Facebook, some 10,000 women said they would participate, though it is not clear how many of them actually changed their profile pictures; looking at the list of RSVPs, the majority of pictures do not show nursing. The sponsoring group, "Hey, Facebook, breastfeeding is not obscene!" had 70,057 members as of Saturday night.

The whole situation started last summer, when reports began circulating that women were finding that profile pictures and other pictures showing them breastfeeding were being removed by Facebook. Some women were kicked off of Facebook as well. The "Hey, Facebook" group was formed in June to create a place to track the reports.

It is not clear why the group chose today for the event, which it said was intended to raise awareness of the situation.

One thing is for sure (and other social networking sites, take note): Facebook exacerbated the problem by making such a big stink about it in the first place. Nursing moms -- and I was one -- can be militant about their right to feed their baby wherever and whenever, and there's no better way to get us to whip one out than to tell us we can't.

tiger86 16 Posting Pro

I think that Facebook took the images under nudity and had to follow their guidelines to remove the images. They aren't saying you can't nurse your kid they just don't want the images on their site and they have the right to say what content is allowed on the site and what isn't. If I was running a social network as big as facebook I would remove images mentioned above due to the comments that could be made and the overall controversy of the subject. My question is why the heck would you want that on the internet?!? With triplification being used more and more anyone will be able to find that picture even years from now probably.

slfisher 0 Posting Whiz

What's triplification?

kanaku 60 Posting Whiz

*hungs head in shame*

I couldn't search for a proper definition (triplification) either... it seems that it has something to do with 'growth' of data? Spread of data...? No...? *eats sandwich in silence*

slfisher 0 Posting Whiz

Incidentally, LiveJournal went through this a couple of years ago as well. http://community.livejournal.com/boob_nazis/1763041.html

tiger86 16 Posting Pro

Am I the only Tim Berners-lee follower? I read about it not to long ago I think it was in Web Designer magazine and I have seen contests online about it. It is a way to get data from xml sheets you name it. At least I believe thats what I read from an official source from the w3c but I may be remembering it wrong.

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