Ineffective --> Brasil team

Brasil team --> soccer or rugby?

[oh wait - I'm getting my games mixed up - this isn't the or game - or is it?] :)

soccer or rugby? --> Exercise

exercise --> machine

machine --> A.I.

A.I--> Robot

Robot --> Terminator

Terminator--> Movie

Movie --> Popcorn

Popcorn--> Butter

Butter --> Bread

Bread --> Toast

Toast --> Knife

Knife--> Sharp

Sharp --> Blood

Blood--> Cut

Hurt--> Angst :mrgreen:

Angst --> pity party

pity party --> say what?

Say what? --> Listen

don't --> make any sense

pity party --> say what?

[gosh goldeagle, not familiar with the term "pity party" eh??? google it! ;)]

make any sense-->Get your sense

Get your senses --> dont talk nonsense

don't talk nonsense-->I don't

I don't ~> me neither ~_~

*why is it sooooooooo quiet today*


me neither-->Let's talk something else

Let's talk something else ---> Topic

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