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450 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for Duki
Member Avatar for sreein1986

This will give you the basic functionality: [code=javascript] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> var timerid = 0; var images = new Array( "image1.jpg", "image2.jpg", "image3.jpg"); var countimages = 0; function startTime() { if(timerid) { …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for bimaljr

[QUOTE=bimaljr;704109]I tried it but it only converts ASP to PHP.. and my site is based on ASP.NET 2.0 (VB based)[/QUOTE] Yeah, I'm pretty sure that is going to be way too complicated to find a widget that will do it for you since is just the framework. The code …

Member Avatar for Neo_1
Member Avatar for R0bb0b

Hello. Quick question. I have several thousand emails pulled in from several email boxes throuph php imap and I need to search each subject with an array of search terms which returns a bitmask, one bit for each index of the array. 1 = found, 0 = not found. So, …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for spiderling

I have not played with it yet, I'm sure the functionality is limited, but I think you may be able to add, insert and possibly delete pages. You may be able to do more with it too, not quite sure, but check this out [URL=""][/URL]

Member Avatar for Isaac_4
Member Avatar for R0bb0b

I am building a selenium test suite which pulls a list of tests to run and then forks those tests to multiple parallel processes. Each process needs its own connection to the database because of two reasons: one, when the child process ends the connection is closed and two, when …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for zaheerprince

Unless you want to pay an hourly rate I suggest reading this: and this: . If you have any questions about the process, those go here.

Member Avatar for zaheerprince
Member Avatar for R0bb0b

Hi, I am a PHP developer that has been put on a Java project and am trying to apply the same principles with new ones that Java provides and am stuck. I have successfully instantiated a class with a variable class name, which contains a constructer that has one parameter. …

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for debasisdas

[QUOTE=Shanti Chepuru;697086]"Fear of Suffering is Worst than Suffering itself "[/QUOTE] You can try to explain this to people until your face turns blue and they just don't get it.

Member Avatar for James_28
Member Avatar for dudegio

This is certainly not the best place to ask about desk top applications but I would probably start with something like this [URL=""][/URL]

Member Avatar for phpdeveloper123
Member Avatar for zeeshan_kust

that title's a bit deceptive huh? here is your standard join query: (by the way, try to get away from doing "select *", just gets slopy after a while) [CODE=sql] select * from table1 inner join table2 on table1.fieldname = table2.fieldname inner join table3 on table2.fieldname = table3.fieldname [/CODE] that …

Member Avatar for anson davis
Member Avatar for snadboy6371

Try uninstalling it, then going into the file system and completely removing the wamp directory and then reinstalling it. Or try installing xamp or apache2triad instead.

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for antwan1986

[QUOTE=antwan1986;702676]Hi everyone and thanks for reading! I use JavaScript to create sets of text boxes on the fly. I also have a hidden counter in a text box on the form which I also post to my PHP script. This hidden counter is how I tell PHP how many text …

Member Avatar for com00085
Member Avatar for davy_yg

K, a few things here: first, If you have purchased a hosting account from a company, I doubt that your username is going to "root" and your servername is going to be localhost. second: this line doesn't make sense: $sql=("SELECT * FROM user WHERE username='$username' and password='$encrypted_password'") or die(mysql_query); and …

Member Avatar for davy_yg
Member Avatar for R0bb0b

I am running multiple sites on one server and am tired of seeing 404s coming from missing apple-touch-icons. I am required to have 6: apple-touch-icon-57x57-precomposed.png apple-touch-icon-72x72-precomposed.png apple-touch-icon-114x114-precomposed.png apple-touch-icon-144x144-precomposed.png apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png apple-touch-icon.png Each "property" docroot I am hosting may, and probably will, have several sub-docroots all using the same apple touch icons …

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for pham.vanmanh.50

just curious, what happens when you put an exit(); after the header() call? If that doesn't solve the problem then put an exit("End"); just before the header call and then view source after you run it to see if there is any white space or characters prior to the word …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for gopi17
Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for kishoresai438

This should be done while you are filling the array not afterward, that is unless the array is auto populated through some data reading process. While you are filling the array you should be searching it for duplicate values while populating two other arrays for duped and nonduped keys. As …

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for anirban1087

check to see if you are running php in safe mode. if not you may have allow_url_fopen turned off in your php.ini file. I believe that in order to do what you are trying to do that you need to have this option turned on.

Member Avatar for R0bb0b
Member Avatar for monsterpot

[QUOTE=monsterpot;700093]Apologies first if this is covered elsewhere - I searched but could not find. I am looking for a way to search the web for the presence of a JavaScript code snippet within the HTML <body> of a web page. I would specify the code snippet and send the bot …

Member Avatar for aqeel.mmd
Member Avatar for thomasjc

Here's one way [CODE=PHP]<select name="selLanguage"> <? while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { ?> <option <? if($row['langid'] == $userslangid) { echo 'selected="selected" '; } ?>value="<? echo $row['langid']; ?>"><? echo $row['langname']; ?></option> <? } ?> </select>[/CODE]

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for umcookeg

I would use an ajax call to the following script. [code=php]$allowedfuncs = array([allowed function calls]) if(in_array($_get['funccall'], $allowedfuncs)) { $func = $_get['funccall']; $output = $func(); // This calls $_get['funccall']() echo $output; } else { exit(); } /* functions go here */[/code] //Or something along those lines. Don't see a need for …

Member Avatar for rajeevphp2011
Member Avatar for rkayd

Use jquery and ajax, then on saveBroserSizeSession.php you can save the dimensions to session and use them throughout your website. [CODE=javascript] function sendBrowserSize() { var myWidth = 0, myHeight = 0; if( typeof( window.innerWidth ) == 'number' ) { //Non-IE myWidth = window.innerWidth; myHeight = window.innerHeight; } else if( document.documentElement …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for allena

I am not a Java developer so I may be speaking out of turn here, but don't you have to install Java on the local machine in order to run it? If that's the case then can you actually classify it as a server side language?

Member Avatar for umorenpaul
Member Avatar for R0bb0b

I am trying to do a simple focus() on mobile. Actually I am using an iphone simulator, but from what I can tell, I am not the only one having this issue but I cannot find a solution. Is there something that I can use instead with jquery? This works …

Member Avatar for veledrom

You are going to have to stick this part: [CODE=php] <?php if ($_POST["Submit"] == "Add") { ....inserting data in here } ?> [/CODE] at the top so that you don't leave any white space before the opening <?php tag. Then after your mysql_query use a the header() function. [CODE=php] header("location: …

Member Avatar for tarun305
Member Avatar for kuldeep04

I'm reading that the way to go on this is PDFlib-PDI, I cannot give you any examples as I have only worked with pdflib, not pdi.

Member Avatar for sdjewani
Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for abs0lut01

without cron the only way would be from a page that is accessed from the web. You would probably have to keep a log of successful mail events and use an if statement in one of your more visited pages. In the if statement you would use the date() function …

Member Avatar for hostobtain
Member Avatar for ptara1

I would do something like this. It's not yet debugged. [CODE=php] <?php $arrQueryParts = array(); $arrQueryParts["age"] = ""; $arrQueryParts["sex"] = ""; $arrQueryParts["hair"] = ""; $arrQueryParts["Dress"] = ""; foreach($arrQueryParts as $key=>&$value) { $strVarName = $key . "F"; if(strtolower($$strVarName) != 'no preference') { $arrQueryParts[$key] = " " . ucwords($key) . "='" . …

Member Avatar for R0bb0b

The End.