I have got wamp server installed i was running perfectly but now suddenly it is nt starting it is showing loading process. I have uninstalled it and again installed still same problem... plz help me

Have a look at the logfiles. maybe you can find the reason in there. If wamp is unable to start one of the services, it will appear hanging.

Try uninstalling it, then going into the file system and completely removing the wamp directory and then reinstalling it. Or try installing xamp or apache2triad instead.

i think on window u have to stop IIS and then start your xampp or wamp

I have the same problem...it stuck to color orange....plz help me..

Try to execute the exe of apache & mysql.
Go to "C:\wamp\bin\apache\Apache2.2.17\bin" ,then run "httpd.exe" and go to "C:\wamp\bin\mysql\mysql5.5.8\bin\" run "mysql.exe" .

mine use to do that all the time and i would just reset the ports and everything would be fine again. in mamp its just preferences>ports should be similiar to wamp

Go to control panel -> administrative tools -> services ->SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services) then you just stop the SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services) service then restart the wamp server then it automatically orange icon turns to green for more info just it out <a href="http://www.coderetina.com/port-80-used-by-microsoft-httpapi2-0-wamp-apache-error-fixed/">http://www.coderetina.com/port-80-used-by-microsoft-httpapi2-0-wamp-apache-error-fixed/</a> thanks


May I know what is your operating system derivatives? Is it windows 8? If possible run it as administrator.

Run the WAMP, never mind if it does not start. press alt+ctrl+del ==>click on the task manager.. look for the Apache, mysql, phpMyAdmin ( there should be some application running similar to this).. If you don't see it.. close the task manager.

On your desktop, right click on the wamp shortcut icon, select properties=>click on compatibility tab=>scroll down and then tick => run as administrator.

If you are running windows 8 , flick on the right hand side corner of the screen, touch search icon, type wamp. On the search result shown on the left, single tap wamp, in the bottom of the screen double tap on the "run as administrator".. Your case might be different if you don't have a touch screen. Replace the flicking and tapping with clickings instead.

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