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I'm a Nethack and MUD addict.
- Interests
- c++, linux, flash, D&D, fencing, reading, and video games.
- PC Specs
- dv6000t hp pavilion laptop 15.4 inch shiny screen 100 gb 5400 rpm SATA 2 gb RAM 256 (128 mb dedicated…
378 Posted Topics
Re: try: [code] #include "SDL/SDL.h" [/code] | |
Re: use acronis or just boot up with a live cd (gentoo is good) and partition your disks. | |
I use the g++ compiler for linux and i am trying to link allegro. how do i link allegro with g++? | |
Re: heres one (I do not know what it is called. My friend and I were having a competition who could make the fastest sqrt algorithm, so this is mine): [code=c++] double sqrt(double num) { double mod=1; double c=0; for(int d=0; d<50; c+=mod, d++) if(c*c>num) { c-=mod; mod/=10; } return c; … | |
Re: >but just out of curiosity. i used to be a christian myself and we both know that he is a very strict patriach. how are you going to explain yourself to him? Lets assume a god does exist. And lets assume this god is intelligent. In fact lets assume I … | |
Re: >The crappy logo: >lol they had to ban the advert because it gave people seizures It's positively disgusting... Are the trying to make it look like graffiti? | |
Re: [quote=narue] >system("cls"); Brilliant. So what happens if I replace the Windows cls with my own malicious cls? You've just given me control, thanks! This is what's called a back door, and you left it wide open by using an insecure technique. [/quote] Only because the people at redmond are morons … | |
| |
Re: You know the Unix Haters Handbook is a much of crap! That c stuff is obviously false, and later that the creators of unix made it as a joke! (if this is actually true I am very sorry ;-) | |
Re: From now on lets use lisp synatx! (* (+ 69 43 23 (- 30 34) 34) | |
Re: it was pretty cool. Sandman was sooo lame, the green goblin (isn't he supposed to be called the "hobgoblin"....) did not look like a goblin or a hobgoblin. Spiderman was cool until he gave up his black stuff, venom was pretty lame. | |
Re: I think an oligarchy is the best balance of efficiency and intelligence. If America had an oligarchy campaign ads would be unnecessary, and all people of merit could be elected. (not just white male millionaires) | |
Re: The gp2x is the best! I can play chrono trigger PSX games, PS1 games, MAME, GBA, GBC, win95(seriously), Dos, whatever. I can play almost every game ever made! | |
Re: Maybe the US shouldn't be responsible for feeding people in Africa. After all, Americans pay taxes to the US government, not Africans. | |
Re: >You're punished in a way that's representative of the value of the product you've stolen and the value of the product is the listed price. Software "piracy" is not theft. Theft means to "deprive someone of property by taking it." A"pirate" is not depriving the creator of any property he … | |
Re: You should probably try.9.53, not the ancient version packaged with Ubuntu. | |
Re: [quote=Killer_Typo] It is hard to write an OS (i would assume) that requires the support of nearly every peiece of software / hardware developed. [/quote] Thats no excuse for being unstable. Linux supports the more pieces of hardware than any other OS ever made and it is extremely stable. | |
Re: yes (now I can prove it!) Do you like like gnu emacs?(vs the all the other HERETICAL text editors) | |
Re: you need to pass assoc an associated list of cons'd cells. For example: [CODE] > (assoc 'foo '((foo . bar) (baz . blub) (oof . zab))) (foo . bar) [/CODE] | |
Re: >That's incorrect, there is more software available for Windows than for any other operating system. I'm dubious. | |
Re: You could try opening up the computer and removing and putting back the cmos battery on your motherboard. | |
The End.