Is there a way to speed up Debian 4.0 access to my dsl internet? It seems like 15 or 20 seconds before the lights start flashing on my modem after I click my mouse.


USB or Ethernet modem?


Have you tried disabling ipv6?

Sturm Have you tried disabling ipv6?

Just getting started with Debian and crossing over from windows recently. Not familiar with ipv6. What is it and why should I want to disable it?


Ok if you use firefox: type about:config in the address bar, then search ipv6 and you should get some variable called ipv6Disabled or something of that sort. Set it to true.

If your not using firefox than add the lines:

alias net-pf-10 off
alias ipv6 off

to /etc/modprobe.conf

Thanks, In Debian 4.0 the default browser is Iceweasel. I think that it is the same as Firefox. I will try your suggestions both ways. IW looks and feels just like FF so I haven't changed over. I use FF in all the other puters that I use.

yeah debian use iceweasel due to licencing

i think there essentially the same though

Ok if you use firefox: type about:config in the address bar, then search ipv6 and you should get some variable called ipv6Disabled or something of that sort. Set it to true.

If your not using firefox than add the lines:

alias net-pf-10 off
alias ipv6 off

to /etc/modprobe.conf

Thank you, it worked for me!

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