What's up fools? That's right.. I'm back! This is just a pointless thread for all of my followers to praise me.

Ancient Dragon commented: For your signature -7
jwenting commented: fool -4
Ezzaral commented: And you haven't learned a damn thing. -2

Hey what the hell is with my title being "Banned" ?

commented: We figured it'd be too much work to just change it back for a couple of days ;-) +15

ah, you didn't say that, no you didunt

Hello Josh.


abuse reported.

Hey what the hell is with my title being "Banned" ?

You know the rules Josh, and you know that this really is your final chance to play by them.

So, use offensive language in your signature and it will be deleted, you will get infracted and ultimately banned again unless very careful indeed.

Hopefully that is as clear as it needs to be!

thanks for that happygeek

So I have a banning within the hour at ... 9:1. Do us proud.

Hey, I dont see it in the rules about not being able to write "Fuck" in your sig. Sounds to me like someone needs to do a better job of writing the rules... and censoring those words in sigs.

Im getting a strong feeling that you aren't going to be part of this community for much longer. :icon_neutral: Why don't you just do yourself and everybody else a favour and follow the rules... for once.

joshSCH attitude toward this forum did not change. After strolling around and being rude he was once again banned.

commented: yoohoo +18

Hah! how long did that last ?? a few hours ??


All hail joshSCH

In my youth, me and bud sang most of the words to "help I am a Rock" from Frank Zappa's Freak Out album then went into a double inverse moon (directions - drop you pants and stand back to back to someone else who has, lock elbows and bend over - this lifts your partner up onto your back with her legs straight up and her crack lined up with mine). Unfortunately, there was no youtube or internet so we never became famous.

thats the spirit


OK, I will advice all drop mocking. I'm sorry for Josh that he did not learn anything and come back just have another rant of his own to get forum headlines. If you care for negative attention that is your problem, but we don't want you here.
Hope the message is clear to all...

*TEST* *TEST* Has the KING truly been unbanned again? Muhahahaa.

*TEST* *TEST* Has the KING truly been unbanned again? Muhahahaa.

Let me guess, you must be from Texas?

OOOH! Look how smart Ene is! He can read a profile!! Congrats, Ene.

commented: dick -7

Hey Josh. Yeh back again?

Hey Josh. Yeh back again?

Not for long -- he's been banned again too :) :) :) And this time probably permanently.

doesn't matter.. there is a lot of ways to reg... log on this site..

>> Not for long -- he's been banned again too And this time probably permanently.
Heh. What for this time? There's normally a (n amusing) good reason.

banned, again.

commented: yay +0
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