#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
const float originalPrice = 50;
const float markedupRate = 10;
const float cTaxRate = 4;
int main()
cout << "Enter the original price: ";
float originalPrice;
cin >> originalPrice;
cout << "Enter the marked up rate(percent) : ";
float markedupRate;
cin >> markedupRate;
cout << "Enter sales tax : ";
float cTaxRate;
cin >> cTaxRate;
float sellingPrice = originalPrice * markedupRate;
float taxAm = sellingPrice * cTaxRate;
float total = sellingPrice + taxAm;
cout << "Enter q and then Enter to quitt --> "; //
char dummy;
cin >> dummy;
// Wait for input
return 0 ;
what am I doing wrong