"do you have a dollar i can borrow? i'll pay you tomorrow"

The check's in the mail.

"Iraq's got WMDs"
"It'll only take a minute"
"Just one more drink"

and the greatest of all:
"of course that dress doesn't make you look fat"

"No, it's not you.. it's me"

(This one I got from Seinfeld :D)

"i did it for us"

"it wasn't me"

'I would never do that, would I?'

"i can stop drinking/smoking/doping whenever i want to"

"It's Bush's fault".

"i promise it's all gonna be fine"

"I'm ok."

i dont know what you are talking about...

"i swear it was right there!!"

OJ did it. (Jay Leno's big lie)

Hi! I'm from the government, and I'm here to help you.

Global warming is caused by man (on Earth and on Mars).

It's safer to ride bicycles on sidewalks.

Homosexuality is hereditary.

Higher taxes help the economy.

Government can create jobs.

Politicians know what they are doing.

"i'm innocent!!! i swear!!!"

"i promise... *crossing fingers*"

I'm not sure it's world famous, but there's this one.

"These aren't my pants!" (Commonly uttered by crooks who've just been caught with the evidence in their pockets.)

I'm not sure it's world famous, but there's this one.

"These aren't my pants!" (Commonly uttered by crooks who've just been caught with the evidence in their pockets.)

LOL And do you know that from personal experience :)

LOL And do you know that from personal experience :)

sure does... :D

OJ did it. (Jay Leno's big lie)

Well, OJ DID do it (if you're referring to the brutal murder of his wife).
It's only because he's black and a celebrity that he got off.

Hi! I'm from the government, and I'm here to help you.

Always good to see Reagan quoted. That's one of his best statements, when he said that the most dangerous thing you could ever hear was "I'm from the government and I'm here to help you".

It's safer to ride bicycles on sidewalks.

Safer than what? I'm pretty sure it's safer than swimming in a tank with a swarm of piranhas for example, or sunning on a riverbank of the Zambezi river (famous for its maneating crocodiles).

Government can create jobs.

Politicians know what they are doing.

The government is excellent at creating jobs. Not that the people holding those jobs are very productive, but they are jobs.
Now if the statement mentioned that the government can create economic value, that would be wrong.

And politicians know full well what they're doing. They're filling their own pockets and increasing their personal power.

"Read my lips, no new taxes!"

"As governor of Texas, I have set high standards for our public schools, and I have met those standards."

"I threw away all my medals"
"I did not have sex with that woman"
"It's all for the children"
"Islam is the religion of peace"

'Hey, I am not here seeking ready made code.'

"I did try my best.'

'Our teacher sucks, she doesn't teach us anything'.

'The above code is working fine except a small problem.'

'I love my clients, they are so co-operative.'

'My project manager is really a nice guy.'

Homosexuality is hereditary.

haha, i know that comes under a lie but well duh i mean how could it be hereditray (ok, guy has baby with woman then decides he's gay - shut up smartass :P )

haha, i know that comes under a lie but well duh i mean how could it be hereditray (ok, guy has baby with woman then decides he's gay - shut up smartass :P )

yes, but at the instant he had sex with a woman then he was not gay.. his genes changed the moment he decided to be gay :D

..obviously there is some controversy as to whether homosexuality is a choice or 'genetic'.

'Hey, I am not here seeking ready made code.'

"I did try my best.'

'Our teacher sucks, she doesn't teach us anything'.

'The above code is working fine except a small problem.'

'I love my clients, they are so co-operative.'

'My project manager is really a nice guy.'

rofl... i loved these ones... they're soo full of crap... :P

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