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programming, anime, knitting, going in circles on the Internet
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789 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for The Dude
Member Avatar for Duki

I'll either have pasta or leftover pizza for dinner. And probably some Scotch afterwards, though maybe Vodka+lemonade...

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Lardmeister

For me it's been school, but I've spent a lot more time there than any of the others... :P

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for mattyd
Member Avatar for Duki

The one problem I see is that you can't compare floating point numbers directly. Here's a re-write with slightly different logic (you can keep yours if you want, they're about the same) and a better way to compare the doubles: [code] #include <cmath> #include <limits> triangleType triang(double a, double b, …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for samaru

> That's a pretty sudden switch. Aren't both Onegai Teacher and Onegai Twins romantic comedies? Lol, yeah they are :P [URL=""]here[/URL]'s the list I keep track of things on. Easier to pull this out than to remember all the series I like... :P

Member Avatar for thompsonmax
Member Avatar for rugae

Also, strcmp will tell you the relative ordering of the strings rather than simply if they are equal, if you needed that as well.

Member Avatar for Nikolay_2
Member Avatar for Shane_Warne

The reason cp -r source/*.h is not working is because you've only told it to look at .h files. For that reason, it doesn't copy the child directory (since it's not a .h file itself), much less its contents (though [I]they[/I] may be .h files).

Member Avatar for davidchengnoc
Member Avatar for smapira

Most companies (at least around here) don't worry about your expertise in any particular language but how you solve problems. Like ProgrammersTalk said, go through a lot of practice problems, and try to always come up with the most efficient solution. Have a good grasp of algorithms and how to …

Member Avatar for Theirligh
Member Avatar for Covinus

If you're copying something, you need to allocate memory and then copy the appropriate values in. When dealing with strings, however, there's several library functions that'll help you along the way: [code]char* a = "hello world"; char* b; b = strdup(a); // allocates and makes a copy of a // …

Member Avatar for Tuyen
Member Avatar for johnray31

A double pointer has two basic meanings. One is of a pointer to a pointer, where changing the value of double pointer will result in the original pointer being changed. Another is that of a two-dimentional array, such as a matrix, or a list of char* (e.g. in main when …

Member Avatar for Bharat_1
Member Avatar for >shadow<
Member Avatar for ndeniche

"Iraq's got WMDs" "It'll only take a minute" "Just one more drink" and the greatest of all: "of course that dress doesn't make you look fat"

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for Lardmeister

[quote=Lardmeister;455665]President Bush may not know how to pronounce "nukilar" correctly, but he knew all about carbondioxide net usage of the USA, in contrast to Al Gore.[/quote] :D Finally, I've found someone who understands... There's also potentially severe economic affects that may have come into play by signing the Kyoto Protocol... …

Member Avatar for sneekula
Member Avatar for steveincolorado

I don't see the reason for the 3rd loop [code]for(int k = 0; k < 14; k += 2) cout << endl; [/code] You'll be outputting 7 newlines between rows of stars... is that what you meant to do?

Member Avatar for maaz0088
Member Avatar for ingeborgdot@yah

Just to give you an idea, my laptop has a 100GB hard drive (well, 87 after marketing scams and a recovery partition), and with Vista Ultimate, VS 2008 Team Suite, Office 2007 Ultimate, a handful of other small programs and about 25GB of music I still have 15GB left over.

Member Avatar for alexloubert
Member Avatar for OurNation
Member Avatar for dudegio

Out of curiosity, why do you need to port it to C#? Why not just use VB.NET for the code base? That said, you'll probably want to just make a table and format/fill it according to your needs.

Member Avatar for LiDmX
Member Avatar for dannyfang

[quote=mkadwa;286277]BTW, I must admit that this code is really crappy. Today, a developers time is MORE valuable than memory or CPU processing speed; thus, always write easy to read maintainable code![/quote] Unfortunately, developers still do have to worry to some extent about CPU and memory usage. Thinks like memory leaks …

Member Avatar for Sokurenko
Member Avatar for DeViAnT\gAmEr

First guess would be that your PATH environment variable is screwed up. If you go to Start, right click Computer, select properties, hit the Advanced System Settings link, and then hit the Environment Variables button, you should be able to find the Path. Make sure it's not empty.

Member Avatar for maymonaise
Member Avatar for aripaka

[quote=planetxmail;386957]However, we can not dismiss microsoft for what it has gave to computers. If anything Microsoft has taught us this... Do not allot a single company so much power else single CEO's chairmen and Executives that do not code anything get insanely rich.[/quote] If it were only the coders who …

Member Avatar for itexamstube
Member Avatar for pyro 214

[quote=Ancient Dragon;314174]40-60K is only starting salary. professionals with experience can often get a lot more than that. On the west coast (USA) you could easily get double that amount -- of course you will need it because it will cost tripple to live there :)[/quote] Yes, here on the west …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for fesago90

[quote=~s.o.s~;313027]LF or newline is a character which belongs to the ASCII character set. Is priting out characters using streams non portable ? Cit any one situation which showcases its non portability....[/quote] Newlines on some systems are done with \r, \n, or \r\n (I forget which goes with which). Hence, non-portable.

Member Avatar for seanwalsh1984
Member Avatar for spice

[quote=jbennet;312563]i hate ubuntu server sudo on a server is dumb it teaches bad practice[/quote] Why exactly is sudo so bad? It seems to me like the usual FUD people throw around with goto statements...

Member Avatar for stgb
Member Avatar for Duki
Member Avatar for Serunson

[quote=Narue;355442][URL][/URL] My favorite is definitely "Good-Bye Days" from that album.[/quote] I tried to listen to the samples, but they seem to be for IE only... :'(

Member Avatar for blackcathacker
Member Avatar for viperman224

[QUOTE=jbennet;505393]i read in a MSDN blog about a C#.NET based system.[/QUOTE] Probably similar to Sun's approach wherein they had a small bootloader (written in C, IIRC) which would load the JRE and then treat the JRE as the OS

Member Avatar for davidkeeler63
Member Avatar for Shruthi_R

[quote=rmaheshmsc;432130]hey use the following code in the web.config file in u r application <session timeount="10000" /> Where 10000 in minutes......[/quote] Not only did you change units between your posts (from seconds to minutes), but you blatantly ignored the post describing why this method would be ineffective. :icon_rolleyes:

Member Avatar for prashantprof
Member Avatar for anti_genius

The End.