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About Me

I'm Alex, I'm 17. I like to build, fix and maintain my website, Some of my other hobbies include working on my car, moding my computer, working on my server etc.

PC Repair, Web Design, Custom PCs
PC Specs
P4 3.2 w/HT 1MB L2, 2 gigs of dual channel DDR400, 1.7 terrabytes, 18x dvd-burner, Asus P4P800SE mobo,…

134 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for turtle10

mine says windows is shuting down and stuff but I have to hit the power button it's like with windows 95 and 98 it says "it's now safe to turn off your computer"

Member Avatar for jirachifans
Member Avatar for richh

I just got one in for repair. Man, that was the worst machine I have ever worked on what a pain. The one I recieved for repair has a high-pitch power supply whine and clicks every now and then. E-machines put cheap power supplys in their computers. Try puting in …

Member Avatar for CONFUSEDhuh
Member Avatar for Suze

5 and 1/2 years old sounds like it could be a pentium 2 possibly a pentium 3. I have no experience with AMD so if its AMD i'm not sure what it would be. But depending on much RAM (random access memory) and hard drive space you have I'd go …

Member Avatar for vrabie
Member Avatar for viperman224

I have an ATI 3D rage II+dvd video/tv tuner card. I think it's and older card but its ok for what I need it for does any one know where I can get the program to view TV through it. I don't need the driver windows 2000 pro finds it. …

Member Avatar for mike1563414
Member Avatar for viperman224

I'm not sure if this is the right spot to put this. I was wondering how would you create and operating system like linux or windows or novell. What programs would you use. I've always wondered how it was done. I would love to learn to create my own.

Member Avatar for davidkeeler63
Member Avatar for bluedos82

I had a machine that did this once I was getting ready to do a slide show for my sister's 6th grade graduation and at the time I did not have a laptop. I got up to the school with my mom and tried to boot the machine I got …

Member Avatar for rishabjainb
Member Avatar for dakungfumasta

ok heres what you can try: A: pull the cover off the pc and look at all your fans and make sure no wires are being sucked in to them. B:make sure none of them have tons of dust on them. C: if there not ball bearing replace 'em broken …

Member Avatar for avi4ya
Member Avatar for viperman224

i'm not sure if this in the right spot but can someone tell me What is a .torrent file? and how can you open it? thanks

Member Avatar for rushdan
Member Avatar for viperman224

Is it possible to make a very simple game with C++? any good sites to read up on how to do it? I have a program called Dev-C++. any kind of tips or code that i should know? I'm am just a noob at C++. I wish to play with …

Member Avatar for nrfae91
Member Avatar for Billj12901

I have never had a problem with any asus board other then the one my dad fried because he got a faulty power supply. I have been running and asus p2b-f and an asus p2b mobo and never had a problem with either. my dad is running a asus p3vx …

Member Avatar for jarade
Member Avatar for guru20

sounds like the processor may have been nocked out of place. Brought my computer to do a slide show once before I got a laptop and I got up there and there was no video and I couldn't figure it out. I pulled the cover off and the processor had …

Member Avatar for W1ND0W5
Member Avatar for mmurphy

is this computer one you built or bought? how old is it? if it is one you built and its not that old try pulling the cover off and make sure the cables are connected correctly the IDE cable will have a red stripe showing pin one on it. the …

Member Avatar for pepe6
Member Avatar for viperman224

Hey All, I'm working on a project. I am trying to figure out how far my G-Band Linksys router will reach. I was wondering what I would use to measure the distance. Is there any software out there? Or could I just go and use a long measuring tape and …

Member Avatar for Bubba-H
Member Avatar for viperman224

does anyone know how to make animated logos, pictures, or .gif files? what program do you have to use to create them?

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Martian

First, Shut the computer down and unplug it from the wall. Then remove the PC's cover. Next find a free bay (under or above the cd-rom inplace now) You can have two cd-roms depending on the machine and what other drives you curently have. Open the box the drive came …

Member Avatar for 5555
Member Avatar for javierjan

Just go to ebay and search T22 I usually get 13 pages or so of parts, accessories etc.

Member Avatar for dmaconthe1
Member Avatar for Frazie

try checking the processor I had a PIII 450 come up with no video and I pulled the cover and my processor was lose

Member Avatar for winswim
Member Avatar for Blue29

I am not a real big fan of HP for personal reasons and for the way their machines are built. I had an HP pavilion 7850 come in for repair. The power supply was a wopping 124 watts (sarcasim) which is bad. It got spiked during a lightning storm. A: …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for viperman224

I just recieved a computer from a friend. It is a PII 300mhz with 64 megs of ram, 3.2 gig hard drive. My question is how do I identify my motherboard. I have a feeling it is a very good board. It has an Award Modular Bios v4.51PG (29-may-1998), on-board …

Member Avatar for MARIK
Member Avatar for viperman224

Ok, I have a microsoft office class at school and had to make a power point. Long story short, I want to add it to my webpage so that it will automaticly play within the site when the link is clicked on. How do I go about doing this? thanks

Member Avatar for Mashka
Member Avatar for bluedos82

check the power plugs on your drives. i bought a cheap case at a trade show for 27$ w/ a 300 watt psu and free case fan and the power supply was nothing but problems. the pluags wore out and I ended up buy a nice 100$ case at a …

Member Avatar for duckbert
Member Avatar for Zoonami

Don't buy an HP. I personally cannot stand them. I have worked on a few of them and HP Pavilion and an HP vectra. The Pavilion had a really small power supply unit (PSU) which got hit in a lightning storm and taged out the PSU, the motherboard and the …

Member Avatar for emsvoidcb
Member Avatar for viperman224

Hey All, Wow, it's been a long time since I last posted. Anyways, I have an HP ZV6000 series notebook PC. I received it from a friend and it had several keys missing on the keyboard and was typing funny. I decided to change the keyboard. I ordered a brand …

Member Avatar for forumdude123
Member Avatar for viperman224

I found a file in apache that would allow me to change the domain name. I changed it. (IE. [url][/url]) but it did not work. How can I create my own host name in apache? I know this is similar to my previous post. Sorry. thanks

Member Avatar for DimaYasny
Member Avatar for njwnews

[QUOTE=Tekmaven]How much money do you have? Windows 2000 Server - which is an old operating system and has been replaced by Windows Server 2003. If you can afford Server 2003, then go for it - its very easy to use, and will do a better job then Linux will ever …

Member Avatar for DimaYasny
Member Avatar for sethro

did you make sure to detect the 120 gig hard drive in the bios? sometimes it will automaticly find it but sometimes you have to boot the computer and before the monitor turns you press f1 delete or even on some bioses f2 this will bring you into the bios(basic …

Member Avatar for thejtothek
Member Avatar for viperman224

I have an old acer computer lying around It's got a AMD K6 300 in it with 64megs of ram and a 6.5 gig hard drive. My friend showed me this really cool game called HALO by microsoft. I wanted to know how to setup a game server either on …

Member Avatar for TheNNS
Member Avatar for viperman224

I think I posted a similar thread berfore. I now have a PIII 733MHz EB, 256megs of ram, 60 gigs of hard drive space and an Asus motherboard. I downloaded and installed the Halo dedicated server software from microsoft. I can install it and start it without a hitch. However, …

Member Avatar for Cyberxn
Member Avatar for viperman224

I am thinking about upgrading my computer. I am an Intel guy normally but I wouldn't mind trying an AMD. I also like ASUS a lot. But I would not be opposed to trying another brand. What combination of RAM( I need atleast 512), Processor (I need atleast a 2.0 …

Member Avatar for kickers92
Member Avatar for mitchdawg22

i don't have surrond sound but i have an optimus karoke (sp?) machine it's a discontinued model. I have a sound blaster 128 bit pci sound board I also have a cable with a portable cd-player head phone plug at one and 2 others i have no idea what they …

Member Avatar for ehfr

The End.