For my christmas present I was given a computer upgrade.
The system is built around a ECS L7S7A2 mother board running 333 DDR 512 MGB of RAM and using an AMP 2600 2.1gig processor. According to the specs of the motherboard there should not be any problems. However, the from the begining my efforts have been twarthed. At first the system would simply power up the power off. Eventually we were able to get the system to stay running but were getting the "beeps" so we changed the memory out and the system was running again with out the beep. So we went to hook up the video GF FX 5200 256MGB AGP card and were not getting a bio screen at all. It is completely blank. I can hear the processor and the HD spinning. The fan on the CPU and the Video card are both working. I know the video card is not bad as I am using it in my old system at this moment. We tried using a standard PCI video card no luck on that either.
I am at a complete and utter loss. Any help would be greatly appreciated.