I have a burn mark on my screen, and it seems to get bigger and bigger. I don't know why it's there. I know about ghosting, but my screen saver is usually running if my computer is idle. The only thing I can think of, is how I run it all the time. It's a laptop, and I use it for everything: gaming, programming etc. It stays pretty hot because it's on about 6-8 hours a day.

Any suggestions/comments?

Are you sure it's a burn mark? LCDs don't have phosphor burn-in.

Is there any way you can take a picture of the screen and post it here?

I think the screen is going bad. My mom just got a new digital camera, and as soon as I can, I'll get a picture of it.

I still don't have a picture, but I contacted Dell and got an email pretty quick. They said they were sending me a new LCD screen...No questions asked. That's what you call top notch tech support.

Alex, here's a picture of what was going on. It's more prominent than it looks, but you can tell what's going on:

Well, I had a picture but it's not letting me post it.

Often sunlight or extreme cold can damage an LCD screen. Injury to the seal can also let air in, damaging the screen.

Is it LCD as magnets can damage CRT'S - e.g speakers

Being a laptop, I would wager so, unless running an outboard monitor as I plan to do with mine.
Does the image look like a dark splotch, so to speak?

Yeah. It was kind of like a dark splotch. It got darker and darker as time went on, and then another one showed soon after. But I emailed dell and they had a rep come out and replace it...so that was good.

Well, besides a nasty, but small scratch on my dated IBM LCD, there is also a thumb sized, dark circle 'splotch' as well, but the whole time I have owned it, never got worse. For a time when my friend had it during MN winter months, it developed nasty horizontal lines and I thought it was 'toast'. However, later, when I was back to using it... it cleared up rather quickly...might have been temp or stored near magnet that effected it. How long did that process take?

Another thing I just noticed was while trying a suggested remedy of rubbing the screen area to try to 'wake' dead pixels, though caution is suggested....didn't help my new monitor but showed a difference in reaction vs doing the same to the older IBM screen...tracing my finger around the screen showed a wrinkling affect, much like a water surface that disappaited as you moved the pressure away.
The Mits LCD panal is not prone to this affect

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